Chapter One

I roam my eyes to our house as dad call is done. I sigh. He said he can't accompany me to the airport. I knew he didn't want me to leave. But he knew too that I need to have some space.

I enter the adjacent door towards my bedroom.

I feel the utmost sadness seeing my luggages on the floor. Then it hit me that I am now leaving this house. I will be away from the people who truly loves me. They try yo accept my decision to leave.Even if it's hurting them. Because they knew all of us needs time to breath.

I look up when someone clear his throat. My Aya. The name we,the Chinese-Filipino , calls our elder brother. My Aya Gabe, leaning on the door frame looking so forlorn.

"You don't have to leave Shiobe," He said. And he walks inside, checks my papers and sits on the bed reading some of it.

"Aya,I need this space. This time." I answer him then walks towards him. Then hug him. He stops reading then hug me tight. Then for a moment he loosen his grip, look at me in arms length.

"Ama,needs to be at peace. And you knew she will be. If she knows I am not in the country."I said. Looking at his lonely eyes."Ama's old. Her condition is fragile."

" You made sure not to meet her in any occasion. What more do they want? You're getting good at it Lianna. Why leave?" He said. Looking away from me.

"Aya,I'll be back after David and Sabrina get married."I assure him.He turns to me. Smile a little. Then extends her hand in my shoulder and squeeze it. "Why Aya,you want me to marry the old man Ama wants me to marry instead of me leaving?"

"What?! Ofcourse not."He said with his brow form a crease."Your my princess. then you'll just marry a divorcee? I don't even liked that David.But you accepted his half meant proposal. And run away the moment your down. I just try to accept it for you.." He sadi sternly.

"That's why I need to leave Aya. "I said seriously. He keep quite. Then hug me again."And My Ysobelle is booming. It needs more supervision.Feng Needs help."I added. He then look at me again.

"That's what I am afraid of. That lady. " He said.

I laugh out loud.

"You just miss her Aya." I insisted.

"What no way!" He sanswer. "You are becoming more like her,even though you are'nt with her. Yet." He added.I just laugh at my brother's in denial. He patted my head. The both us turn our heads at the door when we see mommy entered.

"I'll leave you two. You finish your drama here so that we will be smooth later in the airport."My Aya said laughing as he goes out.

I look at my mother. Checking my luggages. I step towards her and hug her from the back. She's the first person I told that I was leaving the country. She didn't want me to leave. She said we can fight off the people who do not want me in the family. And she became more irritated and anxious when I told her that I already had a business in Shenzhen.Mommy didn't liked China. Even if she's a pure Chinese. She even went over board the time when we had a school trip to Hongkong. Mom got angry at the school board. She didn't want me to go. And dad did not insist too.

That's why her reaction when I told her I am going to Shenzhen was for her unacceptable.

Dad talk to her. I didn't know what they talk about but mom said yes. But to a hundred of rules.

"Mommy,you don't need to worry about me. "I said I snuggle more of her warmth.She turn arround and hold me in arms length.

"Baby,You can't tell me not to worry.Especially you are leaving for China. Mainland. Chinese treats outsider differently."She said to me. For the millionth time. "I don't want you to experience the culture discrimantion."Mom added.

I look at my mother and smile. "Mom,I am going to leave at Shenzhen. They are more hospitable to foriegners compared to other first teir cities.They are like Dubai mom. And I am 22 now mommy. I even, almost got married remember?"I said.Then chuckle.

"There's nothing funny Lianna. I didn't forget what that Tan did." She said.

"Wǒ xīwàng mìngyùn bù huì zuò rènhé shìqíng. Zhè hěnjiǔle." She said not in Mandarin Chinese.

"I didn't understand mommy."I said and smile.

Mommy smile."Study Cantonese in there so that pures wont look down on you." She said and hug me again." Wǒ ài nǐ, nǚ'ér." She said.

"Wǒ ài nǐ, Lao bu,"And we hug very tightly.

