4.21 - Wiggle Wiggle - Dangerous Angels

The flame in the lamp curled and swayed in the cozy room, casting an orange reflection on a young pair. Under constant watch, they must not dwell on lengthy conversations.

Adjusting their body position, they tugged back into a torrent of chastising kisses. Putting the truth aside, they distracted themselves by going through every sentence that captured their interest, enjoying the hypnotizing joy at the same time.

Ru Quan mused inwardly, 'She just got to know that she was a psychotic killer, and the first thing she asked was if she was my concubine? She shrugged it off as if killing was something she did on a regular basis... Is she trying to intimidate the other host? Because we all know, that this woman can't even strike a chicken.'

'Was I under his command in the past live for him to be so chill about me killing half of his harem? Because, wouldn't a normal person seek revenge? I got it; he wants me to pretend to be his little monster.'