Her lips curved into a gentle smile but behind those warm hazelnut eyes, panic showed like a beacon of warning. Downstairs, the voices grew louder and louder and her smile started to fade. Hastily, she opened her mouth and began to sing, her soothing voice coating the angry whispers. Suddenly there was a bang and her song stopped short.
"M-Mother, what was that?" I said looking at her with wide eyes.
"Nothing sweetie, let me just go check okay, you stay here"
With quivering hands, she lifted my covers and tucked them in place, no more hiding the panic on her face.
"I will be back soon." She said reassuringly and kissed my forehead. She closed the door and locked it with a click.
Minutes later there was another scream and a deafening bang. I jumped upright and shook off the covers. There were footsteps walking up the stairs which came to a stop outside my door. An unfamiliar man spoke loudly and knocked on the door
" Coco honey, I know you're in there, mommy asked me to come to get you"
My entire body shook from fear. I quickly got up and hid under my bed.
I heard a click and the door opened. I could see the shadow of a figure walk in quietly.
"Coco, where are you? Mommy says she wants you there now darling."
I kept stark quiet. A few minutes later I saw the silhouette of the man searching in my cupboards and bathroom.
"Come on darling, we can play games later, Mommy will get angry, love"
I knew better than to trust the man with sweet words. As I was shuffling about in the tiny space my foot got stuck in something. I pulled on it and it gave a loud noise.
"Ah found you, you little mischief"
The man's' footsteps got closer to my hiding place. My heart thudded aloud as I tried to free my leg but to no avail.
Just as he was about to lift the huge covers up, my leg gave way but instead of releasing me the ground beneath me opened up and I fell through a dark hole. Turns out it was a trapdoor.
My fall was cut short by a lump of air mattress. My eyes adjusted and I looked around to see where I was. The place looked like my stairway cupboard…but how? I opened the door with a creak and realized I was standing at the foot of my staircase staring into the hallway.
I dashed into the living room looking for my parents. At the edge of the sofa, I spotted a pool of red paint. I walked towards it and discovered my mother lying on the floor, barely breathing.
"Mommy, what happened?" I was panicking and tears flowed from my eyes.
"Coco, darling I want you to run as fast as you can to Mr. Jinnie's house and tell him that something bad happened okay, don't stop and don't listen to anyone" she croaked out.
"I can't leave you here Mommy," I said sobbing uncontrollably
My mother smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear
"I will be fine darling, now run as fast as you can before he comes and remember your daddy and I will always love you, take this"
She handed me her locket and kissed my forehead for the last time. Her hand fell limp at her side and she stopped breathing.
"No mommy, please wake up, I beg you" I was crying relentlessly and holding her hand.
"Ah, there you are, dear" The man smiled cruelly and raised the gun.