Well school is umm

So I am at school and umm..... I am bored like i would rather do the essay right now because thats how bored i am.People don't know how much i would rather do work.Also.....I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY so this girl in my 4th period asked if I have friends..........IF I DIDT HAVE FRIENDS THAN WHY WOULD I BE TALKING TO YOUR DUMB ASS.Half of my friends dont even know me like that only because if they did I would be having more food.Also why dont you guys/people comment like do you guys/people have nothing to say or is that just me.I am also going to continue typing because i am bored so if this story is long...I AM SORRY.This is basicly my personal to me but its fine if you guys like share it because like why not :D Also I am in my 6th period and its these 2 or 3 girls who talk about me so there friend asked why dont i do anything when they do talk about me and I said "well do you want there to be blood on the floor because my mom said i cant fight anymore just for that reason." and then she walked away.I am bluffing but i meant it tho if that is possible. OK gtg Bye.