"What the hell are you doing here?"

The thought about that woman brought back the cold and aloof attitude of the man.

Buttoning his suit, the man walked away.


After finishing her ice cream, Silvia tossed the tissue paper on the garbage bin before entering her house.

" Honey what took you so long." Aunty Lily asked.

Placing the bag on the table, Silvia said," I bumped into a very rude man."

Aunt Lily sighed and said," Why don't you ever bump into a handsome hunk?"

" Mom stop it now." Silvia said.

Just then uncle Thomas came running towards them and said," Herpi is here with his wife."

Taking off her apron, Aunty Lily said," Let's go."

After Aunt Lily and Uncle Thomas, Silvia rubbed her hands together and said," Finally its just you and me my love." before extending her hands towards the brownie. But before she could even touch it, Uncle Thomas shouted," Silvia come outside."

" Damn." Silvia cursed before walking out of the kitchen.


Living room.

When Silvia came outside, he saw a man and a beautiful woman sitting on the couch happily talking to uncle Thomas and aunty Lily.

" Ahh she is here." Uncle Thomas said.

The man cheekily smiled when he saw Silvia.

" Little pie do you remember your Uncle Herpi?" Uncle Herpi asked.

Not having any idea about who uncle Herpi was, Silvia still gave him a cute smile and nodded her head.

The woman sitting beside Uncle Herpi said," Herpi how will she remember you? She was so small at that time."

" Oh no no Julie Silvia sure remembers Herpi and you. Right darling?" Uncle Thomas asked.

Giving him a weak smile, Silvia nodded her head.

" Where is your son?" Aunt Lily asked Julie.

Julie sighed and said," He told us that he will come here by himself but-"

" So he stays alone?" Uncle Thomas asked.

Uncle Herpi nodded his head and said," He doesn't stay with us in Manchester."

" Ahh then where does he stay?" Uncle Thomas asked.

" He owns a place in 35 Arundel Road." Uncle Herpi said.

Uncle Thomas smiled and said," Oh that's nearby. Does he stay alone or he has a roommate?"

" Actually he use-" But before uncle Herpi could complete his sentence, Julie said," Oh yes he stays alone."

Aunt Lily smiled and said," It must be difficult for him to stay all by himself."

" He stays in the military camp for almost 6 to 7 months so he is used to staying alone." Julie said.

When the four adults got busy talking amongst themselves, Silvia slowly got up and was about to leave when Uncle Herpi said," Silvia has become very beautiful. They will match perfectly."

Silvia almost choked at uncle Herpi's words. She hasn't even met the man. What was Mr Herpi talking about?

Uncle Thomas smiled and said," Yes Yes I know. Silvia will take good care of Kevin after they-"

" Dad." Silvia said.

" Don't worry honey we will give you both sometime to know each other." Uncle Thomas said.

As Silvia was about to say something in her protest, the door bell rang.

" Sil get the door." Aunt Lily said.

Silvia nodded her head and started walking towards the door.

When Silvia opened the door, she widened her eyes in shock and said," You- what the hell are you doing here?"

The man narrowed his eyes and asked," What the hell are you doing here?"

Silvia rolled her eyes and said," Well-"

" Did you just roll your eyes on me?" The man asked in a very threatening tone.

Pointing towards her eyes, Silvia said," These belong to me so I can roll it whenever I want and" pointing towards the wall, she continued," This is my house so you get out of-"

" Ahh Kevin you are here." Julie exclaimed happily.

Silvia widened her eyes in shock. Glaring at the man standing in front of her, she asked," You are uncle Herpi's son?"

" You seriously are a retard." Kevin said before pushing Silvia aside and walking inside the house.