Overlord Volume 4 Chapter 2

Gathering, Lizardmen

Part 1

The sun was high in the sky after half a day's ride on Rororo. Zaryusu reached his destination without encountering any of the enemies he had been worried about.

There were several houses here which resembled those of the Green Claw tribe, surrounded by barricades of sharpened stakes pointing out on all sides. The gaps between the stakes were fairly large, but they were enough to keep away monsters like Rororo. There were fewer structures here than in the Green Claw tribe, but each of them was larger.

Therefore, he could not determine which tribe had more people.

Each building flew a flag which waved in the wind. Said flag was emblazoned with the Lizardman symbol for "Red Eye."

Indeed, this was the first destination Zaryusu had picked —​ the tribal dwelling place of the Red Eye tribe.

After looking around, Zaryusu breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they still lived where his past information had told him they would be. He had feared that they had migrated after the previous war, and he would have to start by finding their tribe.

Looking back at the direction from which he came, Zaryusu saw his own village at the limits of his vision. They must surely be preparing an ample welcome for their incoming guests. While he had felt uneasy when he had left his village, he was quite certain now that they would not be attacked.

The best proof of that was Zaryusu's safe arrival here.

While he was not sure if that was an oversight by that so-called Supreme One or if this development fell within the predicted scope of events, it would seem the enemy did not intend to go back on their word, and neither did they intend to stop the Lizardmen from preparing themselves.

Of course, even if the forces of that Supreme Whatever did show up, Zaryusu had no choice but to follow through with all his might.

Zaryusu dismounted from Rororo and stretched lazily.

Although riding Rororo for long periods of time made his muscles stiff, stretching like that filled him with comfort.

After that, Zaryusu indicated that Rororo should stay where he was and wait. Then, he took out some dried fish from his saddlebags and fed them to Rororo for brunch.

Originally, he had intended to have his people bring their rations here, but he could not give that order because it might have damaged the Red Eyes' hunting grounds.

After patting all of Rororo's heads, Zaryusu set forth by himself.

If he had kept Rororo by his side, the presence of the Hydra might leave the other side too wary to come out and speak. Since Zaryusu had come to propose an alliance, he did not want to pressure them unduly.

Water splashed around his feet as he advanced.

From the corner of his eye, Zaryusu noticed several warriors of the Red Eye tribe following his movements from within the barricade. Much like the warriors of the Green Claw tribe, they wore no armor and carried long spears, each of which was essentially a long stick tipped with a sharpened head of bone. Others carried slings, but the fact that none of them had discharged projectiles at him suggested that they had no intention of attacking right away.

Zaryusu did not wish to agitate them either, so he slowly drew closer until he reached their main gate. Then, he turned to the Lizardmen watching him warily, and shouted at the top of his voice:

"I am Zaryusu Shasha of the Green Claw tribe! I seek an audience with your chief!"

After some time, an old Lizardman holding a gnarled staff arrived. He was trailed by five strapping members of his tribe. The old Lizardman's body was painted with white designs.

Is he their High Priest?

Zaryusu cut an impressive figure even as he stood there waiting.

Currently, they were equals. Thus, he could not show any sign of weakness. Zaryusu remained still even as the priest inspected the brand upon his chest.

"I am Zaryusu Shasha of the Green Claw. There is something I must discuss with you."

"…Though I do not wish to welcome you, our leader has decided to grant you an audience. Come with me."

This roundabout reply left Zaryusu somewhat confused.

What baffled him was why he did not call their leader "chief." In addition, they had not asked him for any proof of his identity. That said, it would be troublesome if he spoke too much and upset them. With a vague sense that something was wrong, Zaryusu followed behind the group of Lizardmen.

♦ ♦ ♦

He was taken to a well-appointed little house.

It was easily larger than Zaryusu's brother's house, back in his village. The walls were decorated with designs drawn with rare paints, implying the high status of its occupant.

Curiously enough, this house lacked windows, though it had ventilation holes scattered throughout its walls. Like any other Lizardman, Zaryusu could see just fine in the dark. However, that did not imply they enjoyed living in darkness.

That being the case, why did this leader live in a dark little hut like this?

Questions like that popped up in Zaryusu's mind, but nobody would answer them for him.

Looking back, he saw that the priest and the warriors who had led him here were nowhere to be found.

When he had first heard the people leading him tell everyone else to leave, he had thought they were being too careless, and he had almost asked why they had done this.

However, once Zaryusu learned that the request came from the village's leader —​ its acting chief —​ his respect towards the person within the hut only grew.

Zaryusu had promised his elder brother that he would return safely, but that did not imply he had to come back unharmed. Surrounding him with armed warriors to apply pressure would do no good. Rather, if they had done that, he would have been disappointed at their lack of insight.

