3.51 - Candy Store - Downfall of Humanity

Perched on the edge of a platform, Bing Shi's feet dangled freely in the open air as she observed the flurry of activity below, where soldiers and prisoners displayed their unique abilities against the encroaching zombies.

The play of her legs, suspended in space, seemed to mirror the ebb and flow of her thoughts, capturing a moment of tranquil solitude amidst the chaos of the world around her.

Another figure had joined her on the platform, her eyes tracing the contours of his form before she turned to the spectacle below.

"Bing S—"

"You shouldn't call your grandma by her name."

"..." Ziek, who disappeared from the base for half a year, had returned.

° A few months ago...

° The air was heavy with the smell of burnt flesh and smoke hung in a haze that partially obscured the barren wastelands.