
Rin Chan looked at him, then looked back at the book. The page has pictures of step by step tutorial on how to be a master in giving fellatio.

She looked again at Tony. Her eyes had a very curious gaze.

"Lick it."

Tony demanded. Rin Chan remained un moved. She intently observe Tony's member. She had only one thing in her mind.

'Will it fit in?'

She wonders, She saw the images in the book. They all look like they're enjoying yet their mouths were stuffed with hard members. She wonder if she could really do it.

Due to being sheltered, her knowledge of sex is almost non existent.

It is so, cause in the Chan family teachings they avoid sex education to not encourage the curiousity of the young members.

Even when they went to school, both she and Sean were excluded in health education classes involving reproduction.

That's why the concept of blow job is so new to her. She only thought that sex is only just between the male and female genitalia but now, she finds out that, that's not the case at all.

She effortlessly free her hands from the handcuffs. At a young age, they were taught on how to contortion their body should they got confined on a tight place and how to free themselves from restrains such as the handcuff.

She put her thumb in her mouth, she lightly nibble on it and thought hard. It was one of her mannerism whenever she's in deep thought.

Her stance now looks like a kid having a hard time deciding.

Tony felt guilty after seeing Rin Chan's innocent look. He figured that he might have been rushing things for her.

"Hey, it's okay if you don't want to.."

Tony said. He was about to turn around and get dressed but Rin Chan suddenly held on to his shaft.

Her soft palm wrapped against his hard hot throbbing member.

She then carefully lick his penis just like what the instruction on the book.

Rin Chan clumsily stroke his cock. Tony could feel waves of pleasure as Rin Chan do her first ever blow job.

Tony stood frozen in the spot. The way Rin Chan awkwardly lick and play with his member aroused him.

He felt guilty for tainting her innocence yet he couldn't stop her, not when she had muster up the courage to give him a fellatio.

Rin Chan glance at the book, where she saw the model sucking on the penis and the scrotum.

So she copied it.. She lightly grazed his cock with her teeth which gave Tony a start.