The Past Is Now Your Own part 1/2

I sat on my bed more comfortably looking at her watch me tell her story.

That she never knew which made me think of how foolish she must feel.

When I tell her tale...

Out from the shadows were the immortals that stood tall above the mountains with eyes that shone brighter than the sun.

They looked down at the humans as if they were small and insignificant.

Standing tall they saw more beings unlike humans they were also immortal but to stay immortal they desired the richness of red.

The mighty ones looked at them in the darkness from the mountains watching the grass turn into ashes.

As they walked up in their path in fear as they greeted them.

The mighty ones stood tall lowered their gaze to them and also greeted them.

Which was a sign of peace between them? They all stood together in harmony gazing at the dark world they lived in.

After years of their first meeting, the mighty ones ruled over the land with an iron fist.

The bloodsuckers bowed their heads to them in respect and the humans considered them like royalty. Every need was fulfilled for both races which kept the peace between humans and immortals.

The ones with fangs hand been given blood by animals and the humans ate the meat that was left.

The world around them was cold and dark with light that only peaked enough to see. The grass died once a year and when it had grown back it grew brittle.

Over time the population of each race developed by the mighty ones taking the village and turning it into a city where everyone flourished. Every road was brick filled with lights where all could see the cities light and the glory of the kingdom.

The castle shimmered with wealth and power with humans visiting the mighty one's castle each year. The humans filled their city with flowers and more lights. So even in the darkest of places, they found hope...

Then the tables had turned the bloodthirsty grew weary and angry they knew their main substance to stay alive forever was the mighty one's blood. So they made a plan to attack.