7.17 - Beast Of Prey - War Of The Wickeds

Dai An preferred her lifestyle of a 'ghost', that was also a reason why she didn't take over Bing Shi and only lived in the back of her mind. It was her decision and whether he would accept her this way or not, was his problem.

Why did he want to meet her? To see if she would endanger Bing Shi? She already showed him her parasitic lifestyle, and she doubted he would approve of it.

Ru Quan smelled a touch of sweat and burnt flesh — the heartache made him feel unable to stand or sit still. He wanted to take his arms and make them a protective shield against her eyes that saw too much.

Dai An's idol, the ancient beast of prey, would often cause others, who were in his close proximity, to feel frightened due to how one could feel no hope around him. She took a look at the pain of loneliness and rejection in his eyes. It was hard to believe that he was once determined to fight for the greater good.