Chapter 15

As soon as the puppet transformed to look like her , Robin instantly knew that this was surpass yourself challenge. Luckily for Robin she was already at a verge of breakthrough and she very well knew after fighting with the puppet for a few hours she would defiantly break through and hence surpassing herself. So without wasting time she started to fight with her look alike. And as she expected she broke through with few hours of the fight, and now she could easily defeat the puppet , yet Robin continued to fight the puppet for 10 more days. The was mainly to improve her proficiency in the newly learnt martial arts and stabilize her cultivation.

As soon as Robin ended the fight two exits opened and was informed that since she had successfully completed the trial of fire and could choose to stay for the reminder of the time to enter an optional challenge to improve understanding of laws of fire and maybe even comprehend something new or she could to head to other trials.

If she decided to take the optional challenge, she needed to improve either her understanding of fire laws or comprehend something new to successfully complete the challenge, if she did not manage to do so in the remainder of the time or decided to give early it would be considered as a failure. The punishment for failing was that she would never be able to improve understanding of fire laws in her entire life. Although the failure did not result in death, but it made sure that one could never improve again which would stifle one's future growth.

Robin had confidence in her comprehension skills hence chose to take the optional challenge.

Taking the exit that led towards the optional challenge, Robin was transported into yet another circular room. Within this room there were lightning bolts being produced very rapidly and these lightning bolt struck at random places, with a trace of worry Robin walked into the room and sat in lotus position waiting for lightning to strike.

Each time the lightning struck her it would travel through her body overcharging every fiber of the body , her body desperately wanted to get rid of this excess energy but she had to exert her willpower to suppress the body's urges and stay still. She circulated her neutral Qi through out her body which absorbed most of the lightning that was overcharging her body. Due to this absorption her neutral Qi was transforming into Lightning Qi, this was the first time she had observed lightning Qi. Upon closer analysis she sensed the many similarities her fire Qi shared with lightning and unsurprisingly when she decided to mix the two together, they blended together very easily and her fire lily absorbed the fused Qi, after the absorption the fire lily now had small sparks appearing now and then, drawing from her previous life's experiences she soon realised it wasnt just fire and lightning that were compatible even things like sound, light, shock waves produced after explosions or earthquake all shared similar features they were all different forms of energy,the food after digestion also produced a different type of energy which was used to fuel the body, while Robin was undergoing this enlightenment her Qi was also transforming into each type of energy she was analysing and fusing with the fire+lightning Qi that was already flowing in her body and each type was interacting with every cell of her body and baptizing it. Even the fire lily was absorbing the energy Qi , under the influence of the energy Qi it grew larger and changed colour from orange to yellow.

Robin now could actively wield any form of energy when she had the fire lily activated her dantian. The martial arts that she had learnt during the 5th challenge seemed to be compatible with all forms of energy as if it's creator had designed it with that intention.

The biggest surprise was even when had neutral Qi running through her body she could deflect and redirect the lighting. She quickly summoned her clones and found that even they could do the same.

She also realized that now when she used her observation Haki she could detect life energy too she could clearly sense the fire lilies outside her room.

Once she was done analysing all the apparent changes , she was informed that she had completed the optional challenge and had stayed in the tower for 1 year and 6 months.

She was then directly transported to the location of trial of water.