The city lights cascaded the restless Seoul streets as pedestrians wonder here and about to the safety of their homes in haste. Small and large businesses alike began their early evening routines which consist of locking up their precious shops and business inquiry destinations.
Despite 8 pm being the contrary of late, those who value their lives think otherwise. But unfortunately, there are some who enjoys the thrill of their lives being put at the devils mercy.
In the distance, a 'lonesome' trio of thrill stricken young women happily parade themselves down the now vacant streets of Seoul in search of an unknown death.
Nothing but the sound of flickering lights and a feverish cold tickles the air. Dim lit street lights complemented by the lone stricken moon was the only source of radiance for miles away. By first glance, one would believe this city is nothing but a ghost town. But despite the smell of danger lingering the air, the women continue to strut their way down the narrow sidewalks...awaiting their 'fate'.
"Hana, how far away from The Lounge are we?", one of the women tiredly ask her friend as they continued walking. "I'm so tired. We've been walking for 30 minutes straight. I literally feel like my ankles are going to snap in these heels-"
"Ugh, will you stop complaining Lea. We're almost there. Just keep walking", Hana lazily responds to her out of annoyance, which immediately makes their friend Jen scoff. "You said that fifteen minutes ago. Are you sure we aren't lost? It's starting to get really creepy out here"
Hana pauses in her steps then looks around nervously, making the others follow.
"What is it? I-Is their something wrong", Lea ask with terror vacant in her eyes.
Jen joins in. "Yeah, this place is giving me the creeps. All I wanted to do was go to the club and see some cute 'Pretty' ones, but I don't think this was a good idea. I want to go home, now! We're totally lost".
Hana turns around slowly to meet the others eyes, then takes a long sigh.
"L-Look guys, we're not lost alright! I've been through this route a dozen times before. We're going to be fine, okay?", she nervously exclaimed. The two women almost saw past her untruthful tale, but instead they shrugged it off and continued following behind her footsteps. Unknown that there were hungry eyes watching their every move.
The trio continued walking for a little while longer until they came face to face with a dark secluded ally way which was placed between two tall buildings made from brick.
In order to keep her pride, Hana quickly comes up with a mindless idea that could possibly put them all in danger.
"O-Oh, we're almost there. All we have to do is go through that scary ally way. C'mon guys!". Hana begins strutting onwards cheerfully before realizing the others weren't following.
She turns around to witness their disbelieving glares.
"What are you guys doing? C'mon lets
"You've got to be kidding me! I'm not going through that fucking ally Hana", Jen angrily exclaimed.
"Yeah! Me neither. You've got some nerve thinking that we are going in ther-"
"Can you two just shut up! Jesus! I'm sick and tired of hearing you guys whining like a bunch of pussy's", Hana exclaimed in outrage, running her hands through her hair like a mad man.
After rambling on for a little bit, she eventually calmed herself and sighed. "L-Look, the entrance to the club is supposed to look a little creepy because it's a secret event! Got that? There's no need to be afraid".
Jen crosses her arms and scoffs in disbelief "No, fuck this! I'm not falling for that Hana. If you guys want to be killed, be my guess. I'm going home", she declared before turning around, strutting across the pavement angrily into the pits of darkness and fog.
Hana gasped in anger before she shouted, "F-Fine! We didn't need you anyways bitch. We'll meet and have fun with all the 'Pretty' ones without you!".
Hana looked at Lea's shaking figure. "C'mon Lea, let's go".
Now both Hana and Lea are steadily walking through the shady maze like ally, clutching to each other like glue. Their eyes are non-stop at work, looking for any source of dangerous behavior from the dark depths of shadows.
While in pursuit of their non-existing destination, Lea ask Hana in a whisper, "H-Hey, do you think Jen will be okay out there on her own? It's extremely dangerous to be walking alone this late at night."
Hana rolls her eyes . "She'll be fine. Trust me, it was her decision to-", Hana notices Lea pausing in her steps, which immediately makes her follow. She soon shoots a glare at her, ready to ask her why the sudden lack in movement until she notices Lea's fearfully staring at something ahead. Slowly, Hana traces her eyes towards the direction Lea's are until she comes face to face with a dark silhouette in the shallows.
Both of the women back up steadily in fear, eyes still remaining glued to the mysterious figure during every step of the way. Abruptly, the unknown figure releases a mischievous chuckle.
"It's okay girls. We don't 'bite'", the figure announces with trouble vacant in his tone.
Both of the girls stood confused, thinking as to what he meant by 'we' until his figure stepped out of the dark shadows and into the moonlight.
Mostly out of fear and the lack of light, It took some time for the women to realize how beautiful this man really looked.
He wore blonde wavy looks that sat upon his forehead in bliss. Sharp eyes that bore into their souls full of lust and hunger which complemented his small lips and refined nose. He stood more taller and sophisticated than any
other human being they've seen before. To the women, he looked as if he was was crafted by satan himself. But little did they know, he was.
Hana and Lea gawked at him in admiration. Their fear instantly replaced with awe and glee. Both of them wondered how something so beautiful as him could even exist, until they both looked at each other in realization....
He's a 'Pretty one' which is humans code name for a vampires.
'I guess we don't have to go to a club anymore', Hana smirked mischievously as she thought to herself.
She the confidently steps forward with her hand outstretched to him. "Hello, my name is Park Hana. And you are?", Hana stated seductively before giving him a sly wink.
Lea gasped silently in disbelief thinking 'what the fuck is she doing?'.
The vampire smirked at Hana's foolish behavior before proceeding to shake her hand in return. "My name is Lee Jooheon, nice to meet you. But I doubt you'll be saying the same thing for me pretty soon".
His smirk grew even bigger as Hana realized the hand she had shook his with became soaked with a sticky substance. Her eyes remained glued to him as the 'Pretty' one proceeds to step closer to Hana's frightened face, slowly leaning down until his lips softly caress her ear before he darkly says, "By the way, your little friend was delicious".
Both Hana and Lana's faces sink, tears invading their eyes in disbelief and fear. "This cant be true, you're lying", Lana hoarsely whispers in a shaky breath as Hana remains still in shock. Lana shakes her in disbelief, repeating "no" over and over again before slowly backing away and making a run for it, only to be stoped by two other figures smirking at her shaking figure. Hana instantly snaps out of her frozen state before stepping away from the vampire as well. As her eyes remained blurry with tears and her figure dangerously shakes out of fear, Hana slowly looks at her hand, which she regrets instantly...
It was covered in thick cold blood.
And that's when a stomach curling scream echoed through the air.