However, if the opposition had already anticipated that, and put on this great show for him…

Does that mean I'll be dealing with a skilled negotiator…

Zaryusu purposely ignored the people watching him from afar. He marched up to the door and loudly shouted:

"I am Zaryusu Shasha of the Green Claw tribe! I was told that this tribe's leader was here! May I request an audience?"

A faint voice came back, granting him entry. It was a female voice.

Zaryusu entered without a moment's hesitation.

As expected, the interior was pitch-dark.

While he possessed darkvision, the dramatic change in light levels made Zaryusu blink.

An acrid odour hung in the air, possibly from some kind of herbal concoction. Zaryusu had expected an aged female, but the voice easily shattered that preconception of his.

"I bid you welcome."

The voice had come through a door from the interior of the dark room, so he had assumed that it must have belonged to someone old. But now, he realised that her voice was young and full of vigor.

As Zaryusu's eyes finally adjusted to the ambient light, the form of a Lizardman resolved itself within his field of vision.

Snow white.

That was the first thing Zaryusu thought when he saw her.

Her scales were as white as snow and bright as day, clean and free of imperfections.

Her round, shiny eyes were crimson, glowing like rubies. Her slender body was not masculine, but feminine.

Her body was covered in red and black tribal designs indicating that she was an adult, that she knew many spells…

…And that she was unmarried.

Dear reader, have you been stabbed by a lance before?

Zaryusu had. It was a searing pain that made him feel that something hot had been forcefully pressed against his body, an agony that pulsed through his body in time with the beating of his heart. Zaryusu experienced something like that.

Only, it did not hurt, but—​

Zaryusu stood silently in his original position.

His counterpart's reaction to his silence was unreadable. With a mocking smile, she asked:

"It would seem even the bearer of Frost Pain —​ one of the Four Treasures —​ regards me as an aberration as well."

In the wild, albinism was a very rare condition. That was because albinos were very obvious and they had a hard time surviving the rigors of life.

The same applied to the Lizardmen, who possessed some degree of civilization. That was because they lacked the technology to enable people who feared the sun and had poor eyesight to survive. As a result, there were very few adult albino Lizardmen, and some were even killed at birth.

Among the Lizardmen, being considered a mere nuisance was already quite good. In the worst-case scenario, some were even regarded as monsters. That was the meaning of the mockery in her smile.

However, none of that applied to Zaryusu.

"—​What's wrong with you?" the surprised female inquired of Zaryusu, who was frozen solid at her doorstep.

Zaryusu's answer was a cry that grew high-pitched near the end, with some warbling in the middle.

The Lizardwoman's eyes went wide and her jaw dropped slightly. It encompassed her surprise, confusion, and embarrassment.

That sound was known as a mating call.

After realizing the foolish act he had unconsciously performed, his tail swished back and forth; the Lizardman equivalent of a human blush. It thrashed so violently that it seemed as though the house would be torn down.

"Er, ah, no. No, that's not it. I didn't mean that, I—​"

Zaryusu's panicked reaction seemed to calm the female down. Her teeth ground against each other in a creaking laugh, and then she tried to comfort him in an exasperated tone.

"Please calm down. It'll be quite troublesome for me if you lose control here."

"Ah! Sorry."

After apologizing, Zaryusu entered the hut. By now, the Lizardwoman's tail lay flat on the ground. It would seem she had finally managed to regain her composure. Still, its tip twitched and shuddered, which hinted that she had not completely calmed herself down yet.

"This way, please."

"—​Thank you."

The female ushered Zaryusu to what looked like a seat on the ground that looked like it had been woven from plant fibers. She took a place opposite him once he sat down.

"Pleased to meet you. This one is a traveller from the Green Claw tribe, Zaryusu Shasha."

"Thank you for your formal introduction. I am the acting chief of the Red Eye tribe, Crusch Lulu."

After introducing themselves, the two of them studied each other, as though conducting an appraisal of their counterpart.

The brief silence filled the hut, but it could not last. Zaryusu was a guest, so it fell to Crusch —​ as the host —​ to speak first.

"Then, Your Excellency, let's not stand on ceremony. I would like us to be able to speak freely, so it'll be all right to relax."

Zaryusu nodded in response to the request for openness.

"I'm grateful for that. The fact is, I'm not used to speaking formally myself."

♦ ♦ ♦

"Now then, why have you come here?"

Crusch had an idea already, despite her question.

The mysterious undead being had appeared in the center of their village, and it would seem someone else had used cloud-controlling magic of the fourth tier —​ 「Control Clouds」. In addition, the visitor was a Lizardman hero from another tribe.

Thus, there could only be one answer. Just as Crusch was wondering how to react to Zaryusu, she heard an answer which completely exceeded her expectations.

