
"Whether you believe us or not; matters not to us. We just thought to tell you that, your son is going to awaken soon and, when he does you will want to be there to make sure when he does not kill anyone because, his power is going to be the greatest out of all of us and, he will need your guiding hand." The woman covered by the shadows calmly tells Abraham.

"What makes you think he will even listen to me? I left him when he was five. I would think that he hates me and wants nothing to do with me." Abraham turns to walk away.

"But if you did help him… they try to kill him." The woman reaches out and tries to grab him but, before she could, he disappears. "I pray that your son will not kill the innocent with his gifts… I hope you will change your mind old friend," she whispers to herself before walking away.

"Requiescat in pace puttana," in the mask says softly before stabbing the woman in the stomach. The woman looks up at the masked man with a look of shock on her face.

"You will never get to the boy he is going to be the one to defeat you and your godforsaken organization," the woman says panicked.

"Your days are over bruja now die," a second man shows up but this time his face was uncovered. "We will find that boy and we will kill him for he is the son of a demon and a witch," He says driving a knife into the woman's heart killing her instantly. "Dispatch everyone and find that kid," he tells the masked man and walks away.

"Yes sir," the masked man says with a thick Italian accent.