Second Wish

Rin Chan then wore what Tony had prepared for her.

The t-shirt has a skull print on it and it was too large for her size.

Also, the skirt was too long that for her it almost look like a mermaid's tail.

Rin Chan check herself out in the mirror.

"God, my outfit is hideous."

She remarked. She looked around Tony's room. She opened the drawers and she found a belt, and a pair of scissors in his medicine cabinet.

She cut the long skirt out just above the knees so she can move more freely and she wrapped the belt around her waist emphasizing her hourglass shape body so that the skirt wont come off of her.

When she went out, Tony was surprise to see her look.

"Not bad."

He said complimenting Rin Chan. Rin Chan just shrugged him off.

"Oh yeah, since you're free let's go hang out. I'll treat you."

Tony said, which made Rin Chan flinch. She thought she could get away from him, being with him was like a sweet form of torture.

She couldn't tell if she could ever endure her constant fast paced heartbeat whenever she's around him and yet he's still going to invite her out.

"I can't. I already have plans."

Rin Chan blatantly refused Tony's offer but Tony won't just back down that easily.

He figured that Rin Chan should atleast enjoy her day, being stuck with the Lee family's new princess sure was boring and uneventful.

And after he heard Rin Chan's soft cry while she's asleep, he reckoned that she could atleast use a day off and go have fun just to keep her mind off of things.

"Plans?! Like what?"

"I'm hitting the gym."

"You serious?!!! You're not going to go fight in UFC why go build your body up so much. No way!!!! You're coming with me. That's my 2nd wish. You can't do anything about it!"

Tony used his trump card. Rin Chan begrudgingly look at him.

"Tch. Childish!"

She annoyingly said. She decided to head out on her own and fled.

She was about to run and escape away from Tony she headed out of the door but as soon as she opened it, she realised that they are in the middle of nowhere.

Tony's house was a bungalow type cabin surrounded by large trees. It was sitting near the edge of a cliff and there's no pathway that leads up to the main road.