

"Now what are you going to do Elias?" Harry asked.

Elias vigorously shook his head and answered, "I don't know but I'll think of something."

"Gorus' son didn't give him the right medicines so he ended up sedating Silvia so he couldn't harm her but-"

"But what?" Elias asked.

Kathy took a deep breath and answered, "She had a miscarriage."

Elias pursed his lips and balled his hand into fist. Should he be happy that she had one or sad? He didn't know but all he knew was that Silvia must be definitely feeling heart broken and his heart ached for her. 

Brushing his thoughts away, Elias calmed himself down and started thinking about ways to deal with Gorus and how he would answer his questions.

Yes, he was in charge of injecting Ethan with the harmful slow drug that Gorus' son has brought from somewhere. They usually used it on captured or brought up people who would be allocated for completing a task.