Chapter 14-"" take action""


-few more days had passed,,.. lisa and I had fewer time together.. especialy when there were classes.. she always hangs with kai.. when I ask her ,, she just said kai needs help into something.. I tried to confront rose if she knows anything,,, but she will just tell me to trust lisa..

-I do trust lisa.. its just the people around her that I don't.. that's when I put a little push with my own investigation. I really have a strong feeling that she's into something dangerous ,,

-without them knowing a friend of mine.. her name is nayeon was able to help me gather some information of lisa's whereabouts,, she send me pictures, where she was with kai and another girl.. one thing that keeps me on a bad mood is that karina b*tch is always on the picture..

-lunch time I was waiting for lisa ,, she said she'll just need to talk to someone.. when I receive a call from nayeon.


jennie: yes, nayeon..what is it..

nayeon: hey pres..your girl is here..

jennie: where are you??

nayeon: here at my cafe'.. and girl you have to see this.. they like having a double date and this bitch is all over your girlfriend..

jennie: keep an eye on them I'm on my way!!

-after I hung up the call..I run my fingers through my hair,, I am frustrated enough that lisa is hiding things on me..and that slut is making her way to my lisa!!..


-I'm on my way to the parking lot to my car.. I heard someone call out for me..

JK: miss press.!!

JENNIE: (turning her head) what do you want??

JK: uh- I need your help...(lowering his head)

JENNIE: after what you have done with my brother.? what makes you think that I will even think of helping you?? (raising her brow)

-I was about to continue walking when he speaks again-

JK: because I know how frustrated you are right now.. knowing that your girlfriend is with another girl..

JENNIE: how did you- (heave a breath) get inside the car.



NAYEON: hey ~~ why are you with him? (pointing at jk)

JENNIE: I'll explain later-- where are they?

NAYEON: there..(pointing at lisa's table)

-there I saw this karina sitting beside lisa..  infront of them is kai and another girl.. I got startled when suddenly karina put her arm around lisa's shoulder and lean over.. lisa tilt her head on different direction,, ''I'm sure lisa doesn't like whats happenning,.. I was trying to ease myself but this b*tch is really getting into my nerves when she place her hand on lisa's jaw and make lisa look at her..

JENNIE: I can't take this!! (standing up)

JK: (holds jennies wrist) wait pres!!,, don't..

JENNIE: what do you mean don't ? let me go!!

JK: listen first.. don't be too reckless, you will put lisa and your cousin in danger..

-theres really is something going on. but his right I would put them in  danger if I let my jealousy and anger take over me..

JENNIE: alright.. (sigh) nayeon take us to your office we'll talk there.

and you (pointing at jk) make sure to explain ''EVERYTHING""

-jk just nod and follow us.. I take another glance to my girlfriend,, and the b*tch thats latching her..greeted my teeth..'''once this is done, your gonna get yours''


-jk sitting infront of me head low and plying with his fingers..

JENNIE: now talk. (crossing her arm)

JK: (heave a breath) karina~~ she's taking her revenge..

JENNIE: revenge?? to who?

JK: lisa~~ but,, something change to her plan... I don't know the whole story cause taeh and I's break up is part of see karina. was my friend when were at the orphanage all that I know of is that.,,she said It's all because of her and lisa's past..

JENNIE: what plan?? also her and lisa's past?? I was with lisa when we were younger I never saw her before. unless she met lisa when she's not here..

JK: well~~ the original plan was,.. hurt each one of you.. ''emotionally'' where taeh was the first target.. and next was kai,, which she already started,, then jisoonnie and last is you...

-she- wanted lisa to feel hurt and abandoned ,,suffer in loneliness-

JENNIE: okay~~ and what's changed??

JK: you see, that plan was way back when she's younger.. and she has no idea of lisa's appearance.. and that's where it all changed,, the first day that lisa came to school karina was not aware that it was lisa-- and she fell inlove...

- so instead.. she will lure all of you to hate lisa or push her away.. and when no ones there for her.. she will get into the picture and save her beloved to make lisa her's..

JENNIE: wait~~~let me digest everything you said.. so.. no hurting all of us.. she is now into making "Us'' hate lisa so she can have her..

JK: way to sum it up ... yes.

