So where does......?

After walking for quite sometime, Silvia legs started hurting.

" Can we take some rest?" Silvia said.

Bending down in front of her, Kevin said," Hop in."

" No it's fine." Silvia said.

Kevin chuckled and said," No need to feel shy. Just hop in."

Thinking for a while, Silvia climbed on his back and encircled her arms around his neck.

" You see Ms Green you are hundred times lighter than the heavy sacks that we lift everyday during our training." Kevin said.

" Sacks? Doesn't your back hurt?" Silvia asked.

" Initially it use to but not anymore." Kevin said.

Pausing for a while, Kevin said," Honestly last time when I saw you eating those hamburger and french fries, I thought you would we quite heavy but surprisingly you are not. So where does all the junk that you eat go?"

Silvia chuckled and said," Well that is the magic. I don't gain weight."

" But still too much fast food is not good for your health. You should cut it down." Kevin said.

Silvia rolled her eyes and said," Good lord you sound like mom."

" Don't roll your eyes Silvia." Kevin said.

Silvia widened her eyes in shock and asked," How did you-"

Kevin chuckled and said," Didn't I tell you that I have my eyes everywhere?."


Inside the car.

Helping her buckle the seat belt, Kevin said," There is a nice Chinese restaurant nearby. You wanna try?"

Silvia nodded her head and said," Anything will do."

" So will green salad also do?" Kevin asked.

Silvia frowned and said," No."

" I am returning back to the base next month so do you want to get married before I leave?" Kevin asked.

Silvia thought for a while and said," Whether later or now we have to get married. So I am okay with anything."

" Are you sure you with this? I mean I won't mind if you back out even a minute before we sigh our marriage certificates." Kevin said.

Silvia shook her head and said," I have already taken a decision and I don't wanna change it. And I don't think so we have worry about the dates because I am sure that our parents have already decided everything."

" Yes you are right." Kevin said.

" Hmm Kevin I don't want a big wedding. We can just get our marriage certificates and then have a small get together with our family and friends." Silvia said.

Kevin nodded his head and said," Okay."

Leaning against the headboard, Silvia closed her eyes and fell asleep.

When Kevin saw Silvia soundly sleeping, he slowed down the car.

Grabbing his coat from the backseat, he properly covered her making sure she doesn't catch cold before concentrating on the road again.

Not wanting to disturb Silvia, Kevin drove straight towards the city.

Stopping by very famous pizza place, Kevin gently shook Silvia's shoulder and said," Hey Silvia wake up."

Slowly opening her eyes, Silvia said," Hmm I am sorry I fell asleep. Come let's eat Chinese."

Kevin chuckled and said," We are already home. Forget about Chinese, let's grab some pizza." Unbuckling his seat belt, Kevin said," Oh by the way you slept for three hours straight."

" What? Why didn't you wake me up?" Silvia shouted.

" Well you were sleeping so peacefully and anyway don't you prefer pizza over Chinese?" Kevin asked.

" How did I sleep for that long?" Silvia murmured.

Kevin chuckled and said," Stop fusing over it and get down."


Taking a bite from her favourite cheesy pizza, Silvia asked," So do you like pizza?"

" Hmm I find them edible. I mean I am not such a big fan but it's okay if I eat it once in a while." Kevin said.

Silvia frowned and asked," So you can't eat pizza everyday?"

" No one can." Kevin said.

Silvia snorted and said," Du uh I can."

Kevin raised his eyebrows and asked," Like seriously? You can eat pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner?"

Silvia nodded her head and said," Yes I can." Before taking a big bite from the cheese burst pizza.

Kevin helplessly shook his head and said," You have cheese all over your mouth and cheeks."

" Where?" Silvia asked.

" Let me help you." Kevin said before picking up a tissue paper and helping her wipe off the cheese.

As the Kevin and Silvia were busy eating their pizza and talking to each other, a particular someone, who was sitting not too far away from them, tightened her grip around the cold drink can.