Think about it

Silvia had hardly taken two or three steps when Kevin grabbed her hand said," Hey atleast drink your latte and go. And that chocolate pastry too. You don't wanna waste of right?"

Silvia sighed and said," Fine."

" I am sorry. I know I am being selfish and rude but I cannot help it. This is how I am at this moment. I cannot think straight." Kevin said.

" Whatever is it Kevin but please don't drag me into this mess because I don't wanna be a part of it. I just want to lead a simple peaceful and happy life and that's its. I don't wanna step foot into something so complicated. I hope you are understanding what I am trying to say." Silvia said.

Kevin nodded his head and said," Yes I am."

Just then the waiter arrived with their order.

Passing both the pastries towards Silvia, Kevin said," Here."

" I don't want both." Silvia said.

Kevin cleared his throat and said," Well I ordered both for you. I am not suppose to have sweet things."

" Is it some military thing?" Silvia asked.

Kevin shook his head and said," No. Rocky is also in the military but he eats sweet things all the time."

After drinking their coffee, Kevin dropped Silvia home.



" Okay I'll go now. Thank you for the coffee and sorry for rejecting your weird marriage proposal." Silvia said.

Tightening his grip around the steering wheel, Kevin said," Silvia I still want you to think over it."

Silvia sighed and said," I-"

" I know you hate this but I want you to think over it. Both our parents are pestering us to get married. See I won't lie to you but in the morning when I met uncle Thomas and Aunt Lily, I told them that I am ready to marry you and they were very happy. Specially uncle Thomas."

Silvia widened her eyes in shock and said," You what? You told them without discussing things with me?"

" Yes I did and I am sorry about it. I already told my parents about this and yours too. Uncle Thomas is definitely going to talk to you about this. So just think about this okay." Kevin said.

Silvia frowned and said," You are unbelievable." before getting down from the car.

After Silvia left, Kevin sighed and started the engine. Just then he received a phone call from Emily.

Thinking for a while, Kevin reluctantly decided to answer the call.

" Hey." Emily said.

Kevin frowned and asked," What do you want?"

" Did you meet Rocky?" Emily asked.

Kevin mocking smiled and said," I did. Oh congratulations on your wedding by the way."

Emily sighed and said," Kevin can I meet you today?"

" There is no point-"

" Please for old time sake." Emily said.

Pausing for a while, Kevin said," Fine."

" Usual place after 20 minutes?" Emily asked.

" Hmm." Kevin said before hanging up the call.


Inside the house.

As soon as Silvia entered the house, uncle Thomas asked," Who was that? Kevin?"

Silvia nodded her head and said," Yes."

Uncle Thomas cheekily smiled and said," So did he talk to you? Did you say yes?"

Silvia shook her head and said," No."

After hearing her answer, the cheeky smile in uncle Thomas' face vanished.

Noticing the change in his expression, Silvia pursed her lips and said," Well I said that I will think about."

Uncle Thomas smiled and asked," You will really think about it?"

Silvia smiled and nodded her head," Yes I will."

Just then Aunt Lily came out of the kitchen and said," Now Thomas let Silvia freshen up first. Darling go freshen up and then come down for lunch."

Silvia nodded her head and started walking towards her bedroom.