
"Miss Jade are you okay?"

Emi asked when she notice Rin Chan's pale complexion.

"I'm fine. I just need some fresh air. It's kinda stuffy in here."

Rin Chan said, the truth is she's having a hard time breathing.

Her heart was beating so fast when she realize that maybe she was in some sort of the same situation with Emi.

She clenched her fist to maintain her composure as she try to convince her colleagues that she's okay.

She doesn't want to worry and bother them.

"Miss Jade, sorry for letting you cover for my shift. Please forgive me. I didn't know..

Let me take you home. You should rest properly."

Emi pleadingly said, she's feeling guilty that she made Rin Chan report for work due to such trivial matter.

Moreover Rin Chan looked like she's really sick. Madam Pearl told them that she's in a week long vacation that's why she thought it is okay to ask her a favor.

If she knows that she's ill. She wouldn't have the guts to ask her to come to work.

"Its okay, I can manage. I live nearby. I'll go home now."

"Are you sure? If that's the case then we'll inform madam Pearl that you already left. I'm really sorry Miss Jade. It won't happen again."

"Don't worry. I don't mind. I'll be going then."

Rin Chan excuse herself and went out of the tea shop.

She was such in a hurry to leave that she didn't get to change her clothes.

She's still wearing the bunny costume.

As soon as the cold breeze hits her body, she started to shiver.

Rin Chan's apartment was just a few steps away from her workplace, so instead of going back and changing to her uniform, she decided to just walk home sporting the costume.

She took a step then she sensed someone following her. She could see in her peripheral vision that its a man, and he's closing in on her.

She knows it's not Tony, she knows his silhouette all too well. And she never ever sense his presence not unless she's just an inch closer to him.

So she hurriedly walk, thinking that fleeing is the best option since with her condition, there's a chance that she couldn't win a fight against him.

She was about to reach the gates of her apartment when suddenly, her sight turns blurry and she felt her legs become limp, slowly, everything seems to fade.

As she was about to lose her consciousness, she heard the man calling her name.

"Miss Rin.. Miss Rin.. RIN CHAN."