"" bringing back the past""

Annyeong!! 💛



-on our way to our grandfather's mansion.. I can't help to stare at jenlisa,.. they're look so happy and seeing Lisa happy is all that matters,,, but we still can't be sure if this dinner will go well,,

--until when Jennie will stay at Lisa is bothering me,, what if she knew the real reason why Chan abducted Lisa,, and why Karina has taken her revenge,, the only reason I helped is that I'm afraid that they will know what really happened back then,, Karina is the child of that maid Lisa pushed at the stairs and was covered by spreading that is an accident,, lucky for us Karina was blinded with her feelings towards Lisa,,

--and the nurse that Lisa killed few years ago was Chans sister, and until now I still don't have an Idea how he plans on getting close to Lisa without us noticing it,, sehun said there is someone behind them ,,

--as for the Dutchess,, Lisa's mother is still alive,, she never came back after she left,,


4 years back--

--after the day that Lisa's mother let me take her,, a lot has changed to her,, she doesn't talk too often , she even has these nightmares and made her screaming almost every night,,

-I have no choice but to contact our grand father,, he sent Ji-Eun,, she's a doctor , a young doctor only 3 years older than us,, she helped Lisa to the extent that is lessen Lisa's suffering, taking care of Lisa like a baby.. actually, both of us,, she treats us like her child,, we were both attached to her, and she keeps on reminding me to always keep an eye to Lisa,.

-she's with us for two years,, then a week after Lisa's birthday she talk to us that she has to leave,,

ROSE: Why do you have to leave? Don't you love us anymore? (sniff)

JI-EUN: what? no~~ don't say that cheong-ah,, you are my babies ,, I just have to leave ,, your grad father asked me to,, you know I can't disobey him..

-she then looked over to Lisa that is hugging her side not saying a word.. she caresses Lisa cheeks,

JI-EUN: hey~~ you'll be okay.. make sure to stick together always hmmm~~

-Lisa shakes her head..

LISA: don't leave-

-Ji-Eun made Lisa look at her,,

JI-EUN: Lali~~ I'm not leaving you,, I will just be far for a short period of time,, I'm come back for you two,, I promise~~

-I came near them and hugged the other side of Ji-Eun,,

ROSE: you promise??

--she just smiled and kissed the top of our head,, two days after that she left..

-but she never came back~~

--Ji-Eun's disappearance brings back the screaming and sleepless nights..

--Jisoo finally came,, we became lovers right before she left to work at grandpa's company in Switzerland,,-- I know it's wrong but I have to lie to her of what exactly happened these past years that she's not with us,,

--after the incident at the hospital, with the help of sehun we came back at Lisa's parents' house where she was kept., that decision made by grandpa, but I was able to convince him when we went back here together with Jisoo..



-standing Infront of a huge door Jisoo tap my shoulder,,

JISOO: hey~ you, okay??

ROSE: yeah~~ I just amazed that were back here..

JISOO: this is your house , of course you'll be back here..

ROSE: right~~ come on..

--as we step on the front door,, it open wide and welcomed us with maid formed in line in both side on the corner bowing their heads..

entering the mansion our friends murmured,,

SOMI: WHOA!!! no~ this is not a house... this is a frigin mall dude!!

IRINE: jeon!! your mouth!,, but yeah,, this is amazing.. I wonder why rose and Lisa stay with you guys if they have this??

LISA: because I don't want to be away from my Nini~~

-Lisa and Jennie went pass them towards the living room..



--''we are anow sitting in this luxurious living room waiting for their grandfather.. Lisa place her hand on my lap,,

LISA: are you nervous??

-''nervous?? hell yeah!.. I usually don't get intimidated easily of whoever I face,, but this is different,, up until now it still gives me chills knowing that we'll be in the same room with her grandfather,, his aura screams power that by just the look of his eyes is like telling you to kneel before him..

JENNIE: a little.. I hope he likes me for you..

LISA: he will... and he should,,,

--she really is his granddaughter,, I can even see Lisa's eyes through him..

few more minutes a deep voice called out our attention.

MR.MANOBAN: Good you're all here..

-were in sync hovering our heads to the large stairs,, he's walking down like a king holding a silver cane,,

-we stand up as he approaches,,

MR.M: rose~~ Lali.. are you just going to look at me? (spreading his arm)

-rose took Lisa's hand and walk towards him..

ROSE: we missed you papa...

