8.41 - What's Wrong With The New Reqruits?!

Deeper into the forest, they heard a strange sound in the distance. It sounded like a human cry, but it wasn't a human at all. It was a bird, imitating the sound of a person in distress. The bird's cry was eerily accurate, with a high-pitched wail that echoed through the trees.

These birds only made such sounds near humans to alert nearby predators, almost like a form of currency to avoid being preyed upon.

The team quickened their pace, following the direction of the bird's cry. As they moved deeper into the forest, they could see signs of a struggle ahead. Broken branches and trampled undergrowth littered the ground, and there were clear signs of a recent battle.

Approaching the scene, they noticed a few Feroces Bellatores engaged in a fierce battle with the LAD team. The creature resembled a massive black panther with sharp claws and teeth. Adding to its ominous aura, the creature had a shadowy gas enveloping its limbs and tail.