Free Fall

The panicked warden did not react to Sar's introduction, merely continuing shouting obscenities and orders at him while he kept a firm hold on his 'insurance'.

Sar pretty much tuned the angry warden out as he scanned the room for a way to disarm him and ensure the princess' safety. Seeing that the warden had his finger firmly on the trigger of his blaster made the option of pulling the weapon out of his hand with the Force invalid, as Sar could not guarantee that he would be able to fire it before being disarmed.

As for a mind-trick, the warden, while probably weak-minded, was much too on guard for it to actually work on him. Sar briefly considered using a Sith method he had learned during his research to force his way into his mind, but quickly discarded the idea.

He also couldn't use any of the items in the room as the warden had his back almost right up to the huge window behind him. This honestly did leave Sar at quite a loss as to what he should do.

While rapidly scanning the room once more Sar's eyes finally fell on the huge window the warden was standing in front of. His eyes narrowed as an idea came to mind. It was a dumb idea for sure, but right now it was the only one short of getting captured.

Sar let out a soft sigh before lowering his raised arms to his side. This did not sit well with the already on edge warden as he briefly removed the blaster from the princess' temple to point it at him while shouting.

"What are you doing! Stay where you are or else I swear I'll blow a hole through her head!" Spittle flew as the warden practically screamed, but realizing that he had put himself in a vulnerable position by removing his blaster from his hostage's temple. He returned it to its original position.

This action would prove to be futile as Sar had another plan in mind. As the warden was returning the weapon to its position Sar swiftly stretched out his right arm sending a Force wave at the warden.

Sar had made sure that the wave acted like a strong wave so when it hit the princess it did nothing to hurt her but did send her flying backward, and with the warden holding her he flew backward as well while maintaining his grip on her body.

The warden was hurled backward with such speed that his body shattered the large window behind him letting a stream of warm air inside as he and the princess were sending hurling towards the ground.

All this was so unexpected that the warden didn't even react until the cold wind began rushing past his face and by then all he could do was scream.

The princess was silent as she lifelessly fell towards the ground. She had either been knocked unconscious from shock or from the rapid shift in atmosphere as she was exposed to the 300-meter fall.

Sar wasted no time as he quickly jumped over the oak desk and jumped headfirst out of the shattered window. Sar pointed his head towards the ground to speed up his descent and used the Force to stabilize himself as he headed towards the falling princess.

Even though the loud sound of wind whipping past his ears Sar could clearly hear the shrill screams of the flailing warden. Sar just ignored the man's sobbing and begging as he rapidly approached his target.

When he was closed enough he used the Force to flip him over so that his feet were now pointed downwards as he reached out and grabbed the princess. He held her under her knees with his left arm and used his right to prop her up to his chest.

He managed to secure the princess just in time as the ground grew ever closer. Sar gathered all as much Force as he could around his legs to protect them from the incoming kinetic damage.

Just as he managed this, a wet thud followed by several cracks sounded out as the warden's screams finally cut off. Shortly after Sar felt a sharp pain run up his legs and through the rest of his body and another, quieter, crack sounded out.

Sar took a sharp intake of breath as he looked down towards his legs. Several web-like cracks spread out under his feet, but other than that there was no visible damage to his body only a dull ache in both his legs.

Sar glanced a bit to the left where a pile of gore was visible. The warden looked a bit like an abstract porcupine as several broken bones poked out in various places as blood oozed out of the head that had been cracked open like a large egg.

Sar did not have long to study the aftermath of his little leap of faith as several metallic footsteps sounded out in the courtyard.

Slightly behind him a huge group of Battle Droids, Super Droids, and Droidekas marched towards him. As soon as he was withing eyesight one of the Battle Droids at the front stopped and pointed at him.

"There he is! Let's get him."

Sar did not wait long and bolted in the other direction as countless blaster bolts were fired at him. He used the Force to the fullest to avoid the many bolts.

While dodging the droids' assault he activated the communicator attached to his wrist and contacted Slate.

"Commander Slate, I have secured the princess but," Sar paused and sidestepped a blaster bolt that was dangerously close to hitting his back. "We are in a little trouble and could use some support."

Sar spotted the outer wall that surrounded the whole complex just as Slate's reply echoed out from his communicator.

"Roger that Master Jedi," There was a pause. "You may not want to stand to close to that wall though."

Sar's face twisted into a confused expression.

