4.52 - In Search Of Some Pretty Stones - Dangerous Angels

|"Are you going to get drunk and throw me out of a cliff like your ex?"|

(Mr. Jelly):  No. I would do you on my horse.

Ru Quan answered her teasing seriously. That's what he would do if he ever got drunk again, not hiding the fact that due to a certain someone, his mind was getting dirtier and dirtier with each passing day.

If somebody ever wondered what a drunk Xuan Mu would do, the above would be the closest answer. Unable to control himself, he would probably act on impulse. Ru Quan knew that being drunk gave him no excuse to kill Bai Meili. Since then, he never touched alcohol again.

(Mr. Jelly): Should I find some pretty stones for them?

|"Yes, please."|

Rubbing her eyes, Bing Shi flashed him an adorable smile, like that of a child who was determined not to weep.