Change of heart

"Are you making fun of me?"



Rin Chan laughingly replied. She was in a good mood after she heard her young miss' voice.

It put her mind off her worries about Tony's whereabouts.

Blake poutingly sat on the couch. He felt embarrassed after Rin Chan found out about what he did. And he even have the audacity to deny it.

"Seriously though. Why are you doing this. Why are you helping me?"

Rin Chan asked. She felt Blake was really not a bad guy and she thought she was just being paranoid earlier.

"I told you, I like you. And I can't just leave you alone."

Blake seriously replied. Rin Chan cocks her head and sighed.

"I already told you my answer. Even if you tried to pursuade me I wont budge. You're just wasting your time with me."

Rin Chan said. She doesn't wsnt to keep his hopes up so she honestly told him how she feels.

There's no reason for Blake to stay around since she already have someone in her heart. And she wouldn't have a change of heart.

"Well, just so you know, every moment I spend with you is a precious memory for me."

"Save those pick up lines for another girl. It won't work on me. I'm feeling sleepy. Don't you dare do something while I doze off."

Rin Chan warned. Although she highly doubt that Blake would lay his hands on her.

"Right, I'm going home first to get some change of clothes and food."

Blake said, then he walked towards the door. He was about to go out but Rin Chan stopped him.

"Hey, wait... I.. Haven't thanked you yet.. So uhmm thanks for saving a complete stranger like me."

Rin Chan shyly said. Her embarrassed look was so cute that Blake's heart skipped a beat.

"You... You sure won't change your feelings for me."

Blake replied, he wants to take that small chance that Rin Chan would change her mind.


"Thought so. See you later."

Blake walked out of the room he close the door behind him. He held onto his chest as his heart was crushed by the flat out rejection he received from Rin Chan.

'God I wish you weren't so honest.'

He murmured, there's a bitter smile hanging on his lips as he walked towards the elevator.