Chapter -17 "" meeting the duke""

Annyeong!!! 😘



--it's been 45 minutes that Lisa was at the bathroom.. lately she's taking too much time when she uses the bathroom, and I kind of notice some changes on her body,, I am getting worried

so, I start knocking to call her out,.

JENNIE: Lisa baby~~ what's taking you too long?.

--she didn't responds but after a minute or two she come out holding the temple of her nose,, and she's a little pale,..

JENNIE: hey~~ what happened? Are you okay?

LISA: I'm fine I jus--AHHHH!!

--: Lisa drop her knees to the floor holding her head and screaming in pain,, panicked consumed me,, I cupped her face to look at me she is squeezing her eyes shut and my eyes got wide when a huge amount of blood came out from her nose,,..

JENNIE: li-Lisa!. oh my god!.. Wah-what should I do!!?/

LISA: ro-ah! Roseanne...

-struggling but she was able to let out some of her words,, I started to scream for help,.


--a minute after our door flew open revealing rose and jisoonnie with worried faces..

JISOO: what?? what happened??

ROSE: (GASP) Lisa!!

JENNIE: Lisa- she's uhmm,, there's blood, I- I don't know Wha-- LISA!!

--next thing I know Lisa fainted on my chest,, I myself almost fainted as well,, her head on me and blood covered my shirt ,,,my hands begun to tremble.. I was looking at rose she was taking a phone call,, I didn't even understand what she was saying.. it's getting breath coming out from my mouth,,

the next happened was that jisoonnie is holding me while I watch as nurses pushes the stretcher with Lisa on it.


-almost 3 hours before the doctor let us see Lisa.. Irine and the rest of the gang went by to check on her and left after wards, Jisoo unnie told me to go home but I insist to stay .. I want to be here when she wakes up.. I was looking at her sleeping face while caressing her cheeks when I hear someone talking outside.., I got the urge to take a look,, I lean to kiss Lisa before I went to the door..

I wasn't able to fully open the door when I heard a familiar voice,.

SEHUN: miss this is dangerous,, if the Dutchess knew that miss Lisa was brought here or even sir Marco they will surely take that as an advantage to consume miss Lisa.

ROSE: no doubt about that,, but I was in panicked,, I never saw her in that state,, the only thing I had in mind was to save her..

SEHUN: I have spoken with the heads of the hospital I even paid most of them not to leak any information of miss Lisa's arrival here..

ROSE: thank you sehun.. and please get some people to watch over the premises incase Dutchess pawns are around..

SEHUN: certainly miss..

--I cover my mouth of what I heard.., Lisa will be taken away?? that can't be., I went back beside Lisa.. holding her hands, I place my head to her arm..-- '' I don't know who they were referring to but ,, those people are not going to take you away from me..--

few more minutes the fatigue takes over me,.. and my eyelids began to cover my sight of her..


-I was waken up with a sudden beeping sound.. my eyes got wide remembering what I heard last night.. I hover to check Lisa..-- ''she's still here~~ thank god-.. I relaxed myself seeing her still peacefully sleeping.. --'' Goodmorning baby~~ you should wake up now.. I bet you're hungry.. let's eat together hmmm.. I massage her face with my thumb,, .. I was taking my time staring at my love when noises at the other side of the door took my attention..-- ''one sec baby.. I will just scold them for being noisy.. kissing her cheeks, I went out..

JENNIE: hey what's going on why are you noisy ??

They all hover their heads to the middle of the corridor.

--I saw rose standing Infront of a tall aged man around 60's I think.. and the way he dressed he looks like a multi billionaire,, two suited guys at his back and sehun was bowing his head towards him.. then rose begin to speak.

ROSE: 'papa.. she's fine there's nothing to worry about..

MR MANOBAN: that's what you told me last time we spoke but why is she here??

ROSE: I uhhh.. she was... we have some school activities and stuff she might have tired herself,, you know her papa..

MR MANOBAN: You promised to take care of her,, and I found her lying to this hideous place,, I'm taking her.. and you are not excepted.

ROSE: but papa..~~

MR MANOBAN: end of discussion, once she wakes up, I want both of you in the plane I prepared, am I making myself clear Roseanne..?

ROSE: Ye-yes papa..

-rose lowered her head to him.. I on the other hand found my self walking towards him.. He immediately saw me and looked at me in a cold stare. His eyes were too familiar,, but before I was able to get close rose stopped me holding my shoulders.

ROSE: Jennie don't..

JISOO: Jennie I don't think it's a good idea to interfere..

--I play deaf at jisoonnie's remark.

JENNIE: let go rose...

--I shove her hands away and continue to walk over him..

JENNIE: excuse me sir??