They are my pillars. My emotional pillars.My dad,mom and Aya.Last year was the darkest part of my life I can say. Last year,I had known that I was not a real daughter of my mommy. I was a daughter of daddy and his Russian-Chinese mistress.Aya was 2years old at that time when dad went to Macau for a business trip. Dad meet my biological mother and they had an affair. But my real mother disappeared after three nights of being intimate with my dad. Dad went home after that but went back again for another trip. There he meet my real mother again. Very much pregnant with me. Dad didn't know what to do. So he told my mommy. He confessed everything that happened. Mom followed dad in Macau and saw my real mother. very frail and dying. My real mother confessed to mom that she only want to see her child before she died. She didn't intend to break my daddy's family. Mom seeing how frail my real mother was she agreed to adapt me. They let the people and the family believe that mom was pregnant with me in Macau that's why she can't travel back to the country. They brought me home when I was a month old. This secret was hidden all these years. Until Ama meet the Ob-gyne of mommy. The Ob-gyne when mommy was pregnant with Aya. Ama knew then that mommy couldn't have gotten pregnant again because mommy's ovaries were removed at that time.

Ama was furious. She brought all the family members at our house. Ready to pounce at me. And Ama did. She slapped me very hard when she saw me. I can still remember what she said.

"Where do you come from? What kind of lineage do you have? You filthy litte whore!" She shouted.

"You aren't a Go. You're adopted.from God know's where." That statement made me cringe. Not from the slapped and insult. But the knowledge of knowing that I was not my parent's daughter. Then my daddy came. And Aya and mommy followed. They protected me. They explained what happened. But to Ama's mind I am not my father's daughter. Even though she knew I was dad's daughter. She disinhiret me. But dad fought. And Ama couldn't do anything about it. Dad is her only son. She couldn't do anything about it. Aya also said no matter what happens , I will always remain his sister. Half or not. The family was furious. They wanted me to be gone from the family's gathering. And I did. Dad wasn't happy with it but I was getting better in ditching all the parties my family hosted.

Ama made it worse for me. When she cut off my engagement to my one year boyfriend David Tan. She told them that I am not a Go. The Tan's then showed hostileness towards the truth. When Ama replace me for Sabrina.The Tan's agreed. David didn't defend me or anything. That's when I realize I was a trophy wife to any eligible bachelor. When my pedestal was gone. I was easily disregarded.

Everything changed. My old friends were gone. That's when Feli called and comforted me. Feli said, It was a hard event but I am be thankful cause fate made me realize I do not want to marry David after all. She said I was just fooling myself in believing that I had ever loved David. She told me the event that happened was my bubble. That burst. That I need to face reality head on and with out secrets. That's when we decided to open Cafe Ysobelle in Shenzhen.

Last year was my turning point.

I was startled when mom pat my shoulder. We have arrive at the airport. Mom bravely said goodbye. And I proceed to check in. After I boarded the plane, I close my window. I do not want to see the surroundings of Manila. Because I will surely miss this place.

This flight will be me my longest flight away from my family. I shed tears. Then wipe it and sigh.

I decided to deactivate my social media accounts. Feli told me to do so. So that I won't see what happens in the Philippines. I downloaded the most important application that can be use in Shenzhen. Wechat.Everything will be by this app. Aya,mommy and dad knows I will deactivate. I will just message them when I arrive.Everything in Shenzhen is high-tech.All is swipe and go.I can see it in their airport.

I search for Feli, and she's right. She can't be that difficult to notice.l. She's wearing a yellow jumpsuit.A yellow stillettos. And a yellow big beach hat. With oversized sunglasses.

"Péngyǒu," She exclaim. "I am so happy that finally you are here. Away from the prying sharks."She said. While hugging me tightly.She loosen her hug then remove her sunglasses. "If I were there,You're bitch of a cousin will be six feet under the ground. What a shame of that biatch."She said. Then her brows furrowed. Looking at me intently. She twirl me gently. And shakes her head.

"What?" I said.

"Tsk.tsk.tsk. square pants. Rubber shoes tshirt and a cardigan. Typical Lianna." She exasperatedly said at my outfit.

"What's wrong with the dress,my friend?" I ask while chuckling."You knew this kind is my wardrobe. Do I need to change?"I added.