"—​Please marry me."





For a moment, Crusch wondered if her ears had been mistaken.

"Granted, that's not why I came. In addition, I know very well that this sort of thing ought to come after we've finished discussing business. However, I can't deny what I feel in my heart. I suppose you can mock me as a foolish male."

"Uu, er, mm. Oh…"

After hearing these words that she had never heard before since birth, and which she believed would never be directed at her, a storm of chaos tore Crusch's heart apart, and she was completely unable to focus.

Zaryusu smiled bitterly as he saw Crusch in that state, and continued:

"I'm sorry, I really am. I shouldn't be doing something like that at a time like this. I don't mind if you tell me your answer later.."

"Er, um… hm."

At great length, Crusch had finally managed to gather her thoughts once more, or at the very least she had managed to begin thinking again. In any event, she finally calmed down, but as Zaryusu's words appeared in her mind, she felt as if her head would burn up at any moment.

She studied the face of the male opposite her, taking care not to let herself be noticed as she sized up his stoic expression.

I can't believe he can be so calm after saying that sort of thing to me… does he make proposals like that often? Or is he used to having people court him… Granted, he is very handsome… Ah! What am I thinking!? This must be his scheme… yes, that's right. Clearly, he's just trying to wind me up. Besides, it's not as though anyone would pro-propose to someone like me…!

Having never been treated as a woman before, she was thrown into turmoil by this experience. She did not notice the way the tip of Zaryusu's tail twitched slightly. The male before her was also struggling to control his emotions and keep them from erupting forth.

Thus, silence passed between them for a time. It would take a while before the two of them could cool their heads, heated by feverish thoughts.

After enough time had passed for them to regain their composure, Crusch realized that they should return to the original topic for now.

Just as Crusch thought to ask Zaryusu about his reasons for coming to this village, she recalled what he had just said.

How could I ask something like that!?

Crusch's tail slapped the ground with a thwap. The male before her shuddered, as though he had been physically struck.

Crusch panicked, realizing that this was very rude behavior.

Even if he was a traveller, he was still a representative of his tribe. Neither was he an ordinary Lizardman, but a hero who bore Frost Pain. This was not the attitude she ought to be taking with someone like that.

But it's all your fault! Just hurry up and say something already!

Zaryusu had chosen silence because he was embarrassed about what he had done, but Crusch had not discerned that as she tried to put a lid on the volcano within her heart.

The silence continued. Realizing that this could not go on, Crusch made up her mind and decided to change the subject.

"Given that you're not afraid of the way I look, I imagine you must be very brave, am I wrong?"

As he heard Crusch's self-deprecatory reply, Zaryusu replied with an expression that seemed to say, What nonsense are you spouting?

What on earth is he thinking, anyway? Crusch thought.

"I said, do you not fear this white body of mine?"

"…It's like the snow that covers the mountains."


"—​It is a beautiful color."

And of course, he would have to say the one thing which nobody had ever spoken to her before.

What, what is this man saying!?

Unable to bear the strain from within, the lid on Crusch's emotions burst off, never to be seen again.

Seeing Crusch at a total loss for what to do next, Zaryusu casually reached out and touched Crusch's scales. His hand grazed over those lustrous, beautiful, seemingly-polished scales —​ which were somewhat cool to the touch.

"Shaa!" Crusch gasped in what sounded like fright.

That sound seemed to cool their heads off somewhat.

Both of them knew something was happening to them, but they could not hold themselves back. Panic filled them. Why had he been unable to control himself and touched her? And why had she let him do it? These questions became anxiety, which in turn became confusion.

In the end, their tails thumped repeatedly on the ground, so forcefully that the entire house seemed to shake.

Before long, their eyes met, and they realized the state of each other's tails. Then, their tails froze mid-motion, as though time had stopped for them.



One could describe the mood in the air as heavy. The word "tense" would also be quite applicable. Silence descended upon them once more, and they studied each other as stealthily as they could manage. After that, Crusch finally managed to compose herself. With a look in her eyes which said that she would not let any lies get by her, she asked:

"…Why… did you do that all of a sudden?"

While Crusch had not adequately expressed what she wanted to say, Zaryusu seemed to have picked up on her meaning, and gave a direct and honest answer.

"I believe that's what they call love at first sight. Also, we might die in this battle, so I didn't want to leave any regrets behind."

Crusch was left dumbfounded at how to reply to Zaryusu's earnest confession. However, there was something within those words which she could not accept.

"…So even the bearer of Frost Pain feels he might die?"

"We don't know about the enemy, so we can't take them lightly… Did you see the monster they used to relay their message? The one which came to our village looked like this…"

Zaryusu handed Crusch a sketch of the monster in question. She looked it over, and nodded.

"Mm, it's the same one."

