"" drunk dorks""

Annyeong annyrong!!!

Flirty and dizzy 🤭🤭



--Its now 11 PM, I'm sitting beside my angry little sister,  we've been waiting for Lisa and rose to come home,,

Earlier, they went with that Ji-Eun girl at their house, good thing they didn't ask her to stay here Aswell because that will be hell.. they were gone since 5 PM earlier, trouble was neither of them is not answering their phones,, I really have to bring them home now,, I don't like what I'm seeing,, Jennie is already pissed,, her stares can kill right now and I don't want to be her first victim,,

JISOO: uhm do you want me to get them??


JISOO: are you su-(cut off)

JENNIE: I said no eonnie.

-we shouldn't really let them go there on their own, but that Ji-Eun insist to have time with them,, I thought Jennie will go havoc with it, but monkey was able to persuade her, trouble was she's been waiting for an update and she didn't receive any,

-she's clearly upset,, that monkey will have an explanation to do and she have to make it really good or I can't do anything to save her if this angry mandu will salvage her..

-she didn't move away from that couch as well as me, keeping her arms crossed while just staring at the clock,, I can tell even the clock is sweating,



-Jennie suddenly stand up and about to go upstairs when a knock on the door stopped her,

right before we get close it abruptly open revealing my girlfriend not standing properly and monkey with her arm on rose's shoulders,,

ROSE: monkey!!! stand up !! were here,

LISA: we are?? hmmm.. Where is my Nini.?

ROSE: I don't know. but better fix yourself or she'll choke us both!!

--were getting closer to them when Ji-Eun is running towards them..

JI-EUN: hi~ I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to have them this drunk,, we just talked so much and lost control.. please don't be mad at them,

-I was about to confront her but Jennie holds my arm, she was just looking at them, which is scarier than her yelling.

JISOO: ye-yeah, no prob,

JI-EUN: uhm .. so, I'll go ahead, here are their phones,, goodnight, take care of them for me, thanks.

-she then left us with these two idiots swaying together.. they were walking like a zombie mumbling words,, I was waiting for Jennie's next action.

JENNIE: get your pasta eonnie, I'll take care of that monkey,

JISOO: sure... just go easy on her mandu,

JENNIE: just go eonnie.

-grabbing my pasta, I glanced at them.

JISOO: Goodluck monkey..~~



-this pasta of mine is driving me crazy; she's pushing my face and struggling to get off my hold,

JISOO: love, come on stop moving ~ you have to wash up rest.

ROSE: where's Lisa~ is she okay?

JISOO: (sigh) she's fine ~ I guess~~ Jennie is taking care of her,

ROSE: hmmmm. okay~~ you can undress me now (raising her arms)

JISOO: u-undress you??

ROSE: how can you clean me up then?

JISOO: uhm, hahaha, yeah, (clears throat) come let me undress you..

--she places her arms around my neck and sniff me.

ROSE: hmm. you smell edible~ can I eat you (smirked)

JISOO: (smile) you're using my words against me my love..

ROSE: can't I?

JISOO: of course, you may~~ (smirked)



-Lisa is slouching at the couch,, while Jennie is just looking at her crossing her arms,,

JENNIE: stand up from there monkey.!! I'm not helping you. !

LISA: hmmm. who are you?,,

JENNIE: who am I?? huh.. I'm really going to slap you.!!

-Jennie kneeled and try pulling Lisa's arm.

JENNIE: I said stand up! you dare got drunk and not even updating me of what's going on with you,!

-Lisa search for Jennie's face, she was able to cup her face and stare at it intently.

LISA: you look familiar... you look like my Nini.. but~~ she's more beautiful.

-Jennie bit her lips trying to contain her smile,.

JENNIE: your Nini is mad at you,!!

LISA: I know~~ I forgot to charge my phone,, do you think she'll hate me??

JENNIE: she's worried..~

LISA: she's always worried ,, but I love it, letting me know how much she loves me.

