3 Clowns fill the streets

A giant flash went off and everyone but me and Mrs bennet ( Georges mom) were clowns. Creepy ones though not the funny ones. They all laughed and chased us we ran into a office with people that weren't clowns yet. What's going on I yelled. There is some demon outside making the world crazy. It was George and he was angry. Mrs.Bennet looked at me and we stared at George. His skin was red his eyes were fire his teeth were as sharp as knives and his clothes were burnt and they weren't to heavy. He turned and a guy pulled me behind a desk. If he sees you we all are dead said some office worker. The room went dark and some fire entitie people screamed. Fire emerged from the vents now you could see everything in the room. The building lit on fire and Mrs Bennet sent everyone outside quickly with her powers. We were on the street and all the clowns ran over trying to spray us with poison. George flew us all on top of a Mexican restaurant and then I was hungry. We haven't eaten all day we should enjoy some Mexican food. Yay everyone said. We went inside and had a feast. We eat and eat and eat. Mrs.Bennet looked very unhappy what's wrong I said. 2 things one George is evil and 2 the clowns are gonna get us. What no I said let's have some fun. I grabbed Mrs.Bennets hands and we started to dance. Uh Ashely I am not a huge dancer said Mrs.Bennet. Stop it have a little fun I said. We dance and after a while me and Mrs bennet were jumping like crazy. Then the clowns banged on the windows there super sharp teeth started braking the glass. Then Mrs Bennet tried to get us out bit her powers weren't working like it turned off or somthing. Then the clowns broke in 100 s of them started coming in at one time. Everyone was getting the faces ripped off and arms like zombies. I ran into a bathroom and locked the stall. A clown walked in I put my feet up and the clown opened a stall. Then he kicked the next and the next. He finallu reached mine he tried to open it my heart dropped but he couldn't . He peeked threw the cracks and smiled. He went under my stall and grabbed my leg. I screamed and Mrs Bennet ran on and kicked him in the face he fell on consous. Me and Mrs Bennet ran out and went into a house.