The gods above were laughing at me—today after getting shock after shock someone obviously loves my gaping face because it just keeps getting better and better, the next thing you know I have a long-lost twin sister. I realized how ridiculous everything was slowly getting, so instead, I decided to just go along with it.
"Hello everybody, I am Nicole Connolly" They all greeted me back
"Boys, she is going to be the new lyricist I was talking about that day. She is going to be staying with us and posing as my apprentice. Make sure you help her with anything she needs."They all nodded and smiled.
"I will leave now, I have lots of work to do" He turns to me and smiles "You'll be okay, they don't bite" I nodded and gulped.
I look over the room and see Taehyung. He looks puzzled but surprisingly waves at me"
"Hey Nicole," He says
"You know her?" says basically, everyone
"Of course we met in the flight…" and then he winked at me, seriously?
"Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to meet you". I say ignoring him
Description of the seven handsome men starts now:
Handsome Guy 1, A tall man, who was built finely, walked over to me. He had ash grey hair and an intelligent face. He wore white jeans and a jade button-down shirt. When he smiled his dimples showed like a crescent moon in a clouded night
"The pleasure is ours, my name is Namjoon and I am the leader of this group" He then turns to the others "Introduce yourselves"
Handsome guy 2, A broad-shouldered man with a wise face and red hair. He wore ripped jeans and a striped shirt. Meh, boring, but I guess I couldn't blame them I mean it is their dorm. He smiles and shakes my hand.
"Hello I'm Kim Seok-jin but you can call me Jin, I'm the eldest. I write the lyrics and am one of the vocalists. Also, I hope you like Korean food because I don't know much about what Australians eat, even though we just toured there"
"Don't worry I'll eat anything. I'm not that picky about food" I smiled.
Handsome Guy 3, a really grumpy looking man with mint hair. He had a mini frown and looked incredibly sleepy. He wore ripped jeans (again), a black shirt and a leather jacket (did I mention I absolutely adore leather jackets!). He looks like a combination of snow white's dwarfs 'sleepy' and 'grumpy'. Moving on, 'slumpy' walks up to me with a yawn and mutters a long string of letters.
"I am Min Yoongi, Suga and Agust D, but you can call me whatever you want. I compose our music and I am a rapper"
"Nice to meet you, Yoongi" I smile.
Handsome Guy 4, A man who looks really jumpy and happy like a smile was forever etched to his face. He wore ripped jeans (why must it be ripped jeans? Have they ever heard of shorts?), a blue button-down shirt and grey beanie. Cute I guess…
"I'm Jung Hoseok, you can call me sunshine if you want. I choreograph our dances and I am a rapper like Yoongi and Namjoon, you can come to see us practicing whenever you want" He leans in and whispers in my ear "It might motivate the others to do better too" He winks at me.
"Anytime, Sunshine" I giggle.
Handsome Guy 5, A short man with a really adorable face and pink hair (woah). He wore orange overalls and a white shirt. He kind of reminded me of a bunny for some reason.
"Hello, I'm Park Jimin and our fans call me Jiminie, Chim Chim and Mochi—"
"AND JIMINIE PABO" shouts Taehyung
Jimin pouts and goes red. He looks like a puppy. I wonder how anybody would get mad at him
"It means fool, but I'm not one realllyyy, I'm very very smart"
"Of course you are" I chuckle.
"You are so cute when you smile…oh wait sorry that's creepy"
"It's okay"
I blush, what the heck is wrong with me.
"Anyway, you can call me cutie. I help with our songs and dances and I am one of the vocalists"
"Okay, cutie I guess I'll see you later" he smiles and walks away.
Handsome Guy 6, Taehyung. He wore the same outfit as before, so I won't bother describing him again. He walks up to me with a cheeky grin, he had obviously enjoyed Jimin getting flustered.
"Hey Nicole, you already know who I am and you can call me TaeTae or Taehyung, anything is fine. Although I would prefer Taehyung and I am one of the vocalists"
I realized something was wrong since he was not as friendly as he was earlier so I replied curtly and he walked away.
Handsome Guy 7, now this one was extremely handsome so I will go into more detail. Remember I said the first guy was fine, well this one was finer. He had a chiseled jaw and perfect lips. His hair was colored cherry red and he smiled confidently. He only wore tight-fitting jeans and an oversized shirt but still managed to look fabulous.
"Hello, I'm Jeon Jungkook and I have a lot of nicknames but you can call me kookie with a k. I'm the youngest and also help write the lyrics. I'm also the strongest and the awesomest and I can't wait to be best friends with you"
"Me too, kookie" I laughed, this guy was so adorable.
Taehyung was scowling at me for some reason but when I raised my eyebrow he quickly smiled, Weird. I walked over to the leader
"Um, Jin was it?"
"Namjoon, but it's okay you'll get used to it"
"Right, sorry. Could you please show me my room, as I would like to retire for the night"
"Of course, follow me". He took me upstairs to a room at the right. "Would you like to join us for dinner? You must be hungry after the long drive"
"No thanks, I'm worn out. I think I might just hit the sack"
"All right, in case you need a drink or something the kitchen is downstairs to the left, and please help yourself to the fridge if you feel hungry. Taehyung's room is next to yours so you can ask him if you need anything"
"Thank you very much, Goodnight"
He nodded and left. I walked into the room and unpacked my things. I went to take a shower as there since was no better therapy than hot water. As I walked out I felt so exhausted that I immediately dropped onto the bed and fell asleep…and had the worst nightmare ever.
It was the night my parents were murdered. I stood next to my dead mother, clutching her locket in my hands. The evil murderer pointed his gun at me and smiled.
"Naughty, naughty girl, no more playing games for you little Coco" He cackled out loud.
"Now I will have everything to myself and no one will stop me. Hahaha"
Suddenly there was a clang and the murderer fell on the ground. The housemaid had hit him with a pan. He wasn't unconscious though and tried to slowly stand. She turned to me and shouted.
"RUN, NICOLE, RUN", before he turned around and shot her too. I bolted out of his sight and into the night. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I was out of breath when I finally stopped and looked around. There was no one in the still of night behind me. I broke down on the stairs of a house and cried, wailing my heart out. A man came out of the house and shone a torchlight in my direction.
"Coco, is that you dear? What happened?"
I recognized the voice immediately, it was Uncle Jinnie. I ran into his arms and sobbed in relief, finally safe at last"