--I call him out,, the two guys that was behind me move forward and blocked my way..

JENNIE: si-sir? I am Jennie Kim~~ I'm Lisa's girlfriend .. please sir don't take her away from me..

--he turns and face me,, with side stare,, the way his eyes glide at me brings shivers all over my body.. I felt scared.. but I can't be scared at him.. this man Is about to take the woman I love and I won't let that happen..

MR MANOBAN: And what makes you think you can change my mind young lady?

-arching his brows, he looks at me like mocking my presence.

JENNIE: We love each other sir.. I love her,, let me take care of her,, I promise this won't happen again.

MR MANOBAN: you can't persuade me with just a mere promise.. Roseanne wasn't able to do it when I trusted her.. and you think you can??

JENNIE: sir I--

-I was cut off when he raises his hand and turn his back at me.

MR MANOBAN: enough.. my decision is final..

-he took a step forward that made me run for him and try to grope his suit to stop him.... but the two guards Infront of me were able to hold both my arm.. I struggle to get away but my strength didn't even ditch them.

JENNIE: SIR!! wait!! please!! I'm begging you !!..

-my knees became wobbly I feel like crying.. this can't be happening I have to stop him he can't take Lisa away from me.... the two guys were still holding me while I pleaded to that man..  in my peripheral view my siblings and friends are about to come near me when a scream stops their tracks.


--the voice echoed all over the hallway of that hospital.. Looking up I saw her running towards me with angry eyes..


JENNIE: Lisa~~~

--when she gets close, she snatched the other guy that was holding my arm and slams her fist to his jaw making the guy stumble to the floor.. she then went on top of him and repeatedly punching his face,,


-Lisa landed numerous punches all over him her eyes are on rage.. the guy might already faint.. I'm calling her out but I guess my voice was on mute cause I can't even hear myself.. then a stern voice stopped Lisa.


--I looked over Lisa as she slowly stood up still wearing those murderous eyes.. she brings her attention to the other guy beside me.

LISA: I will give you 3 seconds to remove your filthy hand off of her before I detach your arm from your body..

--I felt how the guy flinched .. he hesitates his grip on me tightens.. but still didn't let go.

MR MANOBAN: let her go..

-the man spoke..  his guard remove his hand from me and went at the back of the aged man..

I took my chance and run towards Lisa.. I throw myself to her and squeeze her with my embrace... leaning to her chest I can hear how her heart beats double as normal with tensed muscles..

JENNIE: lisaa~~~ (sniff) you're okay..

--Lisa inhaled and burry her face to my neck.. feeling her body relax as I rubbed her back,,.

LISA: are you okay baby?? Did they hurt you??

--I just shook my head.. brushing the strands of hair at my face she kisses my temple..  she then looked up to the man.. but before she could speak the aged man beat her to it.

MR MANOBAN: you and Roseanne are coming back with me.


-the man shot a glare at her but Lisa glares back with fervent stare.. feels like they were throwing daggers the way they looked at each other,, and maybe because of Lisa's situation the aged man closes his eyes and heave a breath.

MR MANOBAN: Roseanne.!!

--rose came running towards us and waited for the man to speak.

MR MANOBAN: bring all of them at the mansion,, I want to see you at dinner,, understood?

ROSE: yes papa..

--we stand there at the middle of the hallway watching the man vanished with his guards, the guy lisa beats was taken by other guys to emergency room,,. I still had myself clinging to Lisa while clutching her hospital gown.. then silence was broken off when our friends came..

TEAH: shoot.. I thought I'll have a heart attack., sorry jendukei I wasn't able to help..

JENNIE: its fine Taeh...

JISOO: it was so long when I saw him his still as intimidating as always,,

JENNIE: who is he Lisa~~??

--Lisa and rose looked at each other and Lisa looked back at me..

ROSE/LISA: our grandfather.

-they both said.. our9 friends gasp in shock..

IRINE: wow... his the duke right..? I never thought I would meet him..

SEULGI: yeah, that was intense.. I hope Irine don't have a gramps like him.. you know that's scary..

SOMI: but he doesn't look that old Tho. his physic was well bult and did you see the way he stares it's too hot like Lisa's..

JK: uh-huh... I wonder how much he paid his guards..?

-we all hover our heads to somi and jk..


IRINE: are you both somehow related?? your brain works in sync.

SEULGI: they might be they have same surname..


LISA: let's go baby~~ I want to get out of here..

JENNIE: okay~~

--after knowing that the man who tried to separate Lisa from me is their grandfather,, rose convince us to go with them as was instructed.. she explained about him being too protective to Lisa and his not an enemy..

-Lisa was discharged that afternoon and we are not preparing our selves for that dinner at the manoban's mansion..