Chapter 30

When Robin and Rayleigh were about to lock horns the trio had woken up, they were joined by Hatchan who has just arrived, although confused for a moment about what had happened and where they were, they quickly realized that Robin and Rayleigh were about to spar and focused their attention to the fight hoping to grasp something that will help them get stronger.

Robin decided to use only her physical strength and speed to test the waters and did not use her devil fruit powers. Rayleigh had similar idea and did not use his Armament Haki as he did not see her use it but was fooled by the fact Robin had passive armament Haki effect. So when their fists met Rayleigh was thrown backwards while Robin had to step a few steps back. Both were stunned by the power of their opponent, Rayleigh was stunned due to fact that he felt armament Haki when his fist came in contact with Robin's even though he did not see her use it while Robin was stunned by the fact that Rayleigh had managed to push her back with only his raw strength, she knew if he had used Armament Haki she would be one to be thrown back after the collision as she didn't use any metallic Qi to reinforce herself.

Rayleigh got up and started to stretch once again , while stretching he said " Not bad lass, you seem to have some rare form Armament Haki that appears to be passive, but let me warn you if you were relying on that solely it's useless as it's strength is at best equal to that of an intermediate level."

"Stop chit chatting middle aged old man and let's continue our fight"

Suddenly there was change in Rayleigh, his easy going attitude was replaced by seriousness and he quickly dashed towards Robin, the trio even with their observation haki couldn't track Rayleigh, but for Robin it was but a child's play. Looking at him approach her she realized that he was trying to sneak behind her while creating an illusion that he will be clashing head on, Robin not waiting for Rayleigh to execute his attack dash forward with the same speed as him to stop him in his tracks, when she countered his attack, she said " Is this all you got old man ? There I was expecting a good fight but I guess I made mountain out of molehill". Rayleigh had fought many types of opponents during his time in the sea but never till now had his opponents words taunted him and made him loose his cool, yet this little brat's words, who was barely quarter his age, had successfully made him loose his cool and effect his rational thinking, now all he could think was he needed to teach the brat a lesson in respecting elders. He just went all out, all though the increase in power and speed of his attacks were sudden Robin wasnt caught off guard but all she could do was defend against his flurry of attacks. Seeing this Rayleigh thought now would be just a test of endurance , but once again he had underestimated the little brat. Robin knew Rayleigh was not yet using his full power while she had hit the limit in her physical capabilities also she could see various opening and chances of counter attack she wasnt fast enough to act on them without using her devil fruit powers hence all she could do was defend but this situation wasn't ideal as in terms of endurance there is no way she, with a still to mature body could outlast someone who had just steeped out of his prime.

Robin quickly stepped several steps back and immediately changed her Qi to lightning Qi, this was the first time she was using lightning Qi along side her metal Qi that was boosting the strength of her passive armament haki. She was really surprised by the interaction of the two Qis , the lighting Qi was flowing inside her metal Qi and making sparks around her due to slight leakage of the lightning of the Qi from her skin, she realized that now her skin had electrical properties i.e if some one causally touched her would definitely be electrocuted.

Rayleigh was surprised seeing the changes in Robin, he knew it was due to devil fruit but wasnt sure which as he had never seen something like that before, "Brat looks like you got too many hidden aces no matter let me see what you're capable of" said Rayleigh before once again charging towards Robin, but now with the aid of lightning Qi Robin was easily able to match her observation Qi and pushed Rayleigh on the defensive now. But Robin did not dare underestimate him as she knew he had at least one more trick left in his back, the mysterious suppressive force he had unleashed earlier.

Sure enough when Rayleigh was pushed back once again ,he decided to go all out and end this game of see-saw and now all his attacks were imbued with the suppressive force, although Robin had withstood this force earlier that was just a small part of its full power. Robin's senses were being overwhelmed as her instincts kept screaming danger and knew she had only option for the incoming attack that was to dodge as even blocking the blow could lead to end of the spar in Rayleigh's favor. She had to dodge each incoming attack while not letting her will be dominated while maintaining the speed , all this was drain out her Qi at extremely fast rate. Similarly Rayleigh was in no better position either as Robin had superior Observation Haki than his and was taking full advantage of the small openings and flaws in his attacks, he feel a mysterious electrical energy enter his body every time he was struck which was slowing him down by paralysing his muscles, due to this energy he was finding difficulty in making his body move in the way he wanted but he knew now all he had to do was to try to outlast the brat.

But before the battle could conclude suddenly a pair of hand emerged from no where pulling both Robin and Rayleigh's ears, which was followed by loud yelling " I specifically told you to not wreck the basement, now you two look at what you have done " Both of them looked at the source of voice one with shock while the other with horror, but both of them saw the same thing a face full of anger that just wanted to beat the living hell of both of them.