talks about life and the future

in the morning when everyone is awakening they soon realize they were listening to John like a robot or a kid listening to their parents so some of them kept the question in their heads but not all of them so when ruby woke up she immediately asked

ruby "John hey how did you get everyone to listen to you?"

John who kinda woke to her question answer absentmindedly

John "well I got a semblance with a mind teller or manipulation which kinda blended my voice with these orders to "tell" you guys to fall asleep but I don't do it often cause it boring and I don't like using this semblance I usually left this to eyes or harry when leading a team or people"

now just moving closer to ruby to hug her and she also hug back so they now hugging each other and slowly falling to sleep but then they hear a yang outside banging on the door


to which John groans and slowly gets up and stretched and went to get dressed while ruby was "trying" not to look at John body but when her vision got close to his crotch area she blushed hard but then John looks at her when he got done and went close and kiss her quickly then went to the door

John opens the door to catch a fist that went at him "yang YANG calm down ruby was just sleeping with me and what do you want?"looking confused as everyone was there letting yang be blunt with his door (maybe my sister help them find my door)

so john stand there waiting for someone to answer his question then a nervous jaune answer "uh well we came to a conclusion that we shouldn't trust you or we talked about you and I don't think we can be friends anymore" some tears were shed from some of the teammates and a ruby who was listening after getting dressed which he looked at yang

John "and WHY do you want ruby when she can decide by herself" seemly being emotionally to her and everyone in front on him

yang "just cause she can decide doesn't mean I could talk to her about why we decide now where is she?"

John signs "I just told she slept in here and probably still getting dressed" getting frustrated how people missed the information they were looking like other people he talked to

yang "well I go talk to her then" started to try to go by John

John "look just wait for her to get done then you guys can talk in ANOTHER room cause my room is off limits unless you are ruby or my sister" which he continues to block yang from entering "RUBY hurry up please" after which ruby show herself in her signature outfit then he let ruby out and let yang and ruby into another room so they can talk but he was confused as to what lead them to not to trust him anymore just from one night

in another room where yang and ruby are with the rest of the team were a having a discussion

ruby "WHAT is up with all of you just cause you all saw A memory doesn't mean that him in general (there was parts where he killed others like the kids during experiments and guards in escapes attempts) he had to do all that cause he was FORCED

many in the room were silence due to ruby change but what they didn't know was ruby got teachings from john which kinda change her view on everything from learning what history of remnant had and how it form which was the cause of two stupid people which the act of saving a love one was a good but dooming the rest just didn't sit right with ruby but she blame the gods for their stupidity then she sat and watch with john how remnant or the world she knew change and after a long time it landed where the world she knew it as remnant came and seeing herself put a strange feeling in her stomach but what surprise ruby the most were that her boyfriend john could see the future and the past so when she started to see the old her and without even meeting john at all she grew embarrassed seeing the old her the native and childish ruby and seeing john smile at the show but after the vytal festive it wasn't all laughs and happiness she saw her or she would say the sharpest fall of remnant in history that she knows of a kingdoms falls and the other are under threat all cause cinder wanted power and her suppler was Salem and those under cinder or work with her but seeing a different version of her and how everything went she ask where john was during all of this but what she heard was not what she wanted to hear but john was suppose to die and that how the other her or remnant in general needed him but she ask very down and depressed was he got lucky and he started to talk about how one thing happens and that change the world itself but there are different kinds of worlds out there with a little or big difference like how she grew up rich,poor or middle class styles or how her mom is alive and later on she become one of the best huntress and others where she evil and does thing where she didn't think she would do those things or a grimm version of her along with others and grimm were more human and many many others but seeing that she herself get john to herself then she ask if he could travel to different worlds she wanted to know cause traveling alone with him or traveling somewhere new can lead to more better or different outlook of things or exciting adventures and could be seen as a hero but many was on the thoughts of she didn't want to be alone and knowing if he can travel or their certain circumstances where he goes alone or he may never come back with her knowledge now and thinking she can live the best life with john or better yet maybe make new life with him she really got addiected to john mostly his love,his lust and both of their futures together but hearing them ruby was angry due to hearing but somewhat believeable stories

the stories were about his sister no not izzy but john had a twin and how they knew this was a dream they had after what john shared but the details what stopped ruby cause apparently john and ava were twins but they had problems with each other it was cause john didn't want her love and before john escape he had to murder his family and since izzy was preserve dead he had to deal with his sister and his parents so they couldn't escape and his parents were somehow force but his sister wholeheartedly try to stop him but he continue and that how he escape but ruby didn't believe any of them

ruby"no no hold up you don't know the whole story and maybe he did it to free them or he could have died and he was just a kid and I saw what would have happen if john wasn't with us we could have been in real terrible future bu...but you guy don't believe me do you" starts to look at everyone "why does that mean you guys would leave me and john" started to tear up

jaune "no.... not like that we are trying to get you to side with us and leave john alone we can't trust him and if you stay with someone like him we would just...."

