
Unexpectedly the window clashed against the floor hitting my bed frame while I was asleep. The man in a gray cloak grabbed me by my waist with one arm and pulled me our from which I laid. As time passed he carried me to a dark alleyway by an old abandoned factory that used to make bread. He threw me on the ground which was cold and rigid and caused me to bruise. He squatted down to look at my face in pain after throwing me. He smiled at me then pulled back his hood

"hi" he says cheerfully.I couldn't say a word but only wince in pain as my eyes felt like they were on fire, I rose exceedingly as the ground cracks on impact, punching him and he went flying. With one punch he passed out and I dragged him to an empty wear house.

I tied him up by chains that were laying on the ground, moments later he opened his eyes while facing me.

 I give him an intense gaze as he looks at me then he says something with a smirk on his face. 

"Ahh turns out the little devil had some fire in her".

 "I don't see what's so funny," I say. 

"Oh sweetheart,of course you don't, a bounty on anyone can change a-lot of people ," he says with confidence.

 "excuse me but...I don't understand why?"

"Why would you when you're confined in yourself"

he told me about things including myself. "wait let me get this you're telling me that this whole time I am being hunted" I say. "yes and these people have been working diligently trying to find you".

"but why?"

"that I cannot say" he says.

"Then can I at least know your name?" He similes back

"Its Eric" I return the favor

" and my name is-" he cuts me off

"I know your name there's no need"

I tried my best getting more information out of him bit he would not say anything.

He was quiet and willing to comply so I broke the chains off his hands letting him free, then grabs my hand. Told me to follow him so that he can show me something.

Once we got there I gasped at the view even a butler was presented to me. Eric turned to look at me "Avalin may you stay with us for the time being?" he said. "Well...yes for the meantime". The butler introduced himself to me while letting the gate open for us. The place was so rich and furnished it almost seemed like a castle.