Chapter 25

Robin spent had already spent couple of months in the Fish-Man island, although Hack had told her there was a poneglyph on the island he did not know the exact location. Robin also did not want to ask the Royal Family directly for its location. So she just went about enjoying her time on the island while subtly asking locals about poneglyphs. She enjoyed the company of the mermaids in the mermaid cafe, they to enjoyed dressing up Robin in various outfits and accessories, Robin had become the little sister of all the mermaids present there.

What surprised Robin the most was the hospitality residents of the island provided to the human pirates that came here, before entering the second stretch of grand-line, the new world. It had been just three years since Whitebeard, an extremely power pirate dubbed as one of four the emperors of the sea, claimed that fishman island was under his protection to stop the kidnapping of the merfolk and fishpeople by the visiting pirates. The kidnapped were usually sold as slaves especially to the World Nobles aka Celestial Dragons, these were the descendants of the kings who founded the current World Government. She discovered that it was the queen that had convinced the fishpeople and merfolk to treat the humans nicely, while interacting with the locals.

It was yet another slow day for Robin, today she had decided to visit the Fish Man district, to check out the huge ship that was visible even from the main island. She had recently found out that the giant ship had been there for ever. The fish-man district was a bit away from the main island as a result it was a common hideout place for man unsavory characters, from what she had found out lawlessness prevailed in the district, many of her newly made acquaintances warned her not to go and a lonely 13 year old human girl she will definitely be targeted by someone or the other there.

Robin after reassuring them about her safely , she left for the the district. Even though Robin had guessed that the Ship was huge, the closer she got more she was stunned by its size. While walking towards ship she had already noticed many gazes of ill intent on her. It wasn't untill she reached the middle of the district that some of them decided to act, Robin not wanting to attract too much attention had silently dealt with them by cutting of their air supply but soon she realized that the number of people who want to harm her kept increasing in spite of having taken care of a few of them already, so she decided to take out the strongest group aiming her in front of everyone so that the others could stop bothering her.

The strongest group were a bunch of human pirates, Robin could sense that their captain had awakened Observation Haki, though it was just at initial stages , she also guessed there might be couple of devil fruit users in the crew. The captain had his men surround Robin, only cause Robin let him which he of course didn't know, then he spoke loudly "It truly must be my lucky day, not only did I manage to kidnap a few sexy mermaids but now The demon of Ohara delivers herself to me so that I can claim the 130 million bellies on her head. So now miss Robin will you obediently accept your fate or will we actually have to kill a 13 year old girl ?"

Robin was surprised with claim of kidnapping mermaids so she asked " You acctually kidnapped mermaids? Arent you afraid of White beards wrath ? "

" Hahahaha look at her she is asking about random mermaids rather than worrying about herself " said the captain to while looking at his right hand man. " You still dont get the situation you are in do you? I guess end of the day you are still an immature brat who thinks she can escape. Let me tell you , you are completely surrounded by my men and including myself there are 3 devil fruit users in my crew "

" Are these all your men ?" Asked Robin while pointing at a bunch of men who had been lifted up and caught in a giant hand each. The captain was shocked as he dint even get to notice Robin using her devil fruit powers. Before he could process what was happening the giant hands holding each of them disappeared after throwing them near the captain. But when the men landed near the captain, instead of getting up like the captain expected they were still lying down, when the righthand man checked the condition of his crew mates a cold sweat ran down he back when realised what had happened to them. He spoke in a hushed voice " Boss they are all electrocuted, although not dead it will take several weeks for them to recover"

The captain was still not phased by Robin's display of power " Hmmph so you got some capabilities after all, so what you took out these guy they were all lowest members of the crew any way," after taking out a small denden mushi he ordered " James shoot her dead " but before he could disconnect a large explosion was heard on the other end , yet the projectile shot never came.

" If you were expecting the sniper the fire, I am sorry to tell you that he also has been incapacitated. And his injuries are far more serious than these idiots"

Robin had long since switched from her flower of self mode to fire lily mode, that allowed her use attack with different forms of energy, against these lower tier members she had made a lightning infused flower bloom on them which ended up electrocuting them, then she made the explosive flower appear near the sniper which blew up grievously wounding him. The poor guy dint even get a chance to show his skills let alone devil fruit power.

Sure enough when the captain and his first mate looked in the direction where the sniper was supposed to be , they saw a thin line of smoke rising up, now enraged the captain suddenly transformed into a giant monkey and charged towards Robin, while the first mate transformed his hand into snake and attacked Robin along the sides, although enraged they did have a battle plan where the captain would attack from the front and the first mate cover the sides and back to make Robin unable to retreat and having to deal with both at once.

Robin performed a roundhouse kick while shock-wave Qi active which produced powerful shock-waves which hit both of the pirates even before they could come close to Robin. The shock-wave complete wrecked both of them completely pulverizing their bones and knocking most of their teeth out of their mouth. Robin slowly approached them so she could extract the location of the kidnapped mermaids.

Both the pirates were in severe pain and when they saw Robin approach them they got very scared and started singing like a canary even before Robin could ask anything.

"The mermaids are locked up in a bar three blocks from here, you can free them but remember by interfering with our business you are making an enemy out of Joker the boss of underworld. We were ordered by him to capture Mermaid for upcoming auction, we will treat as if none of these happened."

Robin dint really bother and went towards the direction of the bar where the kidnapped mermaid were and freed them. The mermaids thanked Robin and vowed to never come back to the district and left.

All the events that had transpired barely took a minute , among the people who watched the carnage were 2 shark fish-boys. The younger one told elder one " Bro that human seems strong even though she is small, maybe if we defeat her we can show the island people that fishmen are superior to humans and they we are born to rule humans"

Older one looked curiously at the Robin before deciding to continue to follow her