4.54 - Heroine Halo - Dangerous Angels

° Back then, Ru Quan's morals were all warped up. People then were simply cruel, and he was no different. What did it take to be a leader? He was loved and hated by many. To gain more power, he saved and sacrificed thousands and thousands of innocent people.

° The military discipline was brutally harsh by modern standards. Life in the legions made Russian special force training look like a posh summer camp. Trivial offenses were punished with flogging and serious crimes with execution.

° That was all his soldiers trained for. Total brutality. They trained up to 12 hours a day with melee weapons. This included switching weapons, two-handed fighting, fighting against multiple foes, fighting on wet ground, and fighting on uneven terrain.

°  They literally lived and breathed close-quarter melee fighting. It took a particular immoral viciousness to be a soldier. Ru Quan's men could literally bite off their opponent's testicles without fear.