ruby "leave me right cause I'm with john and you can't trust him or go to the authorities cause we or you guys got no proof or a witness and this was just a dream huh" started to cry "well I guess this would be good bye then right" started to walk to the door "see you guys at the vytal festival.."

after word everybody left with terrible expressions but still left but in john room

ruby sobbing away her sadness "they left john they left...." continue sobbing

john (just cause ruby got smarter doesn't mean her personality is changed) started to hug ruby and started to stroke her back from her head "shh shh ruby ruby calm down we can last without and I show you what happen just tell me what they told you"

then ruby told john what the "group" said about john which look lost then at ruby

john "well they aren't wrong ruby" which the ruby who not crying anymore back a little away "hold it let me explain it just ava wasn't giving her love it more like lust and obsession with me she wasn't in her right mind and my parents were controlled but they were going to die anyway due to their health and my sister wanted to stop cause when it "testing" time she would be the first one to "test" the new "medication" with me and it been like that or I should say it started when we turn 4 so my sister got addicted to me and my body so I did what had to be done and I'm.....I'm sorry" started to hug ruby and so they both hug for a while then izzy came in so they both got up (they were on the bed in john room) then they stay home (remember it a bunker) they had dinner and they watch and play games which now ruby kinda got into games so john made another console and computer but with her signature rose and red and black colors while john black with gold and silver and izzy having blue and orange and they watch different movies and shows (mostly fantasy and others that would not expose earth if possible) and when ruby wanted to stay or didn't want to face her friends which is all the time john made a clone for her (which just took half of her aura and made it out of ruby aura and sense john needed it to last for years or longer time he put ENGINE in the clone so it can last by it self

so over the 2 years (i think vytal festival already past) which team rwby won (cause they MC team) and school life it going well but not for some the rest of rwby and jnpr were surprise ruby still came to beacon but they felt heart broken knowing that the ruby they see now is just a clone so they let past and seeing this "ruby" is being "normal" didn't bring any suspicion from the teachers or even the head master prove they couldn't just say that one fake so they work with this clone and so they did but some teachers still notice something but didn't see any wrong with the team just the member are acting weird to their leader (this is at the start) and their friends but after a month or so they return to normal and continue doing huntsman stuff and one more year until the students graduate to be full fledged huntsmen (I think if it like high school which is like four years)

but over these years john,izzy and ruby are training and learning as much as they could and also having fun playing games and relaxing but on one special day john told ruby about his reincarnation and the other world they get to see out their which was kinda glad but mostly kinda angry and sad but understandable and so she ask about where they could go but what john told her is it random (you didn't expect to have the strongest power to just be able to choose where to go) so when they want to world travel it could be futuristic or ancient times so that what they were learning about how to make fire or how to make machines or shelters and other survival stuff for either times

so for the last year john wanted to have ruby go to beacon and work and reattach to her team before they go (which the meaning of reincarnation is dying but ruby and izzy are more then ready to die but in a heroic way so they still got to get ready and it didn't feel right having his little sister die at the age of 12) so they were going to die normally wither old age or natural causes so they were going to move away (which is still close to yang and tai house) so they were going to live in the city and keep moving away just in case if rwby and jnpr tail them so the were going to randomly move from kingdom to kingdom or even having to live outside of the kingdoms

so that the plan ruby already left for beacon and john got mostly everything they needed in his inventory which is pretty big and so after they left john destroyed his home which he made dirt to fill in the missing space and after word he went to tai and said his goodbye which he look shock then he shock his hand and hug (I guess yang hasn't told tai about ruby or anybody) and before he left he told tai of what happen which he was angry then worried that john did something then after a while of thinking he became more understandable about me and our situation

tai "well what are you two going to do now?"

john "well don't tell yang or any of them and me and ruby are going to travel around remnant and I'm was going to start a company (thought it would be weird making music and other things that belong to other people) and I think this years would be the last you see me or ruby ok so when ruby graduate she would be spending more time with you guys this year by the way" started to walk away

tai "wait a minute" grabs john shoulder " then why are you not staying with ruby this year?"

john "well ruby been with me for awhile and I thought it would be nice if she spends more time with her family cause she wanted to travel with me and I wanted her time with her family more worth while so I been working on other things (like the company,music and the games for the scroll and transportation for us and it give me a chance to copy more semblances while traveling around) and tai it been a lot of fun being with you and yang so take this" gave tai a thick book with sticky note with labels for different kinds of food and treats "and these are my recipes for every other food I made and thank goodbye now" which kinda echos then when tai look up and john gone and looking around his home is gone (bunker) and notice a goodbye letter from izzy on the porch floor in front of him