-rose hugged the old man while Lisa just stand Infront of them-

MR.M: Lali??

LISA: you're not going to separate me from Jennie are you??

-I was startled with Lisa's statement,, the old manoban look at me then back to Lisa,, he sighs,,

MR.M: Why are you going to let me ?


MR.M: That answers your question then,, so come on and hug me you brat.

-Lisa smiled and went close to her grandfather with her long arm wrap around him..

ROSE: okay!! can we all now go to the dinning and eat?? I'm really hungry,,


--were peacefully eating when Lisa suddenly speak,

LISA: Papa, I have a question..

MR.M: what is it?

LISA: well, you interrogate my relationship with Jennie.. why didn't you ask Roseanne who is her ''love one'' (smirked)

--we clearly saw how jisoonnie gulped.. we all hover our head to her,, smiling..

ROSE: uhm.. he knows.. right papa?

MR.M: no, I don't Roseanne you did not properly introduce him~~ to me..

--rose glare at Lisa,, and Lisa just give her a look like saying.. '' I will not take all the spot light''

JENNIE: baby~~(nudging Lisa)

LISA: what??

ROSE: she's a 'she'' papa..!!

-rose grab jisoonnie arm,,

ROSE: papa this is Jisoo my girlfriend,, love~~ this is Marco manoban sr,, our ever 'understanding,, lovable and handsome grandfather!!

LISA: nice one chip! (smile)

MR.M: that's way over the top Roseanne..(averted his attention to Jisoo) so Kim Jisoo~~ we meet again..

JISOO: si-sir.. (bow)

--we were trying so much not to laugh how she was very nervous right now,,

MR.M: stop calling me sir.. but wow.. the Kim's has taken both my granddaughters.. you must be very good..

LISA: Yes papa.. they are.. especially Jennie she's amazing and good in be--(cut off)

-oh my gosh Lisa,, you never change,, why do you always want to brag our sex life to them and now Infront of your grandfather,, Aishh.. I was covering her mouth to avoid unnecessary words she may say.. while out friends including rose are already shaking unable to contain her laugh..

JENNIE: she means to say is . good at taking care of her (awkward laugh)

MR.M: I can see that.. they won't be like this if you're not..

-we continue our meal after that awkward conversation.. the old manoban just spoke.

MR.M: oh, I almost forgot Ji-Eun will be here next week..

--rose and Lisa were stunned of what they heard, then look at their grandfather..

ROSE: Ji-Eun unnie?? she-she's back?? (look at Lisa)

LISA: Ji-Eun ~~



-I'm currently staying in this cheap motel,, I don't know why I should be the one hiding!!,, but she instructed me to lay-low and disappear,, but this is so frustrating ,, Lisa is out there having the time of her life with that b*tch,, if she's not going to be mine, that Jennie b*tch won't have her either!!..

--my phone rung while I'm thinking of a good revenge,


KARINA: great!! at last, you contacted me.!!

J: are you bored??

KARINA: bored?? I'm tired of this hiding game!! I thought you're going to help me with Lisa!??

J: stop yelling,~~ and yes, I will just looking for the right time..

KARINA: this is taking too long.. I can't wait anymore!!

J: (sigh) I can tell~~ anyways I will be there to meet you..

KARINA: haaah~~ finally.. By the way, I'm out of groceries, send me some money.

J: fine.

(call ended)


J: broke b*tch,

-; is that girl still useful to you?

J: not exactly but I will need a decoy.. (smirked)

-: this is taking so long.. make sure to finish it.

J: consider it done.



-were ready to go home when I found Lisa at the balcony, staring at nowhere.. the new about Ji-Eun surely hit her,, we were attached so much to her especially her,, she's slowly becoming a normal adult lately ,thanks to Jennie.. and her being like this, only means all her memories with Ji-Eun came back..

ROSE: Lali??

LISA: she's coming back chip..

ROSE: yeah~~ after all these years.. I wonder how she's been..

LISA: Did she even try to come back to us? or did she miss us??

ROSE: I don't know the reason why she didn't fulfill her promise but I'm sure she has a very good reason.. that's Ji-Eun she loves us, and you know that right?

LISA: hmmm.. I missed her chip..

ROSE: me too..(smile) now come on Jennie is waiting for you~~

--Lisa grew a smile and push herself off the balcony rail walking pass me,,

LISA: hurry chip,,!!

---just by hearing Jennie's name her mood changed just like that.. I really do hope no one will break them apart..