
Hekate had calmed down within the next few minutes of sending several balls of heated energy after the Speedster. It wasn't as if she really wanted to kill her, she was just venting her irritation out on the person who tried to steal her notebook and then rewinded time. Just who in the right mind would trust someone like that? It felt as if she was being messed with.

For those few minutes, Paige had been moving about the sports field, narrowly avoiding getting hit by the explosions. They were quick, but not as fast of her, but they were still able to home in on her.

Paige wasn't sure how she was able to complete such a feat, as this power was something that superman hadn't even done until the arrival of Darkseid.

"Leprechaun!" Hekate addressed the speedster, pointing at her once again. This time her visor was down, hiding her face away in an abyss of darkness.

"I am not a Leprechaun! I'm not even Irish for frak's sake!" Paige shouted back in return as she was addressed as an Irish mythological midget creature that looked like a little man. She was getting ready to dodge more volley's, but the attacks never came.

"You said there was a Star City in California, but there isn't one in the Atlas of nineteen ninety five or two thousand one!" She pointed out as if it was a newly founded city. "But there is one in Nevada, so start talking!"

Paige blinked several times seeing how Paige had kept all of the information from the time that was reversed away. There really was something weird going on here. "What do you mean there is no Star City!? It's where Queen Consolidated is located!"

Squinting at the girl who was spouting out something about a company she never heard of, she was getting confused again. "There's no such thing as Queen Consolidated!" Hekate spat back as she continued to point at the Speedster in green.

Paige stood there as she heard this and placed a hand on the side of her head, scratching it slightly. "So you're saying neither the City nor the Company exists?"

"Correct-o-mundo," Hekate said with an aggravated sigh and shook her head.

Paige stood there for a few minutes before looking at what appeared to be a sleek electronic gauntlet on her right arm. "Gideon, what time am I in?"

A bald disembodied head and shoulders appeared as a blue hologram, "Hello Evergreen. You are currently in the year 2005. Is there anything else you would like to know?" Gideon turned its head and looked to the Kryptonian then back towards Paige.

"What Earth am I on?" Was the next question she would ask, which made Hekate who could hear them clearly, listen in and raise a brow.

"You are on Earth forty two. In your effort to escape from the year 2013, you not only ran back in time, but you broke through the bleed and entered another alternate reality when you tried to go back." The artificial intelligence stated and remained silent for a few seconds as if it was processing something. "This reality's integrity has been cracked beyond repair. The cause is unknown."

Tilting her head slightly to the side upon hearing this, Hekate took a step forward. "Guardian, what is that thing?" She asked curiously, her helmet muting her voice upon her subconscious request.

『It is an advanced Artificial Intelligence, it's main function is to scan and monitor the timeline. It appears it also has the capability to feel the integrity of the verse that it currently presides in. It is currently projecting from Earth-1. There is likely a city known as Star City in Earth-1 with the details she has shared previously.』

"What about her parents? Was she lying about that?" Hekate asked as she kept her eyes locked on the speedster. She didn't like being lied to, but she knew that people always had their reasons, for better or worse.

『Her father is present in this reality, her mother is not. Their locations are still unknown.』

Opening her visor, she kept her eyes on Paige, not bothering to look away as she could hear Lockwood shouting after them. "You came from another reality, another Earth, how is that possible? And what do you mean the integrity of this reality is cracked?"

The moment that these questions were asked, Gideon turned its head back towards the Kryptonian. "This unit is from Earth-1 2051, Evergreen travelled there from Earth-2. Extensive forced traveling between different realities within the multiverse causes the integrity of realities to slowly breakdown."

"And how did you travel between worlds then?" Hekate inquired as she stook a step forward, letting her arms fall to her sides. Though it was clear she was still unhappy.

"The speed force. I must have gone too fast..."

Hekate just stood there as she heard her say that she had gone too fast. It was possible to go through to other worlds by going too fast? Wait, as she thought back, vibrations was movement.

Her thoughts traveled over to when she had spoken to Maxwell Lord about the Zero-Point Energy generator. She knew that Zero-Point Energy was a theoretical energy which was apart of Quantum Science, and Quantum science governed the small. Yet the small had a big impact on some of the larger worldly laws and forces of the universe itself.

"Reality Destruction Imminent!" Gideon suddenly spoke and a newspaper appeared. It showed the world being destroyed by some sort of extra-normal catastrophe. The date on the Newspaper was literally next week and the cause, was the interdimensional vibrational machine used by Maxwell Lord during an ongoing extraterrestrial invasion.

Hekate stared at the temporal newspaper hologram and skimmed the text which was shown. There was another picture, there was something in the sky. A large spherical shape covered in massive red flowing rivers of lava, gigantic machines, armies of monstrosities and covered in mountainous volcanoes.

It was something called Apokolips.

Snap! Pop! Suddenly a doorway of white energy appeared. It looked like some sort of vortex. When looking closely with her super vision, Hekate could see the other side.

Paige turned her head and looked over her shoulder towards the sudden doorway which appeared. What was that?

"We got company..." Hekate didn't sound too thrilled, but she didn't sound to distressed either.

A handful of robots clad in black with blaring red eyes came marching out. It was like a tiny battalion of soldiers. They were armed with laser guns and pulse rifles. This doorway however, wasn't the only one.

Hekate could hear screams for miles, explosions. Even the Televisions were showing these kinds of disturbances world wide. Machines marching on cities, suburbs and even the rural zones.

Paige moved beside Hekate as they both moved into a common close quarters combat stance. One leg in front of the other with both fists at the ready. "Think we can take them?"

