
Mia's Pov




"Nice". I said to myself.

Capturing the beauty of the garden is definitely fun.

After taking a good amount of pictures, I propped up my things and headed to Mr. Lee.

He sees the outlet of all the pics and finalizes the best one.

"Ok, good job mia". He said amused at my work.

He always seems to forget at how good my works are.

We had worked together for a couple of times but nevertheless he gives me the same amused expression.

"Even if you piss me off at the start of the day, you cover that up with your good work".

He said with a warm smile.

I am one of those rare person who has seen him smiling.

He doesn't look like a person who smiles often.

Even if he seems grumpy and moody, he is a nice person otherwise.

Always encourages others to follow their passion and complete every task with full hard work.

"Thank you Mr.lee".

"Lets move to the next stop!".


Jimin's POV

We were having a three day off after our massive concert in Osaka.

It feels good to take some break through these heavily packed schedules.

But due to my bad performance yesterday, I couldn't help but practise.


I stopped and turned around to see tae standing with a bottle of water and a towel on the other hand.

"You need to relax". He said while passing me the bottle.

"Thanks man". I chucked the whole water at once.

"Did you hear me? Relax!". He said again.

"I will! Once I have mastered all the flaws in the performance". I said frustrated.

I had told everyone not to bother me but every ten to fifteen minutes there is someone with a water bottle telling me to stop and relax.

"You can't master the things you don't have".

"What do you mean?".

"You can't master the flaws you don't have!".

Nice try to stop me.

"Thanks for the encouragement, now GO".

"No! I won't, until and unless you are out of this room".

Its difficult to convince tae. He is my bestfriend after all and cares a lot. So its understandable as to why he is so stubborn to leave.

"Tae I pro-".

"No! You are getting out right now".

"Do you know Jimin?, what are the armies talking about?".

I raised my eyebrow.


"That how their angel park Jimin is being too hard on him self when armies want nothing but for him to relax".

They notice it all. I don't deserve them.

I know its obvious that I am working too hard. But what can I do about my insecurities, they get the best of me.

"So are you coming or I will have to carry you?". He said mischeaviously.

"The second option seems tempting".


"I wanted to talk to you guys.....about something which has been bothering me".

They all looked at me.

"Go ahead jimin, speak it up. Don't keep anything to yourself". Hobi hyung said.

The others nodded.

"For as long as I can remember, there is this certain voice or someone or feeling, I don't know, which seems like its inside my head".

"And sometimes it would speak to me when I am feeling down but-".

"Speak to you?". Jungkook asked.

"Like in my mind, very faint voice but a sweet one".

I smiled to myself thinking about that voice, it was really sweet and full of pure love.

"Seems like someone is fond of the voice". Tae teases.

"Even sweeter than your voice hyung?". There goes jungkook.

"Will you all stop teasing me".

I glared at the pair.

They giggled.

"Continue, even if we know where you are headed towards". Tae said smiling.

I continued even though I was confused at his statement.

He talks gibberish most of the time.

"But recently that voice has become clearer and regular, you know after that 'incident'".

They all seem to understand.

"Telling me all kinds of encouraging things".

I looked at boys and found them smiling at me.

"Hey, don't try to make fun of me, even I don't know whats happening and why".

"But we do". Jin hyung said.

"You do".

Suddenly they hugged me, startling me.

"Congrats Jimin".

"He finally is getting some sign".

"I was starting to think he doesn't have one".

"..what are-..".

And then it hit me. Their non sense has started again.

"Don't even start with that shit-".

"No jimin, now that you are getting the signs, you need to belive it". Yoongi hyung said.

"That voice is non other than your soulmate's voice". Hobi hyung announced.