JENNIE: but.. did she mentioned why she get into her plan in the first place.???

JK: all she had told me is that. lisa took everything from her,, and she will take everything to lisa... those was her words.

JENNIE: the thing is she fell inlove with "'my girlfriend"


-were still at nayeons office inside her cafe-

NAYEON: so~~ whats the plan pres?

JENNIE: I honestly don't know.. but I think lisa has a plan, I can feel it,, hope so.. (averted her attention to jk) but let me ask you.. why are you doing this??

JK: I want taeh back... (lower his head)

JENNIE: are you hearing yourself?? you hurt him.. do you think that would be easy..

JK: I know~~ but I will take my chances..




-back here at SCO... I'm trying to distract myself bout what happened earlier..I don't want to take it all against lisa.. I trust her.. its just my jealousy is eating me..

and just when I was trying to hide myself.. she found me..

LISA: baby~~~? (peeking her head at the door)

JENNIE: yes? (not looking at lisa)

LISA: are you busy??

JENNIE: what do you think? (lifting the paper on her hand)

LISA: alright.. I'll wait for you then. lets go home together..(smile)

JENNIE: no~~ you can go ahead,, I may finish this late..

LISA: it's okay~~ I'll just watch you--(cut off)

JENNIE lisa- go home..

LISA: di-did I do something wrong?

JENNIE: no~~ I'm just really busy.. and uhm..

LISA: I understand.. I'll go ahead

-before I could respond she already went out the room.

""aaiiiiiissshhh.. I'm sorry love.. I will help you fix this promise..



-after I enter the house I went directly to our room but I didn't find lisa there.. so I went down to look for her..


JENNIE: chip!! where's lisa??

ROSE: she's at our room sleeping..

JISOO: what did you do jendukie?? she's kinda sad.

JENNIE: uhhm. just a little misunderstanding..

JISOO: then fix it! coz she's planning to sleep there with us because she said..""my nini is mad at me I'll just stay here"" (mimic lisa's voice)

-taking my way upstarirs ,,I slowly open jisoonnie's room.. seing her crumpled in the blanket.. I came closer to her and kneel infront of her..

JENNIE: lisa~~~(brushing her hair)

-lisa open her eye's but she turn her back at me..

JENNIE: (sigh) lisa please~~ look I'm sorry.. I was just really busy and stressed earlier I didn't mean to-(cut off)

-lisa suddenly stands up..

LISA: its fine ""jennie" ( went out the room)

_I was startled when she spoke but she didn't even look at me,, did I went too far to her earlier.. I was stunned for few minutes then I walk out and follow her..

JENNIE: unnie?? where's lisa?

JISOO: she dragged my chipmunk and drove off.. I'm telling you jennie fix whatever it is.. (stands up)



JENNIE: (sigh) I hate this set up--

JISOO: I don't wanna hear it jendukie I hate it more than you do..

JENNIE: then why did you agreed??

JISOO: what can I do.. you know how scary rose is when she's not in the mood..that's why I told you to fix it cause I know this will happen.

JENNIE: well how can I fix it if you are here sleeping in my room??

-few minutes ago. lisa and rose went back,, but they go directly at jisoonnie's room.. and unnie went to my room pouting,, she said rose told her to sleep here with me.. and that's how we end up sleeping together.


3:10 AM

-I am trying to keep my eye's closed but I really can't fall asleep... I went down to the kitchen to cool myself off.. while drinking water. I'm hearing noises at the garden,, peeking at the window,, I saw how lisa grab kai's colar..

LISA: I told you to find that video fast,, I will not go any further with that woman!!,

KAI: I know.. just give me more time.. please~~ I can't do this alone.. you're all I have to save her..

LISA: you are jennie's family, and I don't want to see her sad, that's why I'm doing this. but. if I will see her sad,, because of what we are doing.. I wont think twice and fix it myself. (pushe's kai)

KAI: I-I'm so-sorry... I'ts just I love her lisa... and I am so thankful for you.. but I promise It wont take any longer.(lower his head)

-lisa turn around and walk inside the house,,

JENNIE: I was right,, this has something to do with kai.. what is that video??

SOMEONE: you wanna know??

-turning my back to see where the voice came from, and got startled with the unexpected person,

JENNIE: you~~