Empirical truth

"The truth is, I talked to the landlord last night that's why I left."

Tony said, he was holding Rin Chan's hands to show his sincerity to her.

At the back of his mind, he kept on apologizing to her for lying. He doesn't want to let her know about the the perverted bastard back in her shithole of an apartment.

He doesn't want to cause her more distress, it's enough that he already punish the old man for his sins towards Rin Chan.

"You're lying."

"Of course not. How else do you think I can buy this so easily. I have to please the landlord to convince him to sell this place to me. It's not easy you know. I did all this to surprise you. Now I feel bad that not only did my surprise was foiled, I was also called a liar. "


Tony aggrievedly said, he look at her with his puppy eyes. Rin Chan can't help but feel guilty after what he just said.

She bit her lips, resisiting the urge to make peace with him.

" F.. Fine. I believe you. Hmp.. "

Tony let out a sigh of relief, he knows he was such a good actor but he somehow pity Rin Chan that she fell for his lie just like that.

Rin Chan on the other hand knew that he was lying. She only accepted his "truth" cause she felt guilty that he had to lie because of her.

She could tell that Tony was using his charm just to make her believe him.

She realize that whatever Tony was not telling her was something that she doesn't need to pry on.

She understand his line of work and felt that he move her out to protect her.

She had no idea what's the reason for their sudden move out but all she could do was trust her instinct that Tony wouldn't do anything that would harm her.

She walked out of the house, and stayed at the blacony. they were on the fourth floor, she could see Tia's apartment just infront of her.

Not only that, she could also monitor those who were going in and out of the whole apartment.

Tony's apartment has been empty ever since Ian moved in to Tia's unit.

It was heavily guarded by the Lee security personnel. Rin Chan knows it. They were the ones who asked the landlord to move out of that residence a long time ago.

That's why she also knows the price of the whole lot. That apartment belongs to the Lee's.

Tony was too complacent thinking Rin Chan was naive just like how Sean would always say.

But he didn't know that anything that has got to do with the Lee Clan, Rin Chan was very much well verse.

It's the only thing that has been trained to occupy her head.