"Do you know what kind of monster it is?"

"No. Nobody else in my tribe knows, for that matter."

"Is that so… Well, I've seen a monster like that before…"

Zaryusu's voice trailed off here, and then he studied Crusch's reaction after saying, "I ran from it."


"I didn't beat it. Or rather, it nearly killed me."

After realizing how potent that monster was, Crusch breathed a sigh of relief. It would seem holding the warriors back had been the right thing to do.

"That thing can confuse one's mind with its wails, and it's an incorporeal creature. Unenchanted weapons are useless against it, so I couldn't overwhelm it with numbers."

"We druids have spells which can temporarily enchant weapons…"

"…Can you defend against mental attacks, then?"

"We can improve resistance to such attacks, but protecting everyone's minds is beyond me."

"I see… can all priests cast spells like that?"

"Almost any priest can bolster resistances, but I'm the only one in my tribe who can ward against confusion."

Crusch realised that Zaryusu's breathing was somewhat ragged. It would seem he had realized that Crusch's position was not for show.

Indeed, Crusch Lulu was a veteran druid, and her powers were probably in excess of any other High Priest among the Lizardmen.

"…When will the Red Eye tribe be attacked?"

"They said we would be the fourth."

"Is that so… then, what do you plan to do?"

Time passed.

Crusch debated the merits and demerits of telling him. The Green Claw tribe would surely choose to fight, and Zaryusu was most likely here to secure an alliance to fight with them. How could she turn that to the advantage of the Red Eye tribe?

The Red Eyes had never intended to form an alliance. They had intended to flee. After all, fighting anyone who could use fourth tier spells was foolish in the extreme. There was no other conclusion they could draw given that their opposition could deploy the undead as well.

However, would it really be wise to tell them that?

As her thoughts swirled within her head, Zaryusu narrowed his eyes, as though he was going to bare his soul to her.

"Let me state my honest opinion."

Crusch did not know what Zaryusu would say next, and kept her eyes trained on him.

"What worries me is what will happen after we evacuate."

Crusch had no idea what Zaryusu was talking about. Zaryusu calmly explained himself.

"Do you think you can continue living as you always have after leaving a familiar place?"

"I don't think so… no, it would be close to impossible, right?"

If they left this place and built a new life elsewhere, that would entail entering a new environment. They would have to bet their lives in a struggle for life and death —​ for survival —​ and win. And in truth, the Lizardmen were not the rulers of this lake. They had fought for years to carve out their niche in these wetlands. A race like theirs could not easily uproot themselves and thrive in unknown territory.

"That is to say, it might be difficult just to find food and shelter, am I correct?"

"Indeed," Crusch replied in a somewhat shrill tone that conveyed her doubts.

"Then, what would happen if the five tribes all tried to evacuate at once?"


Crusch was speechless, because she had already divined Zaryusu's true intentions.

The area around the lake was spacious, but anywhere that a particular tribe fled to would also be hotly contested territory for the other tribes. In other words, just moving to a new place would spark a battle for survival. On top of that, they would all be fighting over the fish that was their staple food. What would happen if events unfolded in that way? For all they knew, something terrible might occur, like that war from the past.

"So you're telling me… the reason why you want to fight despite our lack of confidence is…"

"…Yes. It is not just a matter of my own tribe, but I have also considered how to thin the ranks of the other tribes."

"What kind of a reason is that!?"

That was why he wanted them to close ranks and fight. Even if they lost, the number of Lizardmen would be decreased.

The idea was a radical one —​ the idea that everyone was expendable besides the warriors, hunters, and priests. Yet, she could understand the rationale behind it. Or rather, when one took a long view of things, sacrificing everyone else was the wisest choice.

If there were fewer Lizardmen, they would not need so much food. In that way, the various tribes might be able to coexist in harmony.

Crusch searched for some way to deny that idea of his.

"—​You're telling me that you want to reduce our numbers and make a new life elsewhere without even knowing how dangerous our new home will be?"

"Then let me ask you this —​ what happens if we easily win the battle for our survival? When the supply of fish runs low, will the five tribes slaughter each other again?"

"For all we know, it might be easier to catch fish in future!"

"And what if it isn't?"

Crusch had no idea how to answer Zaryusu's cold retort.

Zaryusu seemed to be assuming the worst-case scenario while planning, which seemed like an extreme position to Crusch. If they did as she was thinking, then a tragedy would play out when times got tough. However, if they did as Zaryusu implied, then said tragedy might be averted.

In addition, even if the adult Lizardmen died in battle, it would be a glorious death for them.

"…If anyone refuses our proposition, then we will have to march against them first."

His low tones made Crusch shiver.

What he meant was that he would not allow the Red Eye tribe to migrate elsewhere with their numbers undiminished.

