Prologue (Not Alone)

I have yet to know him, this stranger in the dark, this being in the shadows, and this guardian. He follows me through the night and trails me through the day. I know it's for a good cause that I may be safe in his arms. Yet my mind wonders who is this man? Why does he protect me so?

I question myself it's a bit strange a man follows your footsteps, it would make you think. Especially that he tells you he knows you and has heard your story. He knows your past he knows where you belong.

So I stay near him trying to pick at him figuring out myself through his words. I stay where I feel safe but yet afraid of this man's past. I stay by him having no choice but to trust him. He knows to much while I know too little. He knows my name when I don't know his. This man is a stranger he may be my curse or he may be my cover. In the end I am learning from him, growing from him, and being saved by his grasp. Being confused by his demeanor having unquired feelings for him. Yet, he is a liar to himself he seals his identity hides in shades of black covers his life's scars. Who is this man, why does he know me? how does he know me? I get tired of the concealing, the false image, and the misconceptions. It's only a matter of time where I am found and he's lost and I find what I am looking for. Myself...