Chapter 5: "I'm The Bad Guy"

"Where'd everyone run off to?" I asked Eclipse as I passed him. I was walking towards the cabin in search of my friends. I wanted to apologize to Carter, for everything.

Eclipse stopped at looked down at me. Without another second thought, he got down on his knees and hugged me around my stomach.

"Carla, they left," Eclipse cried into my stomach. I started to run my fingers through his black hair to help soothe him.

"What do you mean they left?" I asked.

Hannah came sprinting towards me. His mechanical horse was following behind her, "Carla, the wolf, lion, and other horse are gone!"

"Mother trucker," I whispered under my breath. My voice was demanding and vicious sounding, "Track them NOW."

Hannah stood in place for a second.

"Go!" I screamed.

"Yes Hena," Hnnah said with a little bow. She jumped onto the back of the horse and raced back to headquarters. I turned my earpiece on and pushed Eclipse off of me.

"Carla what's wrong?" Eclipse asked.

"We need to get to them before the Cachions catch them," I told him. His face hardened.

I instantly shifted into a lioness and stretched. It had been so long since I had been in this form.

"We have a problem," Hannah's voice came from my earpiece.

"What is it Hannah?" I asked as I took off towards the high wall. Eclipse was in wolf form close on my tail.

"Their trackers are off," Hannah sighed. Her voice cracked and I heard soft cries over the earpiece.

"Mother trucker, oh my gosh," I growled frustratedly, "what about vitals?"

"All are flatlined," Hannah cried, "Carter's is slow," Hannah added.

I kept running, trying to run faster than my thoughts.

"Turn his tracker on now," I growled.

"I'm trying to hack the system," Hannah answered.

"Nathan!" I screamed.

"Yeah?" Nathan asked.

"Turn all trackers on," I told him softly.

A few seconds later, Hannah's soft voice came over the com, "North of you, exactly north."

I jumped the fence in one leap and ran as fast as possible northward.

Ten minutes later I finally got to the massacre scene.

Well what would've been a massacre scene.

Blood splattered the grounds and everyones watches were scattered among the short, forest grass.

Eclipse shifted down beside me and picked up a watch. I shifted down as he showed me the watch.

"They were cut off." Eclipse dropped the watch in realization. "This is a trap."

I looked at him with tears running down my eyes. I managed to just get a whisper out, "Run."

But it was too late.

Eclipse took a step and then collapsed into the grass. Blood started seeping from unseen wounds. I fell to the ground beside him and placed my hand on his ankle, healing him as fast as they were attacking him.

A gunshot rang out. My head darted to the trees where I saw one tall Cachion standing. He had dark brown hair and almost glowing green eyes. The sun was going down so the only other thing I could pick out was that he was wearing a black leather jacket.

"Atarah Ariella," the man said in a dark, sinister voice. He walked proudly over to the two of us. Taking in a deep breath I stood to my feet, keeping my ankle touching Eclipse's to ensure I was still healing him.

The man's eyes glowed brighter as he looked intensely at me. An invisible weight started to crush at my chest, making it hard to breathe.

I showed no ailment as I stood strongly, healing Eclipse.

"Where is my family," I growled through my teeth insistently.

Four more Cachions walked into view, all were similar looking guys. Then seven more. Then ten.

Twenty one was the final count. All staring at me, trying to drop me.

"I demand an ordinance with your Alpha," I angrily said through my teeth as I fought back against their powers.

They all stopped as soon as I finished my sentence.

"Why?" The main guy asked.

He seemed confused.

I was not.

"Because your Hena demands the crown," I said in a sinister voice as I lifted my hand and crushed it into a fist. The movement caused an energy blast that burnt trees to the ground and immediately turned the Cachions to ash.

Eclipse stood up, fully healed, and fully concerned.

"Down with the king," I said to myself with a shrug of my shoulders as I grabbed a sword from one of the soldiers and put it in my hip holster.