It was a sensible conclusion, and a very appropriate one.

When the depleted tribes ran into the Red Eye tribe —​ whose strength was undiminished —​ they would be at risk of annihilation. In order to avoid that, the only choice they had was to assault any tribes which did not choose to join the alliance. It was a perfectly rational decision to make from the perspective of a leader whose people were in danger, and if she were in his position, she might well have made that decision as well.

"I feel that so long as we form an alliance, even if we lose, there will be a minimal chance of us killing each other when our tribes relocate to new lands."

Crusch did not understand the meaning of those words, and her ignorance showed on her face. It was then that Zaryusu decided to explain himself in simpler terms.

"I feel that the alliance will foster a spirit of mutual cooperation and change our perspectives. Everyone will be comrades who have shed blood together, and not people from different tribes."

"So that's it," Crusch murmured as enlightenment dawned on her.

In other words, the tribes which had fought alongside each other might not necessarily descend into violence once food ran scarce. However, given Crusch's opinion and her past experiences, she wondered if they could reach such a state.

Just as Crusch lowered her head and began her contemplation, Zaryusu asked:

"Come to think of it, how did your tribe survive that period, anyway?"

Crusch jerked her head up, like she had been jabbed by a needle. She turned stiffly toward Zaryusu, who had a look of surprise on his face.

So he really didn't know about it before he asked.

While they had not known each other for a long time, Crusch had a rough grasp of Zaryusu's personality, and her instincts told her that his question posed no threat to her tribe.

Crusch narrowed her eyes and stared at Zaryusu, as though trying to penetrate him with her piercing gaze. She knew that Zaryusu would be confused about why someone was looking at him like that, but even so, she still had to do it."

"—​Must I tell you?"

♦ ♦ ♦

Her tone was filled with disdain and resentment. So great was the change that it made Zaryusu wonder if he was speaking to someone else.

However, Zaryusu would not back down here, because this was potentially a lifeline that could save everyone.

"I would like to hear it. Was it by the power of the priests? Or was there another way? Perhaps there might be a way to save—​"

Zaryusu cut his words off halfway.

If there was really a way to save everyone, then the look on Crusch's face would not have been so bitter.

Perhaps Crusch had sensed what Zaryusu was thinking, but she laughed, as though to mock herself.

"You're right. There's no way to save everyone."

She stopped here, and smiled tiredly.

"We resorted to cannibalism —​ eating our dead comrades."

The incredible shock left Zaryusu speechless. Killing the weak —​ reducing their numbers —​ was not forbidden, but eating one's fellow man was an unclean practice, a taboo among taboos.

Why is she telling me this? Why is she telling me something she should have kept a secret all her life, to someone outside the tribe —​ to a visitor? Could it be that she doesn't intend to let me leave alive… no, it doesn't seem like that.

♦ ♦ ♦

Even Crusch was surprised at why she was telling Zaryusu all this.

She knew very well that her tribe would be vilified for it. But why—​

And then she continued speaking, as though her mouth were no longer under her control.

"At that time —​ during the tribal war —​ our tribe was in dire straits due to a lack of food. However, we did not participate in the fighting because our tribe had more priests and comparatively fewer warriors. The priests could create food with magic."

As though under the control of another will, Crusch carried on.

"However, the food that the priests created with magic was little more than a stopgap measure, and our tribe was slowly and surely heading towards destruction. However, the chief suddenly brought back some food one day; fresh red meat."

—​Perhaps, I wanted to confess… my sins to him.

The sound of Crusch gnashing her teeth filled the air.

The male before her listened silently. If he was repulsed by it, he showed absolutely no sign.

Crusch was thankful for that.

"Everyone had an idea of what that meat was. There had been strict laws laid down, and those families who violated them had been exiled. The chief only brought that meat back after those exiles had left. But everyone ignored their suspicions and ate the meat in order to survive. Of course, things could not go on like that forever. Everyone's pent-up feelings reached a head, and then they exploded."

Crusch closed her eyes and recalled the face of the previous chief.

"We, who ate that meat… even when we knew what it was… we were guilty of the same crime as the chief. When I think about it now, it almost seems laughable."

After she finished her monologue, Crusch looked Zaryusu in the eye. As she saw no sign of revulsion in his eyes, a secret thrill of delight ran through her, followed by surprise at her joy.

Why was she so happy about this?

Crusch began to realize the answer to that question.

"…Please look at me. Sometimes, people like myself appear in the Red Eye tribe. When they grow up, they develop some form of special ability —​ in my case, I was talented at priestly magic. Therefore, I was in the running to be the next tribal chief… and so I raised my banner in revolt against the chief. That battle split the tribe in two, but we won because we were stronger."

"And so your stores of food were now adequate because your numbers had decreased?"

