Fast Learner

: Allanskie is 20 years old

: He lived anywhere

: He is a traveler and Adventurer

: He likes hot girls with big booty

: As he started to travel the whole Philippines

As a traveler and learner Allanskie finds work that he never worked before he entered a company he feels like he will have a high salary as he expected but the company only hires a janitor only Allanskie have no choice but to accept it. He started working as a janitor he cannot focus because he has a lot of workmates that are very attractive this pervert man looks in a boob and butt he cannot focus on cleaning because of it murmuring his imagination in thinking about them. He cleans all surfaces comfort room and any other surfaces he got bump by the chairman of the company Miss Kagra she's angry at him he told Allanskie " hey dickhead watch where you going or you'll end up finding another job" Allanskie replied " I'm sorry ma'am my bad" but in mind of Allanskie he imagine the chairman like in heaven because the chairman is very hot and strict. Allanskie is very wild imagining his boss with him making love " yeah" while cleaning surfaces singing song " lah lah lah oh yeah, never give up lah lah lah oh yea". Allanskie spotted the chairman come out of comfort room he immediately as if clean the comfort room but he kisses the bowl where the chairman sits Allanskie had an imagination again" wow boss sits here I can her butt is so hot yeah" he hug the bowl where chairman sits " oh yeah" singing while continuing to clean. Allanskie wanted to be promoted that he can go higher position he wanted to help them but it can so Allanskie practice his skills in the assembling system unit. Allanskie just sleeps everywhere he wants he has no money to rent house or room, he collects scraps of system units in trashes he practices very well that one day he can help his company to assemble. Earlier Allanskie goes to his work starting to clean up things all over surfaces while singing his favorite song" lah lah lah oh yeah" he works over time. Night comes his higher workmates seal their assembled system unit in a black plastic tight. Allanskie thought that the plastic is trash he didn't know that is was completely assembled system unit. So he throws all of it ten peaces of plastic not knowingly all of it is done assembled system unit. Day after chairman is very upset about it where are the system units because the order deadline is tomorrow they needed to deliver it for their costumer's order. the chairman looks at the security camera he noticed that Allanskie throw the system units. Allanskie arrives at the company "boom" he entered the door with a flying kick from the chairman. After the day all of them are very disappointed the deadline is tomorrow and they haven't assembled one yet. They're so sad that they can't comply with what their customer needed they got home so stressed and sad that it will affect their performance. Not knowingly the early morning all of them are surprised that there are ten assembled system unit in the room the chairman is asking everyone who made it but none of them know until one employee notice that there is a sticker named Allan employee told the boss" boss it could be Allanskie who assembled it" Boss replied " its impossible how could he do that" where is Allanskie now? the employee replied he already left boss, the boss replied to take care of this I think I can reach him I underestimated him his so precious I need to hurry now take care all of these for now guys.