
Jimin's POV

"Ahhh". I groaned in pain.

My head was pounding with immense pain, my heart was clenching at the separation, my whole body was churning with pain and was burning hot.

"Its okay jiminie". Jin hyung caressed my hair.

I shook my head furiously.

"It hurts". I whimpered.

They all looked at me with sympathy and dejection.

"Who's at fault. Huh?". Yoongi hyung asked softly.

Tears welled up in my eyes, the pain increased.

"You share ' The Heart ' with your soulmate, even a little bit of separation will hurt and you just rejected her". Tae said and dabbed by head with cold water.

"I-I d-d-didnt mean to, I s-swear, I was j-jus-".

"Shhh~, its okay".

"We'll solve it all tomorrow, okay?".

I hummed.

My body was exhausted with pain, and so I slept..

Slept the pain away.

Mia's POV


"ITS THE HEART!!". Someone shouted.

This was so unexpected, so surreal to believe and even though I am afraid, I am also excited.

Afraid that it is Jimin-ssi who is my soulmate, the person who had these mild anxieties and self disappointment. Excited that finally I can meet the one and help him through everything.

Afraid because I am having the bond of a heart with my mate and also excited that we'll share such a special and rare bond with each other.

"I....". He started to speak but trailed away.

The earlier happiness, relief, contentment on his face all gone and begin replacing with a frown.

The urge to jump on him and trap him in my embrace increased with each passing second but I resisted, thinking that maybe he'll initiate the first move.

But rather something surprising and heartbreaking happened.

"This...this is not correct..". He said barely above a whisper, but being so close to him I heard it.


"This is not correct! I-I..I can't!! I'm sorry!!". He said in a hurry, snatching his hands away from mine and running inside the building.

Almost immediately I felt a surging pain shoot up my wrist which was held by my mate seconds ago.

The mate who just rejected me!!

The mate who was sorry for not accepting me!!


And that's the epitome of my limits to bear with everything and I started to have a full breakdown then and there, not caring about how all the others were giving me a sympathetic look.

Someone helped me up, placing their hands on my shoulder led me into the building.

Sat me on the couch near the reception and spoke

"Please calm down". He said softly.

On looking at the kind figure I discovered it was one of the members Jin-ssi and two others standing behind.

"B-but..". I was interrupted by my own tears which were pouring out as though they wont ever stop.

I am not a person who'll show her weak side to just anyone or everyone, I am rather composed and quiet controlled but not after just being dejected by the most important person in my life.

"Calm down. We understand this is a difficult time but just know that he'll talk this out tomorrow, we know something you dont".

I listened but couldnt help the tears.

"Please provide her with a glass of water". It was the other member Yoongi-ssi who spoke.

"Hey, dont cry. I am your hope your my so dont loose your hope". Hoseok-ssi tried to cheer me up.

But failed, this is all too much.

They sighed and left. I could still hear them conversing.

"Try to contact some of her friends or relatives. She needs to relax and take her mind off the mess that jimin created". The last part spoken in a whisper.

This cant be happening!!


I cant be this unlucky!!!


"NOOO!!!". I shot upright from my slumber.

"This cant be real!!". I shouted.

Chae who had slept beside me due to my bad day woke up abruptly.

"W-what happened?!".

"He doesnt want me chae, he doesnt want me!!". I started to panic, too tired to cry.


She helped me back in the bed, massaging my head in an attempt to bring me back to my slumber.

"Everthing will be okay..I promise".

