Well hello there (very important)

Hi and thank you so very much for taking an interest in my fan-fic.

There are a few things I wish to explain and tell you about the story so that you can draw a conclusion on your own whether you wish to read it.

First things first, while I am writing as a hobby I still wish to put out something worth peoples time and ,if there were that option, something they would be willing to pay for. That means that I welcome any and all criticism. If you have a problem with, the story, characters, world-building or grammar, please let me know, because it is important to me that this fiction is high quality.

Second thing. While this is a Star Wars fan-fic I would rather borrow the Star Wars setting than it's actual canon. This doesn't mean that you won't find the original characters or events from the movies and the cartoons. It just means that there will be some changes like maybe certain events doesn't happen others happen at a different place in time and some turns out for the worse. I always feel like most fan-fics either stays too close to the original story line making it boring or strays so far away that it doesn't even make sense to make it a fan-fic. I will try and find a balance between these making it original enough to be able to stand on it's own yet close enough to the original to make it a fan-fic.

And now for the last thing. While this story does have a main character that doesn't mean that the whole focus of the story will be on him. I will be plenty of jumping around between a lot of the characters too really flesh them all out and give them depth. Therefore this fan-fic will be in the third-person as shifting POV in first-person can get very awkward.

Some quick things to note before reading.

MC will be flawed

MC is talented but will never be all-powerful

There will NEVER be a harem in this story

Love interest is still undecided (there may not even be one)

MC is born in the SW universe and knows nothing of the films

There will be a bit more mature themes in this fan-fic, such as, a deeper exploration of slavery in the galaxy etc.

NO MIDICHLORIANS (they were stupid and never made any sense and completely fucked with the lore)

Now, with all of this said if you want to read please go ahead and thank you! If you feel like this fiction isn't for you thank you for at least reading this and giving me a chance, but please leave a comment as for the reason you do not feel like this will be something you would enjoy.

Anyways thank you for reading and may the force be with you.