"I'm pretty sure that's a no, considering that news paper you just showed." Hekate scoffed sarcastically, knowing very well that they'd be able to handle what was going on here. Superman and Kara would have no choice but to don their capes at this point. Same with the DEO and other individual with powers. Even aliens of other backgrounds would have no choice but to fight for the sake of survival.

"Guardian, what are these doorways opening up all over the place?" She asked aloud, which puzzled Paige a bit, but she only assumed she had some sort of AI of her own. She was from Krypton after all, and Kryptonians had that kind of tech.

Yet Paige heard nothing in response.

『These are Boomtubes, they are the only way to access the realm of the New Gods, near this reality's source wall, the realm is known as the Fourth World.』

"Why did they appear now of all times?" Hekate uttered as she thrusted her head forward, releasing her heat vision on the incoming droids. The hot beams of heat ripped through their flimsy armor.

『The Presence of the Speedster, or the rewinding of time, can be suspect.』

On the other hand Paige went on to snatch the guns out of the robots hands before they could explode. Let alone before they could fire a shot at the Kryptonian. She didn't stop running, it was clear she didn't want to let her get hurt.

These weapons turned out to be rather high in technology, just like the droids. It was clear they were dealing with a greater force than they had ever encountered.

"What is a New God?" Hekate asked in between bursts of heat vision, decapitating a handful of droids as they were closing in. There were too many of them, and even though she knocked down rows and rows of them at a time, there were just more behind them.

『The beings of New Genesis and Apokolips call themselves New Gods and live outside of normal time and space in a realm called the Fourth World. These New Gods have evolved due to their close proximity to the Source, a primeval energy, believed to be one of the ultimate foundations of the Universal Expression of Energy, along with their superior technology, into beings of genetic stability and evolutionary perfection. The denizens of New Genesis are stronger, faster, and smarter than homo sapiens, despite their resemblance to the same.』

Suddenly the book store exploded, a handful of droids had gotten past her and were headed into the central campus.

"Paige!" Hekate shouted as she turned her head to look over at the speedster running side to side, destroying droids as she went. They were quickly being over run. There were at least over a hundred of these droids now, and their numbers were growing.

Machine gun fire. Several black HUMV's came crashing into the scene, rolling down droids. Mounted on top were alien weapons, equivalent to the fifty caliber machine gun.

There was Hank Henshaw, aka J'onn J'onzz, coming in with his squads of DEO agents. Each of them were armed with machine guns and rifles of various caliber. Some of them were even armed with alien weapons they had confiscated from alien immigrants over the years.

"Hank!" Hekate shouted right before a beam of energy struck her in the chest. This sent her flying backward and smashing into the burning store, traveling through the wall. The building collapsed in on her as she landed at its nexus.

"Evacuate the Civilians! First Priority! Get them to a shelter! Move! Move! Move!"

Ben Lockwood stood in the center of Campus. He had come out to see what the screaming and racket was about. Everything was burning on the one side of the campus. Beings clad in black and firing weapons at students.

He watched as a young couple were blasted into a mist of blood. Their guts and crushed bones scrambled into the grass like broken glass. This was an alien invasion, a spontaneous one.

Ben's eyes locked on the collapsed school store as a small female form began to unveil itself. A cracked visor, torn armor, it was Cadmus. It was Hekate Liades. "Behind you!" He'd shout on the top of his lungs, using his hands to help project.

Hekate looked at him for a split moment, only for a barrage of red bolts to hit her consecutively in the back. She flew forward and dropped to the ground, graveling in the grass before using an nearby tree to help her up.

Just as a droid was about to come up behind her, she swung her fist back and impaled its chest with her knuckles and kicked it aside. About twenty of them were coming towards her now.

"A strategic retreat would be sound right about now..." She muttered as she released a beam of heat vision at the handful of droids coming at her. She decapitated them rather quickly, only to catch a glimpse of a small crying child being gunned down by one of the machines.

The beams ripped through human flesh like butter, leaving smoking holes. Death was instant, and the smell of burning ozone filled the air, it smelled of brimstone.

"NOOOOO!" Hekate screamed out as a DEO Helicopter came crashing down right on top of her, causing her to black out. As she began to come to, she felt as if she had been flattened, yet nothing was damaged on her person. She felt the burning metal on her back. Pushing her back up against it, she would lift the helicopter off of her. She narrowed on the clad black feet in front of her.

She was surrounded by droids.

She looked to the side as she saw the DEO leaving with the remaining civilians in the Area. Evacuation was going as planned. Yet she saw so much smoke in the sky, she smelled death in the flames, burnt flesh.

She smiled seeing Ben in the distance pointing back towards the Campus. She could hear him, trying to get them to come back and assist her.

As the wind gusted by her, she could see the speedster moving as faster as she could. She was dismantling the droids which surrounded her. They fell to pieces, but there were already more on the way.

"It's just like the Attack of the Clones..." Hekate sputtered as she threw the helicopter towards the nearest Boomtube. Several of the droids coming out where thrown back in followed by an explosion on the other side. Suddenly that door closed.

"Nice throw~" Paige chimed as she raised a hand for a high five.

Hekate simply looked over at her with a face, one that wasn't in the mood for this kind of interaction. She had only been on this planet for two weeks and it was already going to end. This wasn't her type of party. Why would she celebrate one little event?

"Paige, what else does the Newspaper say?" Hekate would ask curiously as she watched the droids continuing to destroy the buildings meaninglessly. There was no one left to kill, yet they were still destroying things.

After several moments of silence, she looked over to the Speedster who was looking at a blank holographic screen. "Paige?" Her eyes narrowed on the blank page, the newspaper had disappeared. What did that even mean?