"Yes… and in the end, our tribe survived. When we rebelled, the chief held out until the bitter end, and he died after being covered in countless wounds. Before he received the fatal blow, he looked at me and smiled."

The words slipped painfully from Crusch.

That was the guilt which had been festering in her heart ever since she killed the previous chief.

She could not confess these sins of hers to the people who had stood by her, complicit in her treason. But now, she could unburden herself to Zaryusu. That was why she was going on and on about the past.

"It was a smile which I did not expect from someone looking upon the person about to murder them. There was no hatred, resentment, hostility, or malice there —​ it was such a beautiful smile! I was wondering… could it be that the chief had done all this after taking everything else into consideration? In contrast, we were merely acting out of hostility and idealism. The chief was the one in the right! And after the chief died —​ that is to say, after the scapegoat for all our sins had been killed —​ our tribe united once more. In addition, he left us the parting gift of solving our food shortage!"

By now, Crusch had already reached her breaking point.

She had struggled for so long with her guilt and the burden of becoming the acting chief. Thus, when she let herself break down, she would do so with tremendous force. However, Crusch swallowed the impending deluge inside her, because she knew that if she allowed her thoughts to fall into chaos, she might not even be able to speak.

A quiet sobbing filled the air. Biologically speaking, it was an insignificant amount of tears, but the fact was that on a psychological level, she had been broken to the point of weeping.

♦ ♦ ♦

What a frail little body she had.

In the natural world, weakness was intolerable. While children were still a protected group, there was little difference between male and female Lizardmen; all of them valued strength. From that point of view, he should be scorning the female before him. After all, how could the leader of a tribe show weakness before a member of another tribe —​ before a stranger?

However, Zaryusu thought differently.

Perhaps he felt that she was a beautiful female, but more than that, she seemed to him like a warrior. She was a warrior who had been wounded, who was panting and in despair, but yet she continued forging ahead. Zaryusu felt that this was merely revealing her vulnerable side.

If she was still willing to stand up and advance, then she was not weak.

Zaryusu leaned close, and gently wrapped his arms around Crusch.

"—​We are not all-knowing, and each of us might make a different decision in a different situation. If it were me, I might have done the same thing. But I don't want to try and comfort you or anything, because there's no such thing as a right answer in this world. All we can do is to choose to move on, and I feel that even after all the regret and misery and the wounds that cover the soles of your feet, all you can do is choose to press forward."

The warmth of their bodies flowed into each other, and the tiny tremor of their heartbeats went with it. For a moment, it felt as though their hearts were slowly syncing up with each other.

What a strange feeling.

This was a warmth Zaryusu had never felt before in his life. It was not because he was embracing a Lizardman.

Could it be that it's because I'm holding this female —​ Crusch Lulu —​ in my arms?

Before long, Crusch wriggled free of Zaryusu's chest.

Zaryusu briefly regretted the departure of her warmth, but he kept silent because he did not know how to express that feeling.

"It seems I've embarrassed myself in front of you… do you think less of me now?"

"What do you mean, embarrassed? Do I look like the sort of male who would laugh at someone who carried on moving forward despite their wounds and worries about the future? …But I think you look very beautiful."



The white tail curled, and slapped repeatedly at the ground.

"…Oh dear."

Zaryusu did not inquire about what Crusch had meant by those words. Instead, he asked another question.

"Right, does the Red Eye tribe raise fish?"


"Yes, as in breeding and nurturing fish to be eaten."

"We don't do that, because fish are a blessing from nature."

From what Zaryusu could tell, no Lizardman tribe had ever practiced fish breeding. That was because they felt that growing their own food was a form of blasphemy.

"That seems to be what the priests —​ what the druids think. Could you try to change their minds and persuade them to raise fish to fill their bellies? The priests in our tribe seem to have accepted that."

Crusch nodded.

"Then, I shall teach you how to raise fish. The important thing is their feed; you need to feed them with the fruits conjured by druidic spells. The fish grow large and fat when fed on those."

"Is it really all right for you to tell me the secrets of fish-rearing?"

"Of course. There's no point hiding it. It's more important that I help as many tribes with that as possible."

Crusch bowed deeply to Zaryusu and lifted her tail in thanks.

"You have my utmost gratitude."

"You… Well, you don't have to thank me, but in return, I'd like to ask you something again."

The emotion disappeared from Crusch's face, and that shift in attitude calmed Zaryusu's heart down.

This was a question he could not evade. Zaryusu took a deep breath, and so did Crusch.

And then, Zaryusu asked:

"What does the Red Eye tribe intend to do about the coming battle?"

"…After what we discussed yesterday, we are currently in favor of fleeing."

"Then, acting chief Crusch Lulu, let me ask you one more time —​ do you still feel the same way?"