"Wha..." Sar trailed off as a huge explosion sounded out in front of him sending a massive shockwave towards him. Sar managed to protect himself and his escort with the Force but the closest droids were not so lucky and were knocked to the ground.

Black smoke obscured the newly created huge hole in the wall but Sar could sense several presences rushing through.

"Hell yeah! Come get some clankers!" Sar heard him before he saw him as Taxer emerged from the smoke and began firing his heavy rotary blaster sending a stream of blue bolts towards the army of droids persuing Sar.

Emerging next was the other three clones from his squad followed closely by Slate and several Rebels.

With the new support the pressure on Sar was relived and he soon arrived next to his allies. Looking towards Slate who met his eyes and gave a small nod Sar continued past them and ran through the hole.

The others continued laying down covering fire as they also slowly exited through their makeshift entrance. Taxer, however, did not seem to notice the retreat as he continued yelling and firing at the droids.

It was only when Glitch patted him heavily on the shoulder and signaled for him to pull back that he unwillingly stopped firing and pulled back with the rest of his brothers.

Sar was waiting beyond the breach lightsaber in hand. He had already handed off the princess to one of the medics who had already run further into the forest where they had stationed their various speeders.

Sar covered the retreating rebels before joining up with his squad and Slate.

Slate continued firing a pistol blaster into the breach making the occasional droid cry out in panic. Sar went up to her.

"Let me help you with that," Sar looked around before he noticed a huge boulder lying near the breach. Stretching out both his arms Sar grabbed hold of it with the Force lifting it up and then forcing it into the hole plugging it up and stopping the droids' advance.

"That won't hold them for long," Slate commented as she holstered her blaster. "Let's get out of here."

Sar shrugged his shoulders.

"You won't have to tell me twice."

The group of clones, Jedi, and rebel commander pulled back and headed in the direction the other rebels had taken the princess.


Having safely returned to the rebel headquarters the clones had returned to their original task of training the rebels. Sar and Slate had meanwhile met up with the various other leaders of the resistance movement and were discussing their next move.

They were standing in the command center around the hologram-projector, which was currently displaying an image of a large palace.

"Now that the princess is safe. We finally have a real chance at removing the royals from power." An excited officer commented.

"Sure, but what about the trade-groups? They are certainly looking to make a play for power if the royals are defeated." Another officer added cooling the excitement of the room.

"Enough, you are getting ahead of yourselves," This time it was Slate who spoke. "We will deal with the trade-groups when the time comes. For now,"

Slate pressed a button on the projector. The image of the palace switched to what looked like a transmit-tower.

"We will need to bolster our ranks. While we could probably storm the palace with the help of Master Sar, maintaining order will require more manpower." Slate looked like she was going to continue but was interrupted by the previous officer.

"So you want to hijack their transmitter?" He raised an eyebrow in what seemed to be disbelief. "You can't be unaware of the defenses the royals and the Separatists have to protect that thing!"

Slate shook her head and replied.

"I'm well aware of the risks, but with the loss of the princess, the royals will be panicking. They won't hesitate to execute anyone they suspect of being part of the rebellion," She swept a sharp gaze around the room. "Which means we are running out of time."

A silence descended on the room before it was broken by Sar who opened his mouth for the first time during this meeting.

"I may have another idea," Sar instantly attracted the attention of all the people in the room. "I and my team will be able to hijack the transmitter, while you guys protect the various villages in danger of being eradicated."

Everybody in the room began murmuring before it slowly turned into hums of agreement. The fact that Sar had single handily infiltrated the prison had made the rebels trust him much more.

When the room returned to silence Slate once again spoke.

"Are you sure?" She looked intensely at Sar. "We can't afford to leave that transmitter in our enemy's hands it will be vital in maintaining order once this is all over."

Sar just gave a small smile and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Not to worry commander, this is what we Jedi are trained for."

Slate looked at him for a few seconds, before softly sighing.

"Very well Master Jedi, we'll follow your plan. We'll take a few days to prepare before moving out. We will protect the villages while you take control of that transmitter," Slate placed her palms on the projector and leaned forward a bit.

"If we do this right. Victory will be just around the corner."

Shouts of confirmation rang out in the room. After which the various officers returned to their posts to prepare."

Sar turned to look at Slate who was still in the room. He patted her on the shoulder before saying.

"I can sense your fear commander have heart and the Force will guide you."

With that said Sar turned and left the room. Slate waited until he had left the room before she muttered a reply.

"I really hope you're right, Master Jedi."