Act: 2 Part:1

Everyone stares at Gideon and Murphy wide-eyed. Ryan is the first to speak up, "You're kidding right? It can't be the actual cure, where's the proof?" Gideon turns to Murphy and nods. Murphy walks up the where the campfire is, making sure his body is as visible to everyone as possible, once he is sure, he lifts up his shirt and takes off his shoes, everyone gasps. All across Murphy's body is bite marks, deep scars from teeth digging into his flesh, they travel from his chest all the way down to his feet. Gideon steps beside him, putting a hand on his shoulder, "32 in total, on his chest, back, feet, legs, the whole nine yards, that's how many times he was tested, that's how many times he hasn't turned, and that's how many times that this is proof that we still have a chance to fix everything."

David eyes Murphy up and down. "So you're saying that there are people who can survive this thing? Could we be immune too?" Gideon rubs the back of his neck, "Well, yes and no, yes because Murphy is proof that some people can survive the infection, no because I wouldn't go testing it, you can't just look at someone and figure out that they're immune, that's why he's bitten so much, we had to make sure." Ryan thinks to himself, trying to find holes in this odd story. "So if he's been tested, why not make the cure where you were at? Why are you alone out here?" Gideon sighs, "We had a facility awhile back, but some asshole couldn't take the pressure of being stuck there, so he escaped one night, got caught by bandits, was tortured, and then killed very, very violently. But before that traitor died, he told the bandits about the facility, about the medicine and all the other supplies we had, and you know how bandits are...they wanted all of it." Gideon begins to stare at the ground, re-living that nightmare. "You can figure out the rest of the story..." Gideon sits down by the fire, staring into it.

Ryan begins to move beside Gideon while rubbing the stubble on his chin, "So what's your plan now? Why trust us?" Gideon doesn't take his eyes from the fire, "There's a CDC lab down in Hawaii, after using the power of critical assessment, I've discovered that I can't do this alone, I need help whether I like it or not..." He turns and looks Ryan in the eyes, "...And you guys don't look like bandits."

David steps up, "Listen, as fun as all this sounds, I don't know if you noticed but Hawaii is across the country and across water, it's just-" Gideon stands up and cuts him off, "You think I don't know that?" David puts both of his hands up and backs away from Gideon, "Look...I know that I'm asking is alot, I don't blame you, but this needs to be done, I need help, don't all of you want this to end? The fighting? The hunger? We could rebuild everything if we get this man to Hawaii." Everyone nods, Gideon's works obviously taking affect. Ryan steps up, "You know, I hear alot of bullshit from time-to-time, but this..." Ryan looks around to everyone, "...this can work, we'll do it." Ryan shakes Gideon's hand. David looks to Jay, "Alright then, let's go to Hawaii..."