Dinner Time

Tony put on the apron and busied himself in the kitchen preparing their dinner, he cut the chicken into small pieces then seasoned it by putting paprika, salt, pepper, and parsley then tossed the chicken into the cornstarch. In a preheated pan, he fried the chicken. He then mincely cut some garlic while he wait for the chicken to cook.

After the chicken had turned golden brown, he remove them from the the pan and then set them aside.

Tony then melted a slice of butter into a wok then put the garlic inside.

He then put the chicken in, and tossed it to coat the chicken with the flavors of garlic and buttet. The sizzling sound topped with the tasty smell of toasted garlic makes Rin Chan's stomach rumble.

Tony laughed after he heard her. While Rin Chan pretended like it didn't happen.

"What are you cooking?"

She asked to change the subject.


"Want some help?"

"No. Just leave it to me.."

Tony refused and instead carried her and tuck her in her bed.

"Just stay there. Here go check out the movies that you like to watch..."

"But I...."

"NO. Just stay there. I'm more confortable cooking alone."


Tony said then planted a soft kiss on Rin Chan's forehead. She blushed and felt wobbly when his lips brushed her skin.

She bow down then busied herself as she look for movies to watch.

Rin Chan chose comedy specials instead of movies cause she's avoiding to came across any unexpected love scenes.

At least stand up comedy shows are safe and funny a perfect show to watch with a "friend".

After a couple of minutes, Tony was done. He put the chicken on a plate, then garnished it with parmesan cheese and parsley with ceasar dressing on the side.

"Dinner is ready, madam."

Tony courteously said. He, bowed down to her like a butler calling his boss.

Rin Chan was startled. It was the first time someone had called her a "madam."

All her life she was the one saying those words, but now hearing someone addressing her like that, it felt new, and just doesn't seem right to her.

She ignored Tony then sat at the floor, in her low table Tony had placed she picked a pair of chopsticks and decided to eat while Tony was scooping some rice into a bowl and watch her as she take a bite.