Ying took me to a giant palace in the sky. Hello the guy in a throne said. I waved back and he smiled. I am the king of the sky and you are he stared. Oh a George...George Bennet I repeated. Well pick an open room tou may stay. Wait Ying pushed me and said don't say anything or he'll change his mind. I walked to room 301 and said this one. Ying looked and said you picked my room yay roomies. I rolled my eyes Ying come on. Where are you from oh china. Wow I said so lucky. No not really said ying. If you think the war is bad here wait until you see China it's in ruins. Anyway what God are you I said. I am the god of dragons and swords. Wow can you show me what you can do with one of your swords. Yay watch robots appeared from the floor and it was like he never moved and the robot heads fell off. Wow I said I jumped on the bed and I fell in a giant hole. I was in between the walls from the other room. There was a peep hole I looked in and there was 2 guys talking about killing Ying and me. Oh god I said I ran to the trap bed door and told Ying we need to leave. Why Ying said confused when we reached the throne room the king said well...well...well. The guards blocked the door and me and ying were about to fight for our lives.