
Mia's POV

"How did it go?". Chae asked.

"Fine". Was all I said.

She sighed.

"See what I made?". She squeaked excitedly, dragging me towards the kitchen.

My eyes shined at the sight infront of me.

She had prepared hot spicy fried chicken with kimchi fried rice and yes my favorite corn spinach soup.

"I love you so much chaee!". I jumped on her, clutching her into a bone crushing hug.

She pre prepared. Knowing that after I am done with the call I wouldnt be in a good mood.

And this has already cheered me up.

"Oh god! Get away, you stink". She made a disgusted face.


"Babe stop whining, we need to celebrate and get you prepared for- oh my, I cant even pronounce the name now, so get you prepared for-".

"BTS!!". We shouted together and laughed.

It all seems like a beautiful dream.

If it is then please, let me sleep forever.

10 days later...

Finally on my way to reach the destination which is going to change my life forever.

Yes! I am on my way to bighit studio.

Mr. Byun told me all the important things regarding this whole project.

He said that the project would take place in seoul itself which means no travelling and also that I would be dismissed back to my home at the end of the day.

The rest of the details regarding the theme extra about the shooting will be told to me by the representatives at the agency.

So here I am, in a cab to reach bts. I am extremely nervous about the whole thing, coming  face to face with the boys, I just hope I dont do something stupid and loose the golden opportunity.

I am low-key freaking out, maybe because its such a big project with SUCH A big group but also there is this tingling sensation which is running throughout my whole body.

Its a very weird feeling, that is making me feel good but also somewhat anxious too.

I am feeling as if one part of me wants to just get out of this slow moving cab and run at a supersonic speed to the studios but the other part wants to tell the driver to turn the car in the opposite direction and get me back to home.

Weird right?

But thats what I am feeling right now, these types of thoughts werent present when I was excitedly talking to Mr. Byun about the whole thing but as soon as my thoughts drifted towards me standing infront of the boys, the internal conflict started.

I sighed and looked out of the window.

The weather is quite unusual today, sometimes the clouds hide the bright rays of the shining sun, which to everyone's relief is nice as they would not get tortured by its heat but sometimes the clouds drift from the mighty sun's path and once again everyone has to suffer the unbearable heat and light.

Seems like the weather is in contrast with my mood today, one minute I feel sad and anxious and another minute I feel extremely happy and calm.

Which is the exact thing I am feeling right now, happy and calm, it feels like all my worries, my tensions are washed away and I am making a new start.

'I am feeling different today'.

The beautiful voice ringed through my mind to the ears.

I can feel his happiness, I can even make out that he's smiling a beautiful smile, even  though I haven't seen him but I can feel it. Its after a long time that he's feeling like this.

I am talking about my soulmate.

It was his voice, he tried to communicate with me for the first time.

I was the one who approached him first when he was feeling down, it is very hard to communicate when you havent even met your mate but if your feelings and determination is strong then nothing is impossible.

I wiped the 'happy' tears which flowed by listening to my mate's voice.

At least he doesnt hate me.

Even I am feeling different today, my heart is anticipating some kind of hidden happiness which is soon to come my way.

My brain is trying to figure out why am I feeling like this, what is about to come which it doesnt know.

My thoughts were short lived as the driver announced-

"We are here".

I quickly recovered from my inner dilemma and paid for the cab before walking towards the agency.

Somehow the tingling sensation started to increase as I took one step nearer to the agency.

This is weird!

I ignored the feeling and made my way inside, telling the receptionist about my project and handing her the papers.

She smiled towards me, before leading me towards a certain door.

"Here, the manager would be there and he'll let you know the rest of the things". I nodded towards her.

Taking a deep breath I knocked on the door.

"Come in". Said a deep voice.

Lets get it mia!

Entering the room, I saw a tall man hurrying around the room in an attempt at collecting things.

" See if you guys are here to p-". He stopped when he saw me standing at the entrance giving a tight smile.

"Sorry! I thought you are one of the members". He scratched his head in embarrassment.

Member!!? Mia calm down.

"That's okay". I still had that tight fake smile.

" You must be Kung Mia, the new photographer".

I nodded.

"Actually we are kind of running late, so I'll let you know everything later".

" Um but I was informed to arrive at sharp eleven am and I dont think that I am late".

"Yes, you're not, its just we are late!".

" Okay?". I said confused. I mean what is that supposed to mean?

"So lets go mia-shii". He smiled at me.

"Okay Sir".

I don't know where the hell he was taking me but where ever it was, my heart was sure hella excited to go there, it was beating at such an abnormal speed that I was sure it was going to come out of my chest any minute.

We came to halt in front of the back door?

He turned towards me.

"I dont know if you are a fan or not but if you are then please don't freak out, there have been these kinds of cases so I just wanted to inform".

I nodded.

Freak out!! What kind of project is this.

We got out of the building.

As soon as my eyes landed on the sight in front of me, my heart started hammering inside my chest, I started breathing heavily, my brain was bursting with happiness for no reason.

In front of me was none other than bts, all the seven members, and on top of that they were looking at me, confused.

Even if all of them were present there, I could not keep my eyes away from only one member which happens to be Jimin.

He seems to feel the tension too as he looked at me as if he was mesmerized by me.

All the six looked back and forth between me and Jimin and after a minute of a staring contest between me and jimin, they smiled.

" Are you okay?". The manager asked me.

But my mind was too busy admiring the beauty stood in front of me.

What is this feeling??

What is happening??

I could feel the others saying something but my mind wasn't registering anything.

I started to make my way towards him and as if on cue, Jimin did the same.

When we were standing just a few inches away from each other, we just stared as if we couldn't get enough of each other's presence.

I could feel his heartbeat beating in the same sync as mine.

He slowly brought his hand to my face, the warmth of his hand which was going to make contact with my skin made me feel funny inside my stomach.

But rather than his hand making contact with my face, it intertwined both of our hands.

Pure bliss was what I felt at his skin contact, feeling as if I could melt right then and there.

We tried to break free even, if my mind and heart was screaming the opposite but we stopped as soon as we saw a symbol started to form on our wrist of the opposite hand which were intertwined beautifully.