JENNIE: hump.. you really know how to get me.~

LISA: oh no~ I'm sorry, I'm not trying to flirt with you miss~~ I have my Nini,,

JENNIE: (smile) oh you're not? but it seems you are..~~

-Jennie leans and kiss Lisa's lips,

LISA: oh my god! you kissed me!,

JENNIE: yes, I did why? can't I?

LISA: You can't! I told you I'm taken, and I love my Nini!!

JENNIE: (giggles) and I love you too my monkey~~ look at me.

-Lisa tilt her head take a closer look to Jennie,.

LISA: look lady, even if you look like my Nini,, you can't kiss me,!

-Jennie pull Lisa to stand up and hold her waist,,

JENNIE: of course I can kiss you whenever I want Lili~~

LISA: (gasp) you call me Lili!!

JENNIE: okay~~ that's enough baby,, your forgiven for being cute, come on let's go upstairs so you can rest, we'll talk tomorrow,

LISA: you want me to go to your room miss?

JENNIE: uh-huh.. to ''OUR'' room,

-while guiding her , Lisa keeps looking at her mumbling words.

LISA: you have to be quiet about this okay~~ we will be dead if my Nini know about this,

JENNIE: okay I will,,

-after entering the room Jennie pushed her at the bed -

JENNIE: stay there for a minute, l'll just get hot water for you,,

--as soon as she reached the kitchen, she found Jisoo drinking water at the counter,,

JISOO: hey~~ how's Lisa.

JENNIE: at the bed being a dork..

JISOO: same goes with my pasta,, she won't stop talking even after I tire her,,

JENNIE: you tire her? .. that was fast.. (smile)

JISOO: I'm not hearing this from you jendukie.. I'm sure you'll take advantage of that monkey after you clean her..

JENNIE: shut up!!

JISOO: seriously you didn't gets mad? that's new.

JENNIE: (sigh) I was,, but you know how much she affect me,

JISOO: It figures,,, but I'm still pissed with that Ji-Eun girl letting them like this, she said she's their guardian and let them wasted, it's not cool,

JENNIE: I feel worse eonnie.. she better watch it,,

JISOO: count me in with that, any plans??

JENNIE: I'm still thinking.. but if she keeps on provoking me, I rather use my claws on her.

JISOO: ohhh~~ but do you think she's into something?? I mean It's kind of odd of her acting like she was trying to make spaces from us to her so called ''babies''

JENNIE: whatever she has in her f*cked up head, but she won't stand a chance eonnie, I will make sure of it.

JISOO: I got your back jendukie,,

JENNIE: alright well, I'll be back to our room now,

--Jennie went back upstairs and while walking Jisoo yell at her-

JISOO: chill out jendukie okay!! we're not having a marathon I want to sleep..!!

JENNIE: speak to yourself eonnie!!,



ROSE: what was that noise?

JISOO: nothing, I just talk to Jennie,,

ROSE: hmmm okay~~ now come here..

JISOO: are you not tired yet.?

ROSE: not a bit chicken,, so move you're a** here,,

JISOO: be right their pasta,, I will make you wobbly,

ROSE: show me~ (smirked)



-entering their room Jennie was grabbed by the waist,

JENNIE: Oh, my shoot!! Lisa! You scared me,!

LISA: where have you been?? I've been waiting for you..

JENNIE: so, your sobber now huh.. I thought you don't know me~

-Lisa placed her face at jennies' neck,,

LISA: there is only one person in this planet own this smell and nothing can drive me crazy like this, like my own brand of heroine..

JENNIE: oh yeah~~

LISA: hell yeah,, (bit her lips)




-Jennie brushing Lisa's hair while the latter is snuggling to her breasts,

JENNIE: you really made me worried,, I should be upset with you..

LISA: hmmmmff,, I'm sorry Nini~~

JENNIE: (smile) how can I stay mad at you if you're like this,, just don't do it again or I will be seriously getting mad at you, and I will beat you up..

LISA: I love you my Nini,,,

JENNIE: I love you too my monkey dork..