"Well Yeah!You are now the owner of the booming Ysobelle. You need to dress to impress." She exclaim with all her hand gesture. I laugh. She look at me intently. And smile again.

"I'm happy now,Lianna.Now that you can start a new life."She said seriously."But still I can't understand your aversion to fashion."She added and laugh.

"Come now."I answer her.

"Feli is leaving here in Shenzhen for five years now. Together with her dad and brother. She's a citizen. That's why she brought her car to fetch me.

Feli was 15 when her dad went to the Philippines to get them. While Dylan,His brother was ten.Feli and I were friends since pre-school. We just got separated when she went here to live permanently.

From the airport,there will be thirty-five minute drive towards the city proper.Feli chooses the condo that's on the city center so that dad won't question the security. And it won't be too diffult for me to travel from one point to the other.After a while of catching up. I was mesmerized by a tall building in front of us. You cannot ignore the building's architecture. it's tallnes and its enormomity. Its LED windows. As we are entering the city center and I can see the logo properly. I was astonished. The logo has the same memento on my bracelet. I touch it to make sure. My heart pounded. I do not know the reason why my bracelet has the same emblem. When the building was out of sight I look at Feli.

"You look like ghost. What happened?" She ask. Then I pointed the building behind us.She nodded."That's the TGE Building. " I just nodded. I didn't show Feli my observation on my bracelet and the buildings logo.

"It's majestic."I utter. Looking straight in the road.

"It is. It even became a Shenzhen trademark. If you saw that building you will abruptly say it's Shenzhen.Just like Lady Liberty,Eiffel Tower and many more."Feli explain. I nodded again Still wondering about my bracelet"But,The patriach is one hell of a tyrant.I don't like him. "Feli added. Looking irritated.

I smile.

" Patriarchs,Matriarch, need to be strict. They need to be respected. They are the elders of the family."I said.Chuckling.

"What? elders?!Oh Lianna. The patriarch is much younger . A bachelor." She exclaim.

"Oh. well. He needs to be tough."I said.

"I don't like him.He disregarded His filial obligations to his family.When he decided to take over and change every bit in their business and family customs. I don't like that man.Even if his handsome and more."Feli let out a tantrum

I just patted her shoulder. I touch my bracelet again. Maybe mommy got this from a goldsmith that idolizes the Patriarch of that building. Maybe it's just a representation.

We arrive at the condo building a minute after four o'clock in the afternoon. I love the appearance outside the building. There's bike stands.Parking. And alot of trees. The trees makes the air cool. Only 5minute walk to the Metro Station underground. Outside the building, one can tell that it's hig-tech building. When we go inside we are greeted by the receptionist. She speaks English. But i told her I can understand Mandarin. She smiles even more. Feli give her a card. She swpie it. The screen then said, welcome Miss Go. Unit 24-5.

I am so amaze by technology. She then explain to register my biometrics in the door lock. I nodded and we went up the unit.

When we are at the front door of the unit I register my face, my irises, thumbs and voice. It will serve as the key to open my door. I even register Feli's biometrics in my emergency lock key.That's the power of technology.

When we get inside there's a small foyer that welcome us. With shoe rack. A painting of an Andalusian horse. Jacket and cap rack.And An empty flower vase.

"I forgot to put flowers."Feli utters.I just smile and continue to explore the place.When I arrive at the living area. I gasp. It's so beautiful.There's this Victorian meduim size couches. There is another painting. A decent size LED Tv.The other side has a bookshelves. There's also a live flower on the side. I am really glad by the design. High'tech but still constitute with my kind of interior.

"I really appreciate what you did in here Feli. I love it."I said feeling ecstatic.

"Wait till you see the bedroom.Come on."She said.

I followed her to a door on the otherside.

When I am inside. My mouth fell. There's a queen size victorian bed.Bedside table,Floor lamp.There's a vanity table. And the most beautiful part is the nook in one of the windows. There's a loong couch on it by the window. Book from otherside and you can see the view from up there. This is perfect.

Feli then remove the curtain from the otherside of the room revealing a balcony. I stopped. When from the balcony I can see the TGE Building. Standing with all it's glory.

I didn't knew when I walk out to the balcony to see the Building with all it's lights. Starting to glimmer as it is getting dark.

