My love for my friends

So I finally told my friends that I was lying about everything because of school.So I told her about everything that went on in my head and in real life.I was depressed kind of still am. I told her what happened in my old school and how my mom gave me up to another family to take care of me until she got her own place and a stable job and it wasn't always stable because I moved from California to Las Vegas 12 times and how I was living with my grandmother down stares in the living room and there is 11 people living in that house.I went to 8 different schools in my life because we move back and forth.I also told her that I know when she is sad or mad and that I can do the same thing with my other friends because they are my family I trust them with my life and I will sacrifice myself for them they are true friends and I know that my friend told me how she and her sister doesn't have a dad and there brother in-law is like a father to them and I know how that feels.I wish that my dads where actually there for me because I have 3 and 2 of them are in jail and the other one hurt my mom because they wasn't my real dad my dad and my mom was never married so I know my dad it's just I haven't seen him in a year or 2.Right now I wish everyone was by my side helping me but because I am 12 they won't listen to me because I am just a kid. Oh yeah so I mainly have 2 friends I talk to right and one of them is a boy and my friend I was talking to about all this stuff is shipping me and him and it's annoying because SOMEONE thinks that we should be together. YOU KNOW WHO U ARE!!!!