( so me and Amber decided to take a vacation for 2 days to my family's house down in Mexico...my human family.)
"are you sure we have everything. sunscreen, lotion, snacks, coloring supplies, tissues" Amber starts to laugh a little and says " why are you over planning this you have nothing to worry about" I reply " you see my family doesn't know I have a girlfriend let alone knows that I'm gay. the only ones who do know I'm gay is my mother and my father no one else"
Amber puts down her makeup bag and looks at me " damn seriously. do you think they'll accept you, do you think they'll like me? darn it now I'm a nervous".
*now driving on the road*
" so baby, how come you never told your mom or dad about me." I quietly sigh. I reply " there over exited, and theyed be all up in my business.and plus their all throwing me a welcome home party."
Amber laughs. " your so. cute you know that." I blush.* hour pass by.* me and Amber get out of the car. as my mom runs out of the house waving her arms the air screaming. she comes to me and hugs me tight. " oh, my baby's home."