"The two remaining doors are your wardobe and your bath." Feli said. Getting me out of my reverie."The other doors outside are my room here. Then the comfortroom outside. And a storage.

I look at her. "I can't thank you enough FeLi. "I keep calling her Feli even though she's using her Chinese name.

"You seem interested in that building."She suddenly said. I look back at the TGE.

"Nothing. I just like the architecture of that one."i answered.

"Yeah,Well,by the way, I want to live here with you but I can't just kick out my brother to Beijing. What a scram."She said.

"I can't imagine Dylan's face if you tell him to transfer to Beijing with your dad."I said.

"He'll go ballistic. I know."She laugh.

"You take a rest first. Then we go out for dinner and a grocery for the kitchen."She said. And tug me inside the room.I look back at the building and let Feli tug me inside." Tumawa siya.

"Wait,what's TGE mean?"I ask.

"The Golden Empire." She said.

"You seemed mad at the owner Fel?" I ask.

"Because that man,ten years ago. He changed Chinese traditon. He went agaisnt his family's choosen wife. And one more thing, he even changed the family's emblem. Showing his family the power he has over them." She said.

I massage my bracelet on my hands. 10 years ago? But The bracelet was in me before that. Why do we have an identical one. Their logo and my bracelet

"We supply their building caffetteria with pastries," Feli added.

"Huh? Really?" I ask.

"Yeah,The document I emailed you last two months ago. That's the contract."She explained.

Maybe that's whay I am troubled because I saw their logo on that email and didn't notice. There is no connection with my bracelet and their logo.

"Let's go to Ysobelle,Feli. We'll eat their."I said.

"Are you sure you're not tired?" She ask.

"No,I'm not. I am more excited to explore the city by night."I said. She nodded and I change my clothes to fresh ones. Then we head out. Feli said we will take the Metro from here to Ysobelle.

She told me,we will buy a bike tomorrow. So that I can have my morning cardio in the park.

We are going to Coco Park, where you can find many bars,shopping malls and everything in one spot. That's where Ysobelle is located

The city started to get lively in this part of the city. It's the time where people flock for refreshments and recreations.

When we arrive at Ysobelle, I was greeted by employees. They introduce themselves to me. They are locals that can speak English fluently. For Ysobelle is well known to western cuisine and pastries. The cozy ambience of Ysobelle will make you feel that you are eating at home. I find my spot here, The secluded part of Ysobelle. where there's plants and the tables are farther away from each other.It's the quite part of the Cafe. I seated and look arround from the people busy eating. Feli help for a while in the counter. She told me to settle down first for I am banned from helping today. When my eyes darted from the glass wall across the street. I felt a tug in my heart. I saw a familiar figure. Who is he? He wears a cap and a mask. He has his sunglasses and he wears all black.

I gasp when he looks at me. His gaze seems breaking the glass wall and his sunglasses. I startled when a crew get my attention for the food was being serve.

When I look back. The man disappeared.


Someone's POV

"Master,"Hu Tian, My most trusted bodyguard entered. He bowed. I nodded in response. "The Miss just arrived in Shenzhen this afternoon. She's now settled in her condo unit.With her friend." Hu Tian reported.

"Did they go out?" I asked.

"Shì,about 20 minutes ago. They went to Coco Park." Hu Tian answered.

"I want to see her. " I said. And stood up releasing my tie and discarded my coat.

"Master let her settled down first. Before-" Hu Tian cut me.

"I won't show myself.Yet." I answered. "Not Yet, Hu Tian. "

Then Hu Tian calls security. Just the few trusted one's. We used big bikes. So that no paparazzi won't know I go out at the Empire. I wear a cap, sunglasses and a face mask. When we parked I hurriedly went to the otherside of the street. I can see her from here.

She is Smiling to the crew. Didn't she realize she looks amazing everytime she smiles. Her long, black, wavy hair rustled on the soft breeze of the aircondition. She is looking good now. Not stressed and lonely. I was astounded when she looked at me. Her forehead creased. I moved out when her crew give her food. I peek to see her one Last Time.

'Li-li' I whispered.