One With The Animatronics

"Begin tape. Leaving dead space 3, 2, 1. The purpose of this tape is to test automated response times and reactions from vintage interactive attractions following audio stimuli. If you are playing this tape, that means that not only have you been checking outside at the end of every shift, as you were instructed to do, but also that you have found something that meets the criteria of your special obligations under Paragraph 4. Follow these instructions: document response times, then safely secure the space before leaving. Upon sealing the room, you are not to return. Begin audio prompt in 3, 2, 1."

Emma feels a bit weirder than before, she feels taller, she feels like she aged by alot, she began to look around, she came across the kitchen, the door was locked! Emma grasped the door handle and ripped it off, she opened the door to find dozens of chefs standing at the door, they all didn't see her for some reason and was more concerned about the yellow slumped over animatronic in the back of the kitchen, she steped closer and the words "It's Me" ran in her head over and over and over again, she fell over and she woke up in yet again... another box! Emma looked over to her right to see the box was made in 2020, she opened up the box and looked over to her right, it was 2023, she looked over to her left to see a box full of animatronics she had never seen before, the box reads "Mediocre Melodies" she steped out of the box and stepped closer and the bear wearing a hat jumped out of the box, the bear looked up and said, "your the one who killed, your the one who did that to those poor kids, we're your creations!" the bear said, Emma looked at the bear, she looked at the tag he had on him, his name was Ned Bear! "My name is Emma, I have no idea what your talking about!" she said, she looked at the bears hand, its hand was through her, just like the old Bonnie animatronic, she fell over life-less "Your not Emma... Emma is here with us now!" Emma closed her eyes and Ned Bear said one last thing to her "This is how it feels, and you get to experience it over, and over, and over again... forever. I will never let you leave" Emma woke up in the kitchen with fear in her eyes, Emma stood up and walked out the door, she began to head toward the exit door, she couldn't leave, something was not allowing her to. She walked toward an office near the parts and service, she saw William, he was the day shift guard, Emma walked down the long and wide hallway towards William, Emma leaned over the table, William looked up, "What did you do to me?" Emma asked, William did not respond, William got of his chair and walked away, he had no idea she was there, Emma began to wonder if she was dead, but that little girl saw her, and Ms. Afton saw her, she couldn't tell, but if she was dead than she would be trapped in Freddy's. It was now closing time, all the kids were gone, but Emma saw William lead a little boy into the office, she followed him, the lights then shut off, she looked up into the darkness, she made her way towards the kitchen, which the main lights switches were in there, she flicked the lever, the lights turned on, the door opened itself, she walked out and walked into the office, with a dead boy laying on the floor, she dropped to the floor and began to sob, she grabbed the little boy, she put him in the Parts/Service room, she hid him inside the old Freddy suit, she walked out the room and began to wait for her dad, she looked over and saw the little boy walking toward the new Bonnie animatronic, Emma tried to stop him, "Wait! I thought you were dead, what happened?" Emma asked, the little boy looked at her and replied "I'm not dead but I'm not alive either" Emma stared at the boy as he hugs the Bonnie animatronic and he fades away, Emma began to sob out loud, she looked back up with tears on her face and the Bonnie animatronic was no longer there, she looked behind her to find the large animatronic looking down at her, she then got up with fear in her eyes, the animatronic said, "You don't know yet huh? The man in that scary hallway is watching us, those damn cameras, I can't move when a live one is watching" Emma looked at the animatronic. with question and terror in her face, she began to think of her dad's best friend Mr. Park, Mr. Park when he was a kid would hug old classic animatronics, he fell in love with the Fredbear animatronic, but Mr. Park is now a detective, and investigates old vintage buildings where mysterious things had happened, he had a daughter, Emma never met the little park, Jeremy knew the little Park but Jeremy never really talks to them anymore. Emma would sit there and watch the Bonnie animatronic play the guitar as the bear would sing Pop/Rock songs, that chicken, that damn chicken would sing along but she would malfunction as if she had a heart attack. Emma didn't know much people who liked the chicken, but one of her neighbors did, her name was Charlie, they didn't talk much and she never really talked about Emma. It was time to open the pizzeria and William was now day shift guard for some odd reason and Emma's dad took the night shift because... well... they paid well. Emma looked out the window and all the kids were gathered around the little girl that Emma saw yesterday, it was Catherine! All the kids were punching, kicking, and shoving, because they all found out she was a queer, Emma stormed outside to stop the kids, "Leave the girl alone" Emma said, not one single kid looked at her, all the kids were circled around Catherine, Emma grabbed Catherine's hand and screamed "STOP!" to all the kids, Catherine looked up at Emma and said "Thank you Freddy!" Emma looked down at her, "Freddy?" she asked, just as Catherine was about to speak she was kicked on her back, when William came out to stop the "fight" he secretly grabbed a little girl by the hand and took her to the back ally.