The letter was addressed to Dragon and was from professor Clover. Clover had described in detail regarding what he inferred from the poneglyph in Ohara. This was something Robin had never heard the professor mention as usually he insisted on deducing the meaning by oneself first and then discuss, even though he presided over many discussions never once had he shared his thoughts. Even the tone of the letter was that of one written to a dear friend. While Robin was reading the letter Dragon spoke" I would have shared more letters but I have destroyed all our previous correspondence to avoid falling it into wrong hands, this was the last letter he sent me and I keep it with me to always remember him. Hopefully this conveys my sincerity and dedication to end the oppression of the world government and bring back the prosperous way of void century. I will admit we do want to find the three ancient weapons too but only so that world government can't use it".
Robin read the letter twice before speaking " Although I won't join you but I will help you. You provide me with the information and intelligence, I will translate and send you any poneglyph I find. It will be up to you how you want to interpret it as I will only share the literal translation and not my opinion or what I understood. If you get any information on world government or it's allies' plans to do things similar to what happened in Ohara I will even lend you my fire power to prevent it"
Dragon although he wanted Robin to join their ranks, especially after personally witnessing her strength, was still happy with a mutually beneficial relationship.
Dragon offered her to check out their library if she wanted, Robin was more than happy to oblige.
She then spent nearly 6 months reading through the books. During the six months apart from turning the library upside down spent some time sparring with Dragon when ever he was in base. She was also welcomed to attend the meetings and intelligence briefing session along with other officers, though she attended a few meetings she never expressed her opinion on various decisions taken. She was now up to date on most relevant things like clam belt and grandline's weather that had previously bamboozled her, she knew the important Marines and all available information regarding them.
She also spent some time with the kids teaching them basic martial arts she learnt in her previous life, this was was way more powerful than what they were learning and if perfected it wouldn't loose out to marine's Rokushiki. Seeing it power Dragon forced most of the adults to learn it too.
Most importantly she had sent a few of clones to various locations with help of Squirt to collect any information from various underworld branches. This also was a method to bamboozle the Cipher Pol agents, since there was money offered to people who informed about her whereabouts, she collaborated with a few friendly locals to split the reward 50/50. She would then lead the agents to alleyways before dispersing her clones. She used the money to decorate the interiors of Squirt.
Robin first decided to visit Fish-man Island, as Hack had told her about the poneglyph present there. Dragon tried once more to recruit her but she turned him down. The revolutionaries were not aware of the existence of Squirt , so they had prepared a small coated ship capable of being manned by a single person and an eternal pose to Fish-man island, when they saw Robin jump into the sea they were stunned for a moment and shocked the next when Squirt came ashore. After loading all the food stored in the ship into her newly decorated kitchen inside Squirt's shell , she finally left Baltigo.