Revenge plot

Henry told Tony about Jack.

Jack Dy is from a prominent family. He portrays as a good filial son in front of his parents and yet when he's with his friends, he show them his true nature.

He's a sadistic prick who owns an underground sex den.

His target was naive virgin girls. His modus was that he would make his parents set him up for a blind date in hopes of getting him married, yet he would brainwash the girls and eventually make them his product.

Madam Pearl wasn't aware of what he does, so she had Jade and Jack go on a blind date.

But unfortunately for Jack, Rin Chan turned him down before he could even start his modus.

Jack thinks highly of himself. Afterall, he manage to get all the girls that dated succumb to him. Everyone, except for Rin Chan.

His ego was bruised by her. He couldn't accept the fact that a lowly waitress would shut him down.

So he devised a plan and used his friend and business partner Henry to lure Rin Chan out.

He contacted the old madam and have them meet up.

Henry spiked Rin Chan's drink when she excused herself and went to the restroom.

He didn't get to use the entire vial of aphrodisiac cause Rin Chan went back to their table shortly, so he only manage to put half of the drug.

Jack planned on getting Rin Chan, he and Henry would gang rape her to teach her a lesson for rejecting him.

Tony was beylnd furious after he heard what Henry said.

"Call that bastard now and have him get here!"

Tony demanded and Henry complied.

After half an hour Jack arrived.

Henry was standing on a tree, the surrounding was dark that Jack couldn't see him clearly.

"Yo, Where's the bitch? Are you into exhibitionism or something? Haha I like that..."

Jack merrily exclaimed. Just as he was about to come near Henry, he felt a cold metal press against his nape.

"Oh,... Too bad I'm not into exhibitionism. But I'll let you have a taste something more..."

Tony said as he crept behind Jack.

"Who... Who are you?"

"You don't need to know."

Tony replied. He then injected a stronger more potent aprodisiac to Jack.

"If you want to play dirty, I've got dirtier tricks up my sleeve."

Tony sneered. He had always kept atleast 3 vials of drugs in the hidden compartment in his car just in case he would need it.

Jack could feel his strength wss leaving him. Just as he was about to passed out he saw Henry tied up on a tree. His mouth was duct tape and he too was unconscious.