Crusch could not answer him.

It was only natural to hesitate, given that this concerned the fate of the Red Eye tribe.

However, Zaryusu could do nothing about that response but force a smile to his face.

"…You have to make that decision. I believe the reason why the previous chief smiled at you was because he was entrusting you with the tribe's future. That being the case, now is the time to live up to his trust in you. That's all I have to say. The rest is up to you."

Crusch's round eyes panned around the room. It did not imply she wanted to flee or seek help, but that she was searching for the right answer within her heart.

No matter how it ended up, all Zaryusu had to do was accept her answer.

"As acting chief, may I ask how many people you intend to evacuate?"

"For the time being, we are planning to evacuate ten warriors, twenty hunters, three priests, seventy males, one hundred females and some children."

"…As for the others?"

"—​Depending on the circumstances, we might have to let them all die."

Crusch stared off into empty space and murmured:

"—​Really now."

"Then, please give me your answer, acting chief Crusch Lulu of the Red Eye tribe."

♦ ♦ ♦

Crusch considered her options.

She could kill Zaryusu. Personally speaking, she did not want to do that, but it was a different matter in her capacity as acting chief.

How about killing him and fleeing with the rest of the village? Crusch abandoned that line of thought, because it was an extremely dangerous gamble and it concerned their future. Besides, there was no guarantee that he really had come alone.

Then, how about agreeing with him and then running away with everyone?

That would probably be problematic too. If they tried to be clever and messed up instead, it might lead to a war with the Red Eye tribe —​ one that would lead to an extermination of their people. After all, their intention was to reduce the population, and it did not matter who had to die for that to happen.

Ultimately, if he did not receive an answer agreeing to an alliance, he would probably lead an army to the Red Eye tribe to destroy them.

However, she did not know if Zaryusu had realized there was a flaw in that plan. The problem of food scarcity still remained.

Then, enlightenment dawned on Crusch, and she smiled. There had never been a way out to begin with. From the moment Zaryusu had proposed the alliance; from the moment he had suggested they work with the Green Claw tribe—​

The only way for the Red Eye tribe to survive was to ally with them and join the battle together. Zaryusu should have realised that as well.

Even so, he wanted Crusch to give her answer. He probably wanted to see if Crusch —​ the leader of her tribe —​ was worthy of standing beside him as his comrade.

After that, all that was left was to speak her decision.

However, if she told him, many people would surely die. Still—​

"Let me get one thing straight. We are not fighting to die, we are fighting to win. I may have said a lot of things that made you uncomfortable, but as long as we beat the enemy, we can laugh it all off. I hope you understand that."

Crusch nodded to show that she understood.

He was a compassionate male. With that, Crusch replied with her decision:

"…We, the Red Eye tribe, will join you, because I do not wish to make the previous chief's smile meaningless, and also because I want to give the Red Eye tribe its best shot at survival."

Crusch bowed deeply, and lifted her tail.

"—​Thank you very much."

Zaryusu nodded, and his firmly erect tail spoke more of his emotions than his words ever could.

♦ ♦ ♦

It was morning.

Zaryusu looked toward the main gate of the Red Eye tribe's village, from where he stood in front of Rororo.

His mouth opened, and a yawn slipped out. He was still feeling a little tired, because he had been sitting in on the tribal meeting of the Red Eye tribe until late last night. However, time was of the essence, and he had to visit another tribe by today.

Zaryusu furiously battled the spectre of sleep, but he lost his fight and yawned again, louder than before.

While Rororo was hardly a stable ride, for some reason he felt that he could still fall asleep on top of it.

Zaryusu glanced at the sun, which seemed bright yellow despite having just risen, and then he looked back at the main gate. A feeling of confusion came over him, because something strange had walked out from it.

It was a bundle of grass.

It was a set of garments that had been made with long strips of cloth and stuffed full of long grasses. If it lay down on the marsh, it would look like a pile of weeds from a distance.

Ah, where have I seen a monster like that before—​

As Zaryusu recalled the sights he had seen as an adventurer, Rororo growled in a threatening fashion from behind him.

Of course, Zaryusu knew who that pile of weeds was. There was no doubt about it. After all, her white tail peeked out from it.

As he stared dumbly at the swaying tail and absentmindedly rubbed Rororo to calm it down, the pile of weeds had already drawn up to Zaryusu.

"—​Good morning."

"Mm, good morning… it seems you've gathered the tribe."

He looked toward the dwellings of the Red Eye tribe. It was filled with a frantic energy, with many Lizardmen running back and forth. Crusch stood aside to watch, and then replied:

"Mm, there were no problems with that. We should be able to reach the Razor Tail village by today, and we've already picked out the people that we're going to evacuate."

According to the spells cast by the priests from the village, the Razor Tail tribe was the first to be attacked. The fact that the first tribe to be attacked was not the Dragon Tusk tribe was a godsend when they considered the time they had left.

"Then, why are you coming with me, Crusch?"

"The answer is simple, Zaryusu. But before I answer you, tell me this —​ what do you intend to do next?"

After the long meeting that had lasted from evening to the middle of the night, neither of them felt uncomfortable about addressing each other by their first names. Even the way in which they spoke had changed, probably because they had come to be familiar with each other.

"After this, I intend to visit another tribe —​ the Dragon Tusk tribe."

"They're the tribe that values strength over all things, right? I've heard that they have the greatest fighting power of all the tribes."

"Mm, that's right. Since we haven't had much contact with them, we'd best prepare ourselves for anything."

Everything about them was shrouded in mystery, so even proceeding to their domain was a very risky matter. In addition, they had absorbed the survivors of the two tribes which had been disbanded during the previous war, so that made things even more dangerous.

Zaryusu had distinguished himself during that war, so he would be a hated nemesis for the survivors of those two tribes.

Even so, they were the tribe whose strength they most needed during the upcoming conflict.

"So that's it… Then it would be better for me to accompany you."


"Is it strange?"

The weed pile rustled softly. Zaryusu had no idea what those words meant because he could not see her face.

"It's not strange… more that it's very dangerous."

"Is anywhere safe during these times?"

Zaryusu could not reply to that. When he thought calmly about it, there were many advantages to bringing Crusch along. However, as a male, he did not want to bring the female he loved to a place where he knew great danger was waiting.

"—​I really can't calm down."

He could not see Crusch's face inside the weed pile, but she seemed to be smiling.

"…Then I'll ask you another question. Why are you dressed like that?"

"Is it ugly?"

It was not ugly so much as bizarre. However, would it be better to praise her for it? Zaryusu did not know how to answer, but after some thought, he sized up the expression he could not see and replied:

"…Well, I should say it looks good… does it?"

"As if."

Crusch shut him down with a flat denial. That was probably why Zaryusu felt weak all of a sudden.

"It's simply because I don't deal well with sunlight. Thus, I need to dress up like this whenever I go outside."

"I see…"

"Ah, you haven't given me your answer yet. Will you let me come with you?"

No matter what he said to her, it would all be pointless. Having her around would be advantageous to his aim of forging an alliance. She must have suggested as much because she felt the same way. Thus, there was no reason for him to refuse her.

"…I understand. Then, please lend me a hand, Crusch."

With a sense of joy that seemed to come from the bottom of her heart, Crusch replied:

"—​I understand. Leave it to me, Zaryusu."

"Are you ready to set out?"

"Of course. My pack is filled with everything I need."

After hearing that, Zaryusu looked at her back and found a bulge there. The thick scent of fresh grass and other herbs came from it. Since she was a druid, she ought to have skills pertaining to herbs and the like, so it must be filled with such materials.

"Zaryusu, you look tired."

"Uh, yes, I do feel a bit weary. The past two days have been pretty busy, so I haven't had time to sleep."

Just then, a white-scaled hand emerged from under the mass of weeds.

"Here. This is a Rikiriko fruit. Eat it, skin and all."

The hand proffered him a brown-colored fruit. Zaryusu placed it into his mouth and bit down on it without hesitation.

A bitter taste filled his mouth, chasing away his fatigue. While it was barely passable in terms of flavor, after chewing it several times, an explosion of flavor bloomed on his tongue. In addition, even the breaths he exhaled had the same taste on them.

"Muu! What's this cool sensation that's filling my head?"

Zaryusu had unconsciously adopted his elder brother's verbal tic. Crusch could not help but giggle as she saw him.

"Your desire to sleep has gone away, right? But the fact is that it isn't really gone, so don't get too used to it. It would be best to find somewhere to rest."

Every breath Zaryusu took in and released filled him with bliss, as did the full-body sensation of coolness. He replied:

"Then, I'll take a nap while I'm on Rororo."

Saying that, Zaryusu immediately mounted Rororo. He was followed by Crusch. While Rororo glared at Zaryusu due to the sinister feeling of a pile of grass climbing astride it, Zaryusu finally managed to calm it down.

"Then, let's go. The seating isn't very stable, so you'd best hang on to me."

"All right."

Crusch's arms encircled Zaryusu's waist. The prickles from her weed outfit made Zaryusu feel itchy.


Zaryusu frowned. This was not what he had imagined.

"—​Is something wrong?"

"No, it's nothing. Let's go. Rororo, I'll leave it to you."

What exactly was making her so happy? Crusch's cheerful laughter came from behind him, and as Rororo lurched on